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Why Kingdom Hearts?

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Kitty, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I didn't see a thread like this.

    I was wondering how y'all out there got interested in Kingdom Hearts. Did you just see it one day and think it might be fun, or maybe you were Final Fantasy fans and wanted to see how a merger would work with Disney?

    As for me, I was babysitting one day, and the little boy had just gotten Kingdom Hearts I. He had played it the day before for the first time, but gotten confused as to what to do. His parents and older cousin couldn't help, and he asked me. So I sat down and played it with him for a while and fell in love. I took a chunk of my earnings from that day and bought the game the next chance I got.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2010
  2. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Me i just saw disney and sqaure enix and thought, this might be fun. I was looking for a good adventure game at the time cuz there weren't any good ones(or i just didn't look hard enough) so my dad bought it and played it and never let me play till he beat the game and when i did i just loved it.
  3. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Probably is a thread like this, but I couldn't find it either, so your in the clear..thanks for looking to make sure :)

    and eh I'm like a really really really really BIG DISNEY FAN..like its ridiculous how much I like disney, i have to go to disneyland atleast 5 a year. I used to live 10 mins away from Disneyland and I had season passes so i went EVERY WEEKEND (thats not even an exaggeration). That stopped when i moved to arizona :(, but anyway yea Disney is the reason, FF was just a bonus..I played it first at my brothers house and it instantly became my favorite game..Thats when i started reading about it, and learning japanese so i can get KH: FM..and then It became an obsession haha. Now i know way to much about the series haha
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I first read it in a magazine. When I read about fighting Jafar and Maleficent, I thought it looked neat and I love Donald and Goofy. When I got the game, the game was way better than what I had expected. ^_^
  5. I got interested after I saw Sora who looked like the main character in Square Enix's the Bouncer when I was young and then everything took off for me from there.
  6. Xehanort

    Xehanort New Member

    I was like nine and I went to see my cousins who live horribly far away. I saw Kingdom Hearts 1 then and fell in love with it. I think we beat Deep Jungle before I left and I got it for my birthday a little while later. If only I could see them again, I could introduce them to the final mixes.
    PinkWings likes this.
  7. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    I remember that some package included PS2 and Kingdom Hearts in it, and my best friend got it. My family hadn't even considered buying the console that time, so I was absolutely fascinated about the game. It had characters who's personalities binded me to the game even from the Destiny Island, and besides, hell, it got Disney characters. I was interested all the way to see what the hell was it about.

    So, after that my bf got the console and the game, we just played, played and played. I guess that we got ourselfs to Traverse Town before we fell asleep.

    I didn't actually play the game before my friend, I just watched it that night. Few months after that when he had played it throught, I borrowed it and we had got the PS2 from somewhere that time.

    I don't actually own any Kingdom Hearts games, I borrowed the first game from my bf and the second one. I only have read the plot for CoM, thought I have played the remake of it a bit. What a good fan I am, eh.
  8. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    i saw my friend playing the Sora v Riku fight and thought it was epic. he kept pulling off ragnarok and ars arcaneum and completely whipped riku's ass. after that i rented the game, loved it, and bought a copy. been a fan ever since
  9. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Like x3pic said, might be one but probably bumped down so it's not important anymore
    /stickied for practicality.
    Saw this game in reviews when I was 11. Looked cool, had SquareSoft and Disney (though it did kind of made me "hmm" until a few years back when I got into Disney), Cannon FF Characters and keys. I like keys. I never got to play until I was 13, when a friend bought it over. I later on got a PS2 and then bought the game (took a while to find, eventually found a pre owned copy) going "woo! aweosome!" and have loved it ever since.
    I've bought 3 pre owned copy's since the first 2 I had bought kept on failing with terrible pre owned wear and tear of the disc.
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I used the search function and looked manually, but couldn't find anything. I think this might be the kind of thread that no one ever makes because they assume it's already been done. >_<

    I have always been a huge Disney fan (own a ton of the VHS tapes), and the idea of fighting alongside and against Disney characters seemed awesome to me. I'd only vaguely heard of Final Fantasy- I'd seen a commercial on TV once for what must have been FFX- but I'd liked Leon, Yuffie, Cid, and Aerith when the kid I was babysitting was playing in Traverse Town. And I hadn't really touched a gaming system in years, not since my old NES went out, but the gameplay was so easy to pick up that I got right into KH when I tried it.
  11. darkside

    darkside New Member

    My PS2 busted so I ordered a refurbished one and they were going to send a used game along with it. They sent Kingdom Hearts. I wasn't dissapointed because I remember being really interested in it after watching the commericial way back then, and again after looking at the back of the case while in a store. I just never took the initiative to buy it. I can see now that I shouldn't have watied. I sure wish the copy they sent me would have worked good though. It froze almost everytime I put it in, but with enough will power i managed to beat it. Whoever had it before me sure did a number on it. Poor little guy.
  12. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I tried asking for some other game for christmas, but my grand parents got confused and bought me that instead. I tried it and like it. :cool:
  13. broflovski

    broflovski New Member

    I've always been a HUGE Disney fan and one day I was searching Aladdin or something and read that he was in a game called Kingdom Hearts so I bought it and fell in love with it.
    PinkWings likes this.
  14. Misty

    Misty New Member

    I was really young, maybe seven or eight? I had just recently gotten a PS2, and I didn't have many games. I saw a commercial on the television with my sisters for it, and like any kids we were into Disney (we had no idea what Squaresoft or Final Fantasy was), so we asked for it and got it for Christmas.
    We played a bit but we eventually would get stuck at Wonderland. I started to play a new game, got up to Agrabah and got stuck, then stopped. A year or two later I picked it up again, started over, and fell in love with it.
  15. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    It was 6th grade for me,saw an ad for it on TV while watching dragonball Z.Combonation of having just got into Final Fantasy for real (Had played a demo of VIII,but X got me truly into it),being a fan of Disney,and I just thought it was plain awesome.Benn playing it since it came out.
  16. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Strangely, i felt i've posted in same subject thread ages ago.

    I was browsing a site that similar like e-bay but in my language, looking for games that interesting. I saw Kingdom Hearts and i was curious because the cover has Disney characters within it. It happened about many years ago, that i can't remember what year it was o_o

    So i bought it and i loved it until today.
  17. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    i remember a thread like this too.
    anyway, my cousin from California had this game. the first i saw it, he was on the gummi ship traveling thing. i really like air and space ships so that's how i started playing it
  18. re-l meyer

    re-l meyer New Member

    Well I love Disney, and I also Love Final Fantasy.
    PinkWings likes this.
  19. brian6330

    brian6330 New Member

    One of my friends had it and I tried it and loved it.
  20. Saxan

    Saxan New Member

    my friend told me about the game and how it mixes disney with final fantasy
    i thoght it was crap but when i played! man the characters story fightin every things awesome!!

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