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LOOK! Signature of the Week Themes/Discussion

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kitty, Dec 14, 2007.

  1. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    This is how I've always seen it set up in the past. It worked really well on FFN and FFS when we did it there. I'm not sure how else you expect to do it. We have a submission thread and a voting thread. The voting thread is set up as a poll. It appears the simplest and easiest way to do things from my standpoint.

    However, if you like the idea but not the set up, then why just shun it? Participate as is, so the interest is shown and the participation continues, and then make your suggestions for what you think could be done better. It seems to me that to refuse to participate, simply because you think the the set up needs work is the best way to guarantee that it not only never improves, but that it never continues because there is no participation.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    What better way do you have to set it up? I have a place where people submit their signatures and a place for them to be voted on. What else do you need? This is how I've seen it set up on many other sites, including full-blown graphic sites. And stop being a wussbag and make suggestions for improvement instead of just whining.

    And people, you need to vote! And say who you're voting for. It doesn't matter if you know nothing about graphics. Just vote on the most prettiful one, if you want.

    EDIT: People, we have a 3 way tie. Can't let that happen. So vote!
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2008
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    New voting thread and submissions for sotw 3 are up. So get out there and vote/submit.
  4. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    C'mon, someone else vote and break the tie. Or vote for me, that'd work too. Even though that's probably the worst sig I've done, save for my LoK one. We need more participation in this. Even if you don't like the current set up, at least participate as is and then make your suggesstions. I've heard people this is a strange set up for SOTW, but at the same time, no one's made any suggesstions for how to do things differently. Doing nothing never changed a thing.
  5. Crossfault

    Crossfault New Member


    i think it would be cool to have a "movie based on book" theme for sotw
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^Your wish is my command.
  7. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Loophole time.

    Halo, Game - Book - Movie (Post Production) Allowed?

    Enders Game, Book - Movie (Post Production) Allowed?

  8. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    W00T! I was hoping you'd pick that one, XD.

    And I got a vote! Yay!
  9. Crossfault

    Crossfault New Member


    great thats awsome
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    To clarify, the movie must be based on a book. Children's books, novels, short stories, that kind of stuff, is acceptable. Movies based on comic books, graphic novels/manga, games, or movies that have books written about them after the fact are not acceptable. Choose something with a little literary merit.
  11. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    At Crossfaults Entry, Was Beowulf a book as I'm unsure.
  12. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Beowulf is a very old story. I can't remember its exact classification, maybe an epic poem, but it qualifies. I read it a few years back for school and it was actually pretty good.
  13. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Awesome theme choice. This'll be fun. Just got some new brushes too. Hopefully I'll find something good for this.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I'd like to see a Sprite themed SOTW i think that would be a good idea.
  15. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Someone'll have to explain that one to me if it gets picked. I don't really know what that means.
  16. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

  17. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    So, basically, use images from old video games and such. I know in terms of game designing that a sprite is a 2D image, but I'm not sure exactly what this means in terms of me designing a sig, as technically, all images, once rendered, are 2D.
  18. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    LoL, stop looking into this with too much detail. All you need to know is that its a typical sprite, its how the image is portrayed before rendered.
    But, if the theme is sprite nothing can stop you from doing... this
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Here il show you what i mean il show you the few i made with sprites.



  20. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Should I choose that theme, I'll be sure to restrict that.

    Speaking of which, we need more themes to choose from. So start submitting them, people.

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