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Death Penalty?

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Soul Knight, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    A devil's advocate is someone who takes a position in a debate for the sake of the argument, and not because the position is what they actually believe. For example, in an abortion debate, someone who is actually pro-life making valid arguments for the pro-choice side.

    It could be. I just don't feel it is one that makes such an impact that people would feel they need to mention it when discussing the pros of capital punishment. There are more important benefits for them to mention, and more efficient ways to deal with the overpopulation, in my opinion.

    I guess what I mean is that while you could say that capital punishment lowers the population, if you were to ask someone with an interest in population control what we should do to slow growth, they wouldn't think "institute the death penalty." *shrugs*

    Depending on state, there's either hanging, firing squad, electrocution, gas chambers, and/or lethal injection. Lethal injection is the only one that is legal in all of the states with the death penalty. Though, I disagree with you over the electric chair being the worst. I think the gas chamber would be pretty terrifying.
  2. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Nah, i think hanging is worse. You might not die right away since it really requires your neck bone to break into little bits. If your bones are strong, back in the day they would leave you until you slowly strangled to death.

    In the story Night, which is a jews true story of his time in a concentration camp, a little kid was like that for hours. Makes me hate what the Natzi's did even more.

    For those who didn't guess right away, i am against the death penalty for many different reasons.

    First off, it is morally wrong. God told us that we are not allowed to kill, which means that we technically can't do it at all. Also, if you kill someone, no matter how much that person deserves it, you have to live with that fact for the rest of your life. It is not something that simply just goes away. Some soldiers have mental problems because of this.

    Second, it is actually more costly. A person on death row enters something called the appeals period, the courts screwed up method of making sure they don't kill an innocent man. It can go from a year, to almost sixty years, while the man slated for death argues every single thing he can possibly come up with to remove the death penalty. In my opinion though, if a jury finds you guilty it will be that much harder to prove to the next jury that the last was wrong. The more times you get denied, the more times the jury will go with the decision the last jury made. Throughout that time, if the person doesn't have the money, a attorney must be hired by the state by law, people have to take time to out of their own lives to show up at court to process the latest appeal, and food + warmth + shelter has to be paid by the state on top of this. After the appeals stage, if the guy is still found guilty on top of all of his appeals, the chair/injection/what ever has to be prepared by techs while the governor is asked weather or not the guy should live. After this weighty decision is made, the last meal is paid for, then the guy is zapped/injected/what evered. If you think about it, you have just spent even more tax payer dollars to kill a guy that will probably die of natural causes within the next few years or so.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2010
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I dunno. Sitting there in a chamber watching the gas fill the area, slowly suffocating seems scarier to me. I think the executioners generally have an idea on how to place the rope and how to drop the person they're trying to kill properly, so it would probably be quick. And even if it weren't, I think the psychological pain of sitting there, knowing you're gonna die, but unable to hold your breath would be worse than the physical pain of strangulation from a botched hanging.

    'Course, how many of the supporters of capital punishment have to deal with that? They aren't the ones actually strapping the prisoner into the chair or adjusting the rope. Not sure where I found this, but I heard somewhere that a lot of executioners are actually against capital punishment, most likely for the reason you mentioned.

    Exactly. Now, if a prisoner went straight from his/her sentencing to the lethal injection chamber, then there'd be some money saved. But it doesn't work that way.
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Exactly. If any person is here who supports the death penalty, and i said this in the last debate is about this, then i say that unless they can and would pull the switch, or push the button, or do whatever it is that people do to take a life, they have no say, no right, to say that the death penalty should be allowed. If you can, then fine, debate away. But you have to be able to do it.

    Yes, but think of all the good bunnies who would get fried to a crisp along with the bad ones.
  5. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Money or not saved, these are ppl that are killed everyday. I mean there dirt and scum but still death is not an something you go with. Plus what does killing someone do anyways? I mean do ppl like sitting behind some glass watching a murder? I'm kinda mad for that cuz it's still killing.
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I'm not sure that is even something you could decide, unless you were in that situation. In front of my computer, I could say that I thought I would be able to pull the switch, but I think that when I could feel my hand on said switch, it'd be a whole different story. Being an executioner has got to be one of the toughest jobs ever.

    Well, I don't think they should get rid of the appeals process, though I don't think very many people actually get their sentences overturned. But cost effectiveness is one of the big reasons mentioned for capital punishment (in all of the pro arguments I've come across), and I wonder why when those court fees can't come cheap. For capital punishment to be significantly cheaper than life in prison, I think that whole appeals process would have to go.

    In a way, yes, I think they do. People like watching all kinds of horrible stuff- how much money have those Saw movies grossed again? And there used to be public hangings and beheadings for townspeople to gape at; hell, maybe still are in some places.
  7. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Not to sound slow but why, why are humans into blood for. I mean it's like if we think low of someone, then it's okay for them to die. So if god thinks low of us for being that way and all we've done, then would he even like to see us die?
  8. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I think i can answer your question at least in part. And don't worry, it would have popped up sooner or later.

    First off, people are into blood because by nature we are a very violent species. If we were without any laws, we would kill people left and right for any kind of thing. As animals, we also like to keep our space and we view a lot of things as violating our territory. Not to mention that our distant ancestors killed the neanderthal's some couple thousand years ago. In short, we are not very nice.

    This could be argued to ways really, and i will try my best to state them both neutrally.

    First, god told us "Thou shalt not kill." This could mean that we are not allowed to kill people period. So in essence, as sinners, while god might not hate us he would certainly be sad to watch us killing each other, no matter the reason.

    How ever, he also said, "Eye for an Eye." This could be interpreted as "You killed someone, so you deserve the same." So now there is an exception to the above rule. In that case, god would approve of us killing people for killing.

    Now here is what i think. God is sad, because the people he created in his own image are doing terrible things. Nuclear bombs, slash and burn farming, and even killing people. No matter the reason, I feel that since people are not perfect by nature, that we can not make such an important decision on weather or not we should kill someone as a punishment.
  9. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Still we have common sense, even the dumbest person in the world know to look across the street before you cross. That's why its common, so ppl should know not to kill others just becasue of what they think, cuz that's how killers become killers, because they might not like this guy so i'll shoot him. Well just like this the death penatly is the same way, this person killed him/her, and i dont like him and what he did so i'm going to put him in a the chair, or give him killer drugs, or whatever. Common sense would tell us that killing is killing no matter what point of view. so we dont have to be perfect, we just have to think.

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