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Username Origins

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Nova, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. Twilight Roxas

    Twilight Roxas New Member

    Twilight Roxas.

    Because. xD I'm a Girl (Which is why the whole Twilight part came on), and I use to have blond hair, and he was the only character I could/would cosplay as.

    Now I have black hair, but the name stuck with me.
  2. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    As a writer, i have long ago created the characters Zerieth, Zackarias, Leo, and a few more. While these days i have a lot of different characters, Zerieth was my very first. Over the many years i have had him, he has evolved from the original organization 13 guy that he was, to his own story with his own special abilities that make him stand out in the crowd. Also, he is the most like me as he is Chivalrous, Strong, A adapt swordsman, and Water/Ice elemental *i'm a scorpio and they are a water sign*. Thus, i felt that he could best represent me in the online world.
  3. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Really in real life i'm not a heartless (i'm pretty sure you all guessed that already) and i'm not obsessed with the shadows, i do like being in the dark but not to the point i only stay in the darkness. The name came from my Love of Heartless and the fact that i like the darkness. I also wanted to have the word King in my name, i even thought of naming myself at one point "The King of Burritos" But really i felt like having a dark name.
    No.III Xaldin likes this.
  4. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    For some reason I see your username and pronounce it Nomzi, which then I think of Nazi which makes me thingk of Navi.

    Anyhow my name started with a story which turned into like 10 stories, which was later made an rp on here somewhat when I first joined, which was made by the Queen (Nozomi), who I knew on another forum. Which was the start of an awesome relationship.
  5. LittleNamine

    LittleNamine New Member

    My username origin doesnt need much explaining. I love Namine, i am very much like her, and she is simply amazing. and then the "Little" is because just "Namine" was apparently taken, and i am very small for my age.
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    It's quite simple, really. Around the time I had joined the forums, I had construed a character for RPing purposes who bore the name of Zhyriad. The name itself has no dictionary meaning, or translation of which I'm aware. I just thought the name as it was would sound pretty awesome off the tongue. His (or rather, it's) only major appearance thus far has been an RP offsite, and has steadily been shifting from something of 'Darkness', to something the void. I hope to give him a good reign on this site in the near future.

    And apparently I'm amongst one of two people who bears an alias starting in the letter 'Z'.
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I think there is at least 4, even though I can only think of 3.

  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Either way, I seem to represent a small portion of the forum community.
  9. Camdy

    Camdy New Member

    Ha, mine just comes straight from my dogs name, n-->m so it doesn`t sound so plain.
  10. broflovski

    broflovski New Member

    I use Broflovski for all my usernames, even my xbl gamertag.

    I'm a huge Southpark fan and my favorite character is Kyle Broflovski.
  11. Misty

    Misty New Member

    Well it first came from 'MistyMighty82,' which was both my first internet-name and the nickname that those biker guys gave Misty in Pokémon (although they called her Mighty Misty, see what I did there?). I always liked Misty as a character, so I used that, and tacked an 82 on at the end because that was my favorite number.

    People would eventually just call me Misty though, so I shortened it, and I go by that most of the time now. If Misty is ever taken I'll usually just use Misty82, or sometimes Atris. xD
  12. fishy smells

    fishy smells Member

    I love fish, but not dead... ewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! Anyway, I found a dead fish backbone at the beach, and it had maggots crawling out of it! When I washed it, maggots smelled like fish!!!
  13. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I like axel and the 545 is random...I realllllyyy want to change my name!!!
  14. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    I picked Aqua009 because Aqua is my favorite color and also, aqua describes me.
    As for 009, I just didn't want a plain Aqua, so I came up with 009.
    Then it came out to be another 009 on here... DRACO!!! :(
  15. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    well i was born on a new moon, when you can't see it. planetary objects are usually refered to as stars so Shadow and the * is meant to be a star. iwas born in 91 so put it together and you get Shadow*91, pronounced Shadow-Star-91
  16. Falling-Ven

    Falling-Ven New Member

    i choose falling-ven because you always see ven falling in the water so that's where it came from :D
  17. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    The GC comes from my favorite band Good Charlotte. So, my name means Good Charlotte for life.
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The more I started to think about my username, the more I started to wonder. Sure, I love summoners because they are connected to Yuna but it has more meaning than that in my opinion. to me, summoners are the highest rank. they are more like the combination of sorceresses, sorcerers, black and white magic; At the same time, they can summon powerful help.

    This gives more thought about why I even chose that title for myself.
  19. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    Because you summon good things.
  20. Kloudian

    Kloudian New Member

    My own username's a little random. I decided to try out a new one on this site.
    Recently, in my high school ceramics class, I'd sculpted a relief of a sky scene with clouds and plenty of kites. It is seated on a shelf that is mounted on the wall across from my bed, so when I look straight ahead and slightly up, it is the first thing I see.
    I've always liked cloud-watching as well and have plenty of fond memories of watching them float by with my closest friend. I didn't like the way 'Kloudian' looked with a 'C' and 'Kloud' just looked too plain so I threw in the 'ian', which is a suffix for a person. I'd debated changing it to 'Klaudian' with an 'a' instead of an 'o', but it just had too many of the same letters in it and didn't look right.
    No real philosophical meaning behind it, but I liked the way it sounded.

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