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What you hated about Kingdom Hearts

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 1' started by Goldfish, Jul 12, 2009.

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  1. jdeib963

    jdeib963 New Member

  2. destinyislands

    destinyislands New Member

    I couldn't agree more! Deep Jungle was completely pointless, and Atlantica was so much backtracking I couldn't even enjoy the storyline!

    That, and Donald always dying in battle. Always!
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Luckily, Disney seems unable to get the rights from the Burroughs estate to use Tarzan for this purpose, so I don't think we need to fear a return of Deep Jungle.

    Goofy is the same. The both of them may as well not even have been there, for all the help they gave. Though they were slightly useful as shields.
  4. destinyislands

    destinyislands New Member

    Plus, Goofy was able to use MP Gift and give me MP when I needed it, heal me if I was dying, etc. Donald has such little HP that two hits will knock him out for a while... Goofy can hold his own in battle, at least better than the duck
  5. htvngoc2010

    htvngoc2010 New Member

    Nice thread - some good stuff to consider.
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    If only your post had added something to the thread.

    Bolded doesn't really mean much, seeing how, as you said, Donald gets knocked out in like two hits. And then, once he comes back to fight, his low HP means someone will probably turn right around and knock him out AGAIN. I bet that in the beginning of the game, Donald spent more time KO'd than actually fighting. <_< MP Gift was a useful ability, but I don't remember using many of Goofy's others. They just guzzled all of his MP away.
  7. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Goofy didn't really use his MP anyway.

    I hated trying to find the missing pages for winnie the pooh and finding all the chests for the dalmations. i still haven't either.
  8. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Eh, if you'd choose to equip Rocket, Charge, and/or Tornado, and have him do those moves most frequently, I think he'd find a way to use it up. And I'd rather have the MP handy for MP Gift. But regardless, those abilities waste AP you could put to better use, so even if Goofy is a better manager of his MP than I remember, his offensive abilities are still not all that useful to me.

    Some of them were irritating to locate. I particularly wasn't very motivated to find the torn pages from the Pooh book because the minigames were so boring. The dalmatians at least sometimes gave you good prizes.

    For a game I really enjoyed overall, there sure were a lot of things that annoyed me about it. ^_^
  9. SacredRiku

    SacredRiku New Member

    The fact that you couldn't skip cutscenes. Sometimes you have to watch it all over again if you die which got annoying.
  10. Riku_of_twilight

    Riku_of_twilight The ***** splitter

    I hated the ice titan. Thats about it.
  11. Luxoran

    Luxoran New Member

    Closest thing to that would be Hades. Or Ansem (Xe. He.), the uber-tan bastard.

    The camera was a buzzkill and screwed with my patience in nearly every world. It also took me a great while to get used to / properly coordinate moment in Atlantica (which was better than in KH 2) so half the time while playing in that world I was struggling to get on the same plane as the heartless that were manhandling me, let alone attack them.

    Also, Leon's voice. It was so horrible, the voice was altered in KH 2's "Roxas Does Many Flashback's To Sora's Adventures" sequence, if anyone noticed. To make it sound less like Leon had just been savagely beaten and raped by his own clunky, unoriginal emo personality.
  12. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    One good thing is that I think S-E actually listened to people's gripes and tried to fix them. A lot of the things we've complained about in this thread (like the camera, gummi ship) were, in my opinion at least, much better in KH 2. Though I must say I don't know how they thought they were improving Atlantica. The KH 1 version was no fun, but I'd take it over KH 2's version any day.
  13. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I didn't like Atlantica in KHI either. Ursula kicked my ass as much as Chernabog did. . . Personally, I didn't have any qualms with the KHII version. EXCEPT. FUGGING. FINNY. FUN. I WILL KILL THE ASSTARD THAT WROTE THAT.
  14. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I found it embarassing. It was like that horrible massage minigame from FF X-2. You turn the sound off on the TV and pray no one walks in and wonders what the hell you're doing. If they had stuck to songs straight from The Little Mermaid, it wouldn't have been quite so horrid. The KH 2 original songs were just plain awful, though.

    While it was sometimes frustrating to fight and swim in KH 1's Atlantica, at least there was something to do there. They should have left the world alone.

    On the up side, there should be no reason to return there in KH 3.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2010
  15. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Anyways, back on topic. I had one hell of a time trying to beat Deep Jungle. I was too inexperienced a gamer at the time.
  16. How the Difficulty Rank for levels totally lie every time. Even though I haven't died in any KH game, what the hell was that Neverland?!?!
  17. Andrixell

    Andrixell New Member

    I found that Atlantica was annoying. fighting was a pain, and the songs gave me a headache. DX

    and in kh1, on the stained glass pedistols-things in the beginning, cinderella's hair was BROWN. that was just annoying. and the fact that sora's pants in kh1 look like a butt. XD funny, but also annoying.

    and jimminy. dont even get me started on him. he's just that little bit of conciousness that nobody should pay attention to. i especially didnt like him in CoM.
  18. I hated how your party members would just keep using their MP up and wasting other items you gave them unless you edited their style of combat.
  19. Kairi25

    Kairi25 New Member

    I Kinda Hated ALL The Bosses Espiecially Ursula.
    GOD I Had To Try That For At Least 2 Weeks Just To Kill Her!
    But Apart From That Nothing :)
  20. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Even when I edited their settings, I found that they still wasted any items I gave them, though it wasn't as bad at the "use restorative items rarely" (or whatever it was) setting. This was especially annoying when I was doing some of the tournaments at the Coliseum and wanted to save healing items as long as possible. Goofy and Donald would waste theirs in the first few rounds. v_v

    But this just goes along with what I've said before about Goofy and Donald being next to useless.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
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