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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by alchemistz, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "We're going to a place called home but we never been there."- One of Steve Harvey's comedy's shows when he was talking about his time in Africa that was stated by his nephew. Well, this meaning does have some truth in it. Still, I find some things that disgust me when black people calls me Africa & say that I'm from Zimbabwe. THen start calling me Shoebac or whatever. I find that racist in a way because it's been 3 years & the rumor had reached to the church & one girl asked me if I was Jamaican. -__- Racist jokes are ok but if you keep at it for far too long, it's not funny at all & people will start to think that it's true. Some people be racist because of how you talk.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^Huh? Maybe I'm just reading this all wrong. Why would a girl ask if you were from Jamaica if people are calling you Africa and saying that you're from Zimbabwe? Unless I can assume she's an idiot who doesn't know geography?

    While this isn't exactly right, I think some of this people bring on themselves. If you don't want people to judge you by your speech, speak properly. Yes, people have accents that are difficult to get rid of, and if you haven't been properly educated, you aren't going to speak like a Harvard graduate, but surely you know the difference between, for example, "I be busy" and "I am busy". That is elementary school grammar. (And to clarify, I'm not directing this to people who have another native language and are still learning English.)
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    In regards to making race jokes that are in fun, and everyone knows it, there really isn't a problem with that. People are trying to make the past a little brighter by not having any real hard feelings. Black people, (I post this only because it is shorter and by no means do i mean any offense to any African American readers out there. You guys rock. :D (This is much longer now that I think about it)) could take the whole Slavery/Segregation thing a LOT harder.
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I wonder, though, if even jokes made in fun and not really taken seriously by the people involved end up just perpetuating the stereotypes and racism. You might not be offended at the time, or think that you're saying anything offensive, but over time, I could see the jokes sort of building up until they don't seem so funny anymore. I don't think I'm quite saying this the way I mean, but maybe someone will get it. >_<

    What other choice is there, though? I think if they were to be more vocal about their outrage, that it'd just create a backlash and piss everyone else off. And I suppose that you could argue that sometimes you need to piss people off to get anything done, but I think that it'd just make race relations that much worse.
  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    There certainly isn't any feasible way of making race problems go away. So long as 1 racist still lives then there will be race problems. I wish you luck on that adventure.
  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Yes I think everyone understands what you're saying but I only partly agree with it. Repitition can get things stuck in peoples minds wether or not it's light hearted. But I wont shun or get offended with the occasional racial joke.

    My best friend is Mexican and we occasionally go at eachother with racial jokes. It really doesn't mean anything.

    What annoys me is when I'm talking to people and they'll start seriously go off about hurtful racial jokes against someone when they aren't there. Thats just rediculous. Do I think it's ever going to end? Well probably not. People just like being trolls sometimes. If you dont like it, then dont pass it on and dont laugh about it when someone gets rejected from something because of their skin color, vocal accent, or eye shape. Its nothing anyone can control so to target someone because of it is low and immature.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't get offended either, unless someone's obviously trying to offend, and I'm not telling anyone that it's not okay to make and laugh at these kinds of jokes if that's their thing.

    I was just wondering if racial jokes might continue a cycle of Othering, and divide people more. Or, on the other hand, do you think joking about stereotypes helps get rid of ignorance about other races?

    This I agree with.
  8. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    I've got many friends that are black (not trying to insult anyone by using that) and we usually tell racial jokes to each other. There's been few times thought, when somebody who they haven't known tells that kind of joke to them, or in their presence.

    My opinion -> don't get pissed off about some jokes thrown towards you, but if the teller does want them to offend... bear it with or not.

    And those jokes are funny anyways.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2010
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -___- Not all the time though noz. It can become a rumor. There were kids in my spanish class last semester who be making mexican jokes & one kid had a shirt on that says something that is slavery related with a mexican man working in the fields. Still, I can see that some racism jokes are funny. "You is so white that you look like you came back from the dead." Whoo hoo. Hahaha. That's one joke that I remember from my past. As for slavery, is it still used on the chinese kids? (Can't remember.)
  10. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    dont understand but ok, i think that those jokes are ok, as long as the person you tell it too knows that your kidding or you guys are friends. You just dont go say it to someone you dont know, then problems start, not all the time but they can, some ppl wont care and laugh and some wont. Really everyone just needs to get over it, it wont help to be with the kkk anymore. Plus the world is still very racist today, there are still slaves in a lot of places, in America too, has anyone every heard of sex slaves? Many ppl think being like that and being racist is ok, like it means nothing, but one day it's all going to back fire.
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't think that has much to do with racism. And I think most people are aware that there is still slavery out there, in one form or another.

    Do you think there is a double standard as to who can tell racial jokes? If a black person tells a black joke, is it more acceptable than if a white person tells the exact same one?
  12. Hey, I'm a black person and I've heard all of the possible black jokes ranging from funny ones, to ones that made me frown. Now I realize that racism is pretty much something more intro-spectral than outer. Depending on the person, dropping the n bomb or the cracker thing, or even the beaner thing have completely different responses to them.

    Personally, I'm unaffected by the word nigger. I've used it, I've heard others use it. The word is like bomb that's already been opened up with a mess of wires. Which wire sets off people and which one doesn't?
  13. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    So why must we use it at all? I'll tell you the dumbest thing america has done with our words, removing Nigger from the swear words list.
  14. Even though it's still used.
  15. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Just the same, I'm pretty sure that it was removed as a swear word for being over used or something stupid like that. There was a huge outcry against it for a while.
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    You can't get rid of racism. There's this one thing my History/Government/Economy teacher once said to my class, and honestly, it sounds correct. Everybody is born a racist. People typically hang out with more people of their own race then that of another. But what matters is how severe of a racist you are.

    There's no need to get offended, ever. Hate me for my race, see if I care. The real truth is that 90% of people's opinions actually don't matter. The only opinions you should actually care for is the people you care for.

    Yes. Race card. It is how things have become. It is only okay to say a racist joke if and only if you are that minority. If you're part of the majority (I'm guessing white is still the majority in America, in all seriousness), then you are not allowed to do anything that seems offensive to that minority because it becomes a hate crime (Obviously I'm taking my example a bit to the extreme, but you get it). For example, I was watching South Park last night. And in the episode, a TV show said sh**. And Mr. Garrison was all happy about it. He also said that only gay people are allowed to say fag, and that nobody else did. Which, of course, the word was bleeped out by any straight person trying to say it.

    No, it isn't the dumbest thing. The dumbest thing would be making a 'swear words' list. Words are words, and nothing more. And, going off of the Theater of the Absurd ideology, language isn't even useful in creating any sort of human connection with another. I don't care if somebody comes up to me, using all sorts of swear words and whatnot. And I don't care if somebody started calling me cracker and other racist words agaisnt white people. All they are are words. They don't matter.
  17. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    To some they do. Thus the list of vulgar words was born. And Nigger used to be on it for a while, but was removed for a stupid reason.
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Because those people are rather dissapointing people. There is no need to take offense to words. That is all they are, sounds emitted by the vibration of vocal cords. They're not actions.
  19. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    But people mean them as actions. If i call someone something, and it is a swear word, usually I mean to insult them. Unless I am joking with my friends, i dont rattle off every word in the book.
  20. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I think this could be a good thing, though. In a way, the use of it takes away its power to hurt people. I think that's why a lot of black people use the word to each other. Instead of allowing the word to continue oppressing them, they use it as an endearment and take it back for themselves.

    What Desert Warrior said here plays into this as well. I have a horribly foul mouth, but this is one of the few words I'd never say outside of a discussion like this. I don't think it's very often that a white person using that word is considered acceptable- probably only when really close friends are together.

    I'm not quite sure about that. Race doesn't seem to be an issue when young children are playing together, though they do notice it and comment on it sometimes. But if Mom and Dad usually only have friends of the same race around, that's who they are going to become more comfortable with. I think racism is learned, not something you are born with.

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