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The Way Women Today are treated.

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Answer Man, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Same goes for me. My managers (most are women) expect me to dress a certain way (to make the store look trendy, heck, I'm some sort of accessory). It's not really me but it helps me get the rent paid. But I'm not the extreme here, I only work at some trendy retail store. So like the Porn Stars, it happens to Men as well. What women have fought for in the past were equal rights. It seems to be happening in my opinion.
  2. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    The way women are treated today is a huge problem, and it is the fault of many factors. There are people (im not saying just men there are women too) who believe that women should be treated as the lesser sex in our population (though i do not understand this viewpoint) its true. Another major problem is the way women are shown in media, in ads women are shown as objects, and when an ad shows someone that it is okay to treat women as an object, people believe it (even if they do not think it) they believe it on a subconsious level. In Jean Kilbourne's "Killing Us Softly 3" she points out that inequality is shown throughout all types of media. In most pictures and messages women are shown as the submissive person and men are shown as dominant. Even in children's magazines, girls are often shown as submissive and boys are shown as strong. In many cases the girl is sitting or leaning or on her knees, and the boy is standing, or looking down on the girl. Women on TV are potrayed as hoes and bitches and it is bad for women's image. The fact is that a lot of those women who lower themselves to that level, just dont care, and they are paid a lot. So really for society to change the way we think, the messages that we see every day need to change first.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    If women are weak, then how come I see buffed up women on work-out commercials & the likes? I don't think that women are a weak gender.
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Maybe because they take steroids or testosterone supplements?

    I would say that the average woman is physically less strong than the average man. But, I would also say that, based on my experience, women have better endurance (I guess is the word). Women seem better able to handle illness and pain and still function. The men I know always seem to make a huge deal about the sniffles and moan forever when they get hurt. The majority of the women I know try to work past the discomfort. So it sort of depends on your definition of "weak".

    We spent a day discussing this in one of my psychology (or was it sociology?) classes in college. Some of the example pictures were actually kind of disturbing. There was one for jeans that looked like a woman was being assaulted. What's interesting to me is that you know some woman along the chain of command looked at the ad and gave it the OK.
  5. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    Ya i discussed it in my sociology and mass communications classes, and the things that were shown were very eye opening. Another thing that was pointed out, which I forgot earlier, was that the only time women are usually shown as dominant is when race enters the picture, it it is a white woman and a black man, then the woman usually has the dominant stance over the man. So not only are women treated unfairly, people of color and different races are mistreated just because of the color of their skin.
  6. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    i see that too, or in real life, black men go with white women or in movies too, like there saying black women are bad, or have disease, and are just bad. So there putting black women mostly and Latinos in a category of bad or hoes or not to be with.
  7. kirairiato

    kirairiato New Member

    hey, people visit only........,.. after seeing a few of these comments... there all true... but in another view it is true( relating to what people think of others) but one question for you guys to answer. why do women act like as they were sexy and do things for there own pleasure????
  8. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Huh? Why shouldn't women want to feel sexy? My guess as to why women would act sexy is that either that's how they feel about themselves, or that's how they think they will get the most attention from others. As for "doing things for their own pleasure", all humans do that. Very few people choose to do something that they know will be painful or uncomfortable. And why shouldn't women do something to please themselves? They don't exist solely to make men happy. :rolleyes:
  9. No.III Xaldin

    No.III Xaldin New Member

    who made this?
    that guy must be sexist
    time is change
    soon, we will all be equals
    i dont mind women at all, unless they are ...ahem... bitchy
  10. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Amen Xaldin to that Xaldin.

    Anyways, i myself do my best not to treat women as "Objects." Not just because i view it as rude, but also because my friend Crystal would kill me stone dead.

    I obey the laws of Chivalry when it comes to women. Women shalt not dirty themselves if a guys is present sort of thing. I hold open doors, carry stuff for them, and basically behave like a charming servant when i am around them. If a women is bitchy to me, then i feel no obligation to be of any help and do my best to stay away.

    In any case, while it might look like i'm showing women as the "Weaker sex," really i'm just really polite. So far as i have seen not one woman who i had just met told me to clear out. In fact, i once had a old lady tell me i was, "Raised well."

    The only reason men feel compelled to treat women as weak/objects is because women let them. I know a few girls who could kick any guys butt across the floor and not worry about breaking a nail. If women start acting more like people and less like toys, then you can bet that society will see a change in how they are viewed.
  11. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    i agree with that too, i mean like that thing "I can do anything you can, but better." It was trying to show that women wern't just for the cooking or baby sitting. But today, alot of men think of women as some kind of dog that when they call she will come. Like with what zerieth said, there are girls that will kick a guy across the room, but some will let themsleve get kicked across the room, some women will take a beating and wont defend themeslevle cuz they think the boy is stronger. It's like the women have no self confindence or self respect.
  12. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    How exactly is it that using violence= self-confidence and self respect? :rolleyes:

    If a woman stands and takes a beating, I don't think she's doing it solely because she thinks the man is stronger. In domestic situations there's more involved than just that (for example, the love she (maybe misguidedly) feels towards that man). And if a strange man were to just start attacking a woman, I highly doubt she'd just stand there passively, unless she knew that fighting back would just piss him off more and then he'd kill her.

    With some of these comments, I kinda wonder how many of you males actually know women. :rolleyes:

    I don't think it is that simple. And I also think that sounds like the "blame the victim" mentality.

    ^edit: which is bullshit.
  13. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    well i dont, i dont know men or women, but i do know what i see and the action taken. A lot is which is like that, some women just dont stand up for themselves. Some think it's okay cuz they have no self respect. Men some have brain washed a lot of women into thinking there just toys and objects, we see this with pimps and prostiutes. To that, not alot of women care either. but i'm not saying every lady or guy, just some.
  14. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I'm not saying it is just there fault. I'm saying that it is partially their fault. Men back in the day viewed women as weaker physically, which in a sense is true. Men develop more body muscle normally than do women. That is a fact.

    How ever, like it or not, statistically women are smarter than men. They have to be to get around without as much muscle. A guy might just lift an object. A woman might think about an easier way to move said object.

    These days women want to be viewed as equal. I applaud that. But some still don't mind the object thing, because they can play off it. Magazine stars, Commercials, Porn stars, Strippers, and a whole host of other things. Unless these are addressed, men will continue to view the majority of women as objects. Guys also need to figure out that the above categories by no means encompasses the majority of women. Most are more like the average citizen, wanting a family, job, car, house, and other stuff.
  15. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    We think the same way- it just didn't come across that way at first. Both genders play a role in fixing the problem.
  16. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    but can this problem be fixed after going on for century s .
  17. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^Personally, I doubt it, but perhaps others here have more faith than I do.
  18. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    I know its been a week since anyone said anything here, but I will.

    You know, its not just women that get mistreated by men, its vice versa as well.
    If you honestly think that women are the only victims here, you're dead wrong. Over time, there have been endless music videos, movies, games, and an endless array of degradment of both sexes.

    So to say simply that women either get themselves in these situation or fall into them or forced into them should be disregarded. The fact still remains that ONE thing is all it takes for someone to recognize an abusive relationship. And that is to have been in one that is not abusive.

    EDIT; Good parenting helps too.
  19. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    I do not mean to Discriminate anyone here, but do you think religion can influence sexism?
    I'm happily browsing Youtube and then find this video, reminding me of this thread.
    YouTube - Tools For The Married Woman
    What he says, I do use as jokes from time to time, but this man is serious. Taking quotes from a script and then putting it to the extreme.
  20. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    i belvie so too, for some belief systems say that women are a sin, or that men are sins. i heard about this one religion where women where lower than pigs becasue they where something good, and anything good is bad to them, anything that gives them pleasure or makes them happy(not everything) is a sin.

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