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the moment u realised u loved kh

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by XEHALEKS, Mar 5, 2010.

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    XEHALEKS New Member

    i wanna know the moment u knew that u loved kh, for me it was the first time i got a new keychain from tarzans world i didnt even know u could get new keyblades i was so excited to get more, it was a very emotional tym 4 me (tear,tear) lol. so wat about u?
  2. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I have a long story. Kh was the first game I ever got for my Ps2. I was only 5. I could not find that freakin seagull egg. I quite the game only for me to get com and love it. Then I came back to play kh1 and only enjoyed it a little bit. When I really began to love kh was when kh2 came out. I finnaly was able to understand the awesome story line. Then I came to this forum and became obsessed with it.
  3. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    HA, the egg took me forever to find too.

    I got KH for my 6th(?) birthday, after playing it for 2 years i totally sucked, when i got to the age of 9 i finally got past Wonderland XD
  4. Saxan

    Saxan New Member

    i played kh2 first
    i first loved it when roxas sees sora and felt really sad for him and said "this series is awesome and has an awesome storyline"
    and then with org xii being awesome was just too much!
  5. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Ya, what has really drawn me into the game is the awesome story line, I mean the grafics and gamplay is good, but it seem's like the story line boosts that so much!!
  6. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Okay well I have a long story. The first Kingdom Hearts game I got was Kingdom Hearts 2 It was on November 17 2006. My grand mom just got some money from Sears and back then at that time I never had game console like the PSP or the DS or even the Xbox and the Xbox 360. The only one that I had was Gamecube, PS2 and the Gameboy advance SP. Okay so let's go to 2005 I remember seeing a commercial of Kingdom Hearts 2 it was in Summer Vacation, It was the middle of the night. I got really interested in it, and I never forgotten Utada Hikaru Sanctuary song. I didn't know it was called Kingdom Hearts I never even knew that there was also Kingdom Hearts one! or even chain of memories. So on November 17 I started playing it, I of course saw a little bit of the opening theme because I was busy rambling to my brother. Also my grand mom bought me Kingdom Hearts 2, Naruto Ultimate Ninja and Suikoden V and DS (pink) lite to bad it broken lol but I got a DSi so yey. Anyways back to what I was saying, I remember playing as Roxas and seeing the flashbacks I was like wait....there has to be a apart one. So I played through the game and I had a hard time getting used to the controls because I just started. I didn't even get to see the scene with Hayner, Pence or Olette, Roxas talking about the missing photos. Lol I started the game all over to see what happened.

    So I then started getting into it, and then once I saw Mickey Mouse just walk out for the train I panicked put pause and just like started telling my brother about it and the characters and stuff. The next year my dad, grand mom and brother was acting pretty weird and suspicious because they were telling me to go to my ps2 because something happened. I went and turned it on and when I saw the SQAURE ENIX logo I knew that it was Kingdom Hearts one. So i cried and I was Happy so I played Kingdom Hearts one instead and I loved it. Then I got Chain of memories for my gameboy advance and the final mixes. With some awesome posters. I loved the characters and the plot I loved how it was flowing. I became and obsessive Roxas fangirl. HA HA HA XD

    Well there is my long story hope you enjoyed it toodaloo. :D
  7. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    phew you guys are making me have to think that far back! lol I think I was still in elementary school and I was watching Disney Channel like I normally did and I remembered seeing a commercial special advertising Kingdom Hearts and it showed images of that game and all the Disney characters and (being the Disney fanatic that I am) I had to have it!!! not for the story line, just so I could play as Donald, Goofy, and Mickey!! :D but the moment where I truly fell in love with Kingdom Hearts was when I got to the Winnie the Pooh stage, Winnie the Pooh was always my favorite Disney series, so to be able to play with them in a video game ( the first video game I've ever played in my life btw) it just blew my mind and from there my love for Kingdom Hearts only grew!!! <3 :D
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    When i turned it on and saw the opening CG cutscene
  9. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    The moment I saw an advert for KH1 on tv with the song sanctuary playing. I just auto fell in love, without even playing it or not knowing what it was about. I dunno, a bit wierd? ahaha
  10. Twilight Roxas

    Twilight Roxas New Member

    ^^^ Agreed.

    That was the first time I fell in love with it as well. xDDD I had the game for like 2 months, I was on Tarzan's World, and when I saw that commercial, I quickly fell. D: I began playing the game night and day. Probably 16 hours straight xD!

    Though, when I fell in love with the game as in a scene from the game. Ending of KH1. 3: I didn't expect it, and I cried like a baby XD
  11. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Im pretty sure the song Sanctuary was the KH2 theme. Simple and Clean was the KH1 theme.
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I watched my mom playing it when I was younger and then started playing on my own. It's the first video game I actually liked enough to play all the way to the end.
  13. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    you're mom played Kingdom Hearts???!!! that's kinda weird, I could never imagine my mom playing KH, or any other video game for that matter! :eek:
  14. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Well if my grand mom can play games then moms can too XD
  15. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Back on topic, please.

    I don't really have a defining moment when it suddenly hit me that I loved KH, but if I had to choose something, it'd probably be playing through KH I and reaching Hollow Bastion, and finding out that the Beast was going to be fighting with me. Beast is freaking awesome, and Beauty and the Beast is both my favorite Disney movie, and one of my favorite fairy tales. So it was a double win.
  16. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    the gummi ship. i love flying games. the keyblades comes second.
  17. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    It was some time around Memories when I the series really got me.Maybe because the darker storyline got to me more then the original game.The Riku Replica got to me the most.After that I found myself finding it easier to get emotional to about what happens to the characters.
  18. finalblackmage

    finalblackmage New Member

    This is what drew me in and I knew I'd like it. Fighting the heartless all over the beach is when I knew I'd love it. :)
  19. Hayami tetsumoto

    Hayami tetsumoto New Member

    the opening of the game had drawn me in. then afterwards fighting that huge heartless for the first time.
  20. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    when i saw sora, riku and kairi interact with each other. im like @_@!! awwww so cute!!! oh and also the story with the keyholes
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