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The war against smoking

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Cameron, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Posted this on other forum few days back.


    Smoking has been around for a looong time. Now nations are trying to get people away from cigarettes and smoking altogether. Some country's are (and maybe have already, don't know for sure) developing try-outs and systems soon (maybe 5-10 years later in the future, maybe even sooner), that all selling and importation would be prohibited.

    I don't remember where I heard that the first time, but it was few years back and people around here are talking about it commonly. And my homeland has made already a lot propaganda about smoking, and it's forming into a taboo in the presence of the young, speaking of elementary school students. I'm not saying that it's bad, hell it's good that the young are afraid of the effects of smoking and well aware of the fact that it develops cancer in time and so on. Hell, the goverment is already saying that this country will be cleaned of smoking in no time, that there's absolutely no smokers. Bah, say I.

    As a smoker myself, of course I'm little worried about the "no-go-selling" system that they're trying to develop. If the shops would lose the right to sell tobacco and such thing like these, it would surely be seen in the pockets too. It would develop such as the war against marihuana, unlegal importing, black market selling and so on.

    And I don't think that the smokers (who have been smoking for years, such as 15 years and so on) would take it lightly, it would be hard for many and it sure would be heard.

    Personally, I just hope that it's not going to happen. Feel free to post a thought.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I don't care much for smokers or smoking. As long as it is done away from me (Or anybody in public), go and smoke as much as you want. It is just the idiots about it who bug me. I remember a few years back at school, I'm going towards my locker. There had to have been at least 50 people all crowded near eachother. And some idiot student walks by with a cigarette in his hand. It is crap like that that bugs me.
  3. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Atleast here in America it going to be almost impossible right now if you ask me to stop stores from selling cigs.Just outright stopping the selling of them would be very bad for many long-term smokers as well as you said.Alot of people cant just stop cold.

    Im all for people not smoking,dont smoke myself,but it is a personal choice and the government should not have asay in that.Plus I am pretty sure they make a good bit of money on the taxes,so I defintly doubt they would do anything other then talk about it,just for votes.Im sure they would take a hit there if they actually did it though.

    As I said I dont smoke,but I do have friends who do.As long as they dont let it out in my face Im usually fine with it.On a completly different note,its a turnoff,but everyone has their own thoughts on that.
  4. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Very proper opinion. Sorry if you feel that way, thought.

    Of course the smoking effects even the people who don't do it, but the thread's main idea is that what would be the outcome if smoking would be prohibited? It would just sell like marihuana. Illegal in many countries, but it still sells. With a high price, maybe, but still.

    And I don't think that it would be actually impossible to stop selling cigs in america - it wouldn't last for long, sure, since there are so much long time smokers.

    On work office pc - not much time and concentration now.
  5. re-l meyer

    re-l meyer New Member

    All I know is that in Japan where I am currently stationd... Everyone smokes, they allow it in resturants, hotels, ect.
  6. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Here in Finland smoking is not allowed in-doors, but some pubs got the smoking area that is away from the common places. Usually there's smoking areas outside away from the front foor since the smoke could go in.

    So I don't see it as a problem in here, restaurants are smoke-free, hotels and such places too.
  7. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    eh,maybe.Might be like alcohol then back in the 20s.You can technically smoke,but you cant actually buy it legally.Then whatever act/admendment/whatever would eventually be repealed.

    For resturants,I rather have my food not smelling like that type of smoke if it has a smokey smell at all,if that makes any sense.But places with smoking and non smoking never seemed to have a problem as far as I could tell.
  8. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Although it is not possible to ban smoking in all public places, it definitely should be. Second hand smoke is not only harmful for non-smokers health but it is also disgusting! There is nothing like "Och you take our rights! We have right to smoke whenever and wherever we want to!". NO, Your rights ends where other man rights begins and remember that. If you have choosen to smoke, it hasn't been our fault. Deal with it. End of story.
  9. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    In most cases, it's not the smokers fault if you're too close to the smoker. If it disgusts you so, you should get away from the smoke - or ask the smoker to move aside. I think that all smokers know that it's bad for others health, so I trust that many of the smokers don't smoke in the places where others will think that it's harmful.

    If it feels disgusting to you, stay away from the smoke.

    Interesting, so even if smokers complain about taking their right to smoke, they all declare that they have the right to smoke anytime and anywhere they want? Kinda rough accusion, and I haven't never met a man or a woman who would say something like that. =P

    And I don't think that anyone really accuses somebody for that, when they have chosen to smoke - no, it's not your fault, and no, anything that anyone else complains about is not our fault either. Don't take the subject too harshly.

    The both sides hold responsibility for their own actions - smokers should try to stay away from the "healthy people" when they're smoking, and people who smoke should stay away from the smoke if it disgusts them or it's bad for their health, whatever the reason is.

    Gee, seems like people hate smokers more than terrorists.
  10. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Then smoking terrorists need to be careful.I agree with noz on both sides having respopnsibility.You dont have to stand next to someone who is smoking,and there are smokers who are considerate of others who do not like that habit.Of course you will have the idiots who dont give a damn,but you get that with everything.

    As for health,while smoking does have bad effects,it doesnt manifest in everyone.Still not gonna smoke,but not everyone who smokes is gonna die of cancer.
  11. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    second hand smoking is a urban myth.
  12. Misty

    Misty New Member

    No it isn't. It's probably exaggerated quite a bit, but there are serious health effects that can develop with prolonged exposure.

    I'm biased against smokers really, so my opinion isn't worth much. It's a horrible habit. My father has been a smoker since he was 14, and I can see the health effects really wearing down on him at 45. He has a constant cough, he's spending thousands a year on cigarettes, he looks physically older than he should, etc. He has tried multiple times to quit without much success. I firmly believe that children should be 100% educated on what it can do to you so that they think twice before taking a puff.

    I'm also very terrified by the idea of addiction, and this spreads beyond simply cigarettes -- it encompasses things as small as coffee to things like painkillers and harder drugs. I don't like the idea that people need these things to function.

    That being said, if the law says it is alright and you're not smoking around non-smokers, I can't say that I'm going to be rallying the ban of cigarettes. It's unreasonable really to think that all of the smokers in the world will just say "lol k" and forget all about it. They'll turn to other methods of acquiring these drugs that will be more dangerous and expensive. If you want to kill yourself that's your choice, I'll be honest, I'm going to think less of you, but to each one's own, right?
  13. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Here is what I think. Smoking is just wrong! It kills you from the inside. I mean who want's to inhale that tar and smoke! I learned in health that on ciggeret takes 7 minutes off of your like. Now once you hear that you must think you have to stop. but no!!!! People are just so stupid enough to take 10 to 20 years of there life.

    And then there is 2nd hand smoke. I think it's exagerated, but still it can have bad effects.

    So to put it in simple terms, people are stupid enough to shorten there life by 10-20 years and possible shorten a non smokers life.
  14. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    On that,Im not sure how they found that out,maybe thats just an average for most people,but not everyone will be like that.There are people in their 70s,80s,and older who have smoked and are of course still alive,just as there are those who didnt make it past their 20s.Everyone is different,though as far as i am aware the bad effects tend to affect you atleast by your 40s for most people.Depending on when you started of course.
  15. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator


    I agree with this. Personally, the smell of cigarette smoke makes me feel sick, so I try to stay away from it when possible. And I prefer that public places have a smoking and non-smoking section if they aren't smoke-free inside (I'm thinking restaurants here, mostly), but I won't get up and leave if there's a smoker next to me, as long as the smoker isn't being downright rude about it.

    But the idea of banning cigarettes is ridiculous to me. If people want to spend the money and smoke, knowing the risks, then let them. They have the right to take "10-20 years off their lives" if they want. As long as there's a warning of the risks involved and the people are of age, I don't think anyone is justified in taking the decision to smoke or not out of the hands of the individual.

    I can't speak for anywhere else, but I really don't think a ban on cigarettes would ever work in the US. For one thing, that is a lot of money that will be lost, if we stop selling them. I don't think the government would like that. I'd reckon a lot of jobs would be lost, too, and that's the last thing we need. And we've seen how well it worked when we tried to ban alcohol. People will just find another way to get smokes. So it'd all be pointless.
  16. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I heard about it in health class. But yes maby those peopl lived to 70 they might have tookrn off 10to20 years of there life.They might have lived to90 or100
  17. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    I thought it was five minutes, I can't remember learned that shit last year. Anyhow, I'm fine with smokers as long as they don't go off bugging the non-smokers on purpose. If they do, then I have a problem. I've never smoked before and wouldn't if my life depended on it, it just seems horrible. Though I guess not to those who smoke, they wouldn't really go for banning cigarettes. It would just cause problems and people would illegally sell it. So yeah good luck with that one.
  18. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    It is a persons choice to smoke but it's not necicerily the right one!
  19. ace

    ace New Member

    I dont care what anyone elses opinion is, SMOKING IS HORRID PLUS IT WILL KILL YOU. Sorry but I would rather live a long happy life than a short life with no money and not being able to breath.
  20. Father-McKenzie

    Father-McKenzie New Member

    Did anybody learn about a little thing called Prohibition? Alcohol was banned for the very reason of people trying to ban smoking: it's dangerous. Soon the country would be free of this "vile drink"...or would they? As soon as that amendment was passed, people started bootlegging alcohol, riots broke out in the streets, and even the creation of the modern American Mafia was the result of Prohibition (Al Capone, anyone?) If Prohibition done that much damage, imagine what a ban on smoking would do. Please, hate to tell y'all this, but all of these drugs like smoking and alcohol make up our drowning economy. Without them, we'd probably be even worse off than we are now economically speaking.

    @ace: Uuuuh, smoking doesn't automatically make you a poor person. >.<
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010

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