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Needs More Development

Discussion in 'General Final Fantasy' started by Kitty, Feb 13, 2010.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Too tired for a good title. >_<

    Were there any characters in any of the FF games that you thought were interesting, but needed more depth- less important characters who you would have liked to have learned more about, or maybe there are some who are considered 'main' characters, but who just lacked sufficient development? Discuss them here.

    A lot of the characters from FF VIII deserve a mention, but I'll just pick on two for now.

    For starters, Ultimecia. I've ranted in other threads about the fact that I have no idea who the hell she is. She feels very detached from the story and rest of the characters- not good for someone who is the main villainess. I think more information should have been given concerning her background and motivations.

    Another VIII character I would have liked to learn more about is Ellone. Specifically, where does her weird power come from?

    And two more characters who jump out at me would be Vaan and Penelo in XII. Seriously, why were they even in the game? They just tagged along for no real reason, and they didn't have any particular uses to justify why Ashe and the rest would need or want them around.
  2. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Nearly ANY character from FF VIII -.- That game was very story heavy, but it got so heavy that suddenly we found ourselves not really knowing about the characters at the end there.

    I'll give special mention to Ultemecia. She came out of NO WHERE, and suddenly everyone was just cool with fighting her? I understand she was trying to destroy life and everything, and she needed to be stopped, but usually there is more to it than that, especially in a Final Fantasy game. I just think VIII as a whole, great as it was, was very detached from the user in general.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I agree, really all of the characters from VIII should be on the list. I've always really liked VIII, but I'm starting to wonder if it isn't mostly because of nostalgia, VIII being my first FF. I'm starting to notice that the story and characters I've always thought were well done are really sort of vague and full of plotholes.

    In addition to the ones I've already mentioned, I wish we could have spent a little more time with Raine and Laguna. The dream sequences were sort of boring, but I think we should have gotten to see their relationship progress more than we did. And then no one would be able to say they don't know who Squall's parents are. :p

    Seifer was also sort of one-dimensional. He had potential to be this awesome rival to Squall, but he just follows the sorceress around like a lapdog (plus, you kick his ass so easily). I wish he was developed more, made into a true foil for Squall.
  4. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    FFVIII I think is the least explored of all the games. Seifer fell from Squalls prominent rival to a minor villian you fight in a few battles. Raine and Laguna is still fuzzy, even for me, I just honestly never took the time to go above and beyond and learn about it. I knew they were Squall's parents but thats all really.

    I still really love the game, and I have no nostalgia for it (I'm a thoroughbred VII Fanboy, hate on it if you please). I just don't like how the game was more or less just throwing things together and hoping you pieced a storyline out of it.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    So tempting......

    I suppose FFI could actually use a bit more development itself. There are alot of things they didn't explain. Such as why the 4 WoL themselves forgot the events of the game after they defeated Chaos. And why there aren't any summons (Dissidia tired to explain this, basically saying that Garland defeated them all. But if he did that, then the summons must've been a pushover in FFI). I don't think much explanation goes into the Lufenians either. But I don't know, haven't played the game.
  6. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Summoning doesnt really need to be explored.FF II didnt have any either.Plus it is kinda fun to have a barely there plot for I.It lets you imagine your own,make it whatever you want.It always fun to give different personalities to each character class.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I think the little we learn in the game makes Laguna look like an asshole, which is one reason I wish we spent more time with Raine and Laguna. I think he's supposed to be a likeable character, but him not being there for Raine or the children after she died annoyed me.

    I think that's a shame. And there's also the Rinoa angle that could have been explored more. It seemed pretty obvious to me in disc one that while she may not have loved Seifer, she had some strong feelings towards him. Feelings which were never mentioned again after disc one (if I remember correctly).

    To get away from VIII now, I'll mention Shera from FFVII. Now, she's not important, really, and I can't see any way to make her so, so I don't think the game actually should have dwelt on her more. But I thought she was interesting (and probably deserves a medal or two for putting up with Cid).
  8. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Well, Cid DOES name the airship after her eventually haha. But yeah she is really not important. I think Rufus Shinra could've had a bit more airtime, a bit more of a backstory other than being the generic ruthless son
  9. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Yeah, she doesn't need more development. But really, I find Cid a lot more interesting than Cloud, so I would have rather learned more about Cid and the people important to him.

    Not a lot of time was spent on Rufus, now that I think about it. Nor on his father, for that matter, though as leaders of Shinra, they should have been a bit more important. Sephiroth just overshadows everything else.
  10. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Y'know who I feel needed Better character development? The bratty main character of Ring of Fates for the DS. All he did for a majority of the game was whine and call after his sister and his father.

    "Daaaaaadddyyyy!" "Daddy!" "Chelinka!" "Daddy!" "Chelinka!"

    And there you go folks half the game right there. That, and they actually did voice work, so I actually HEARD the ridiculous whineyness.
  11. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Ehhhhhh I like cloud :/ Cid was my least favorite of the team I think.

    But yeah Rufus, the Turks, everyone from Shinra other than Sephiroth really got no attention at all. I wouldn't have minded the Turks getting more of a story to them, other than being the Corporate baddies who have a soft side
  12. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    On the topic of VII, from the entire series I think Cissnei should have more development. In Crisis Core, she's just a Turk who just appears at some point in the story. She isn't given any back story at all. She even says that Cissnei isn't her name. I think it is supposed to be Shuriken or something. But Cissnei sounds more like an actual name than Shuriken does.
  13. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Yeah she kind of seemed like an irrelevant character in crisis core, i mean yeah she was useful in the story to a certain degree but I mean, anyone else could've filled her role. And her name isn't Shuriken, she was a playable character in Before Crisis, in which all their names were simply Turk (weapon the use). So her name in that game was Turk (Shuriken).

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