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United States Armed Forces

Discussion in 'General' started by EliteGunnerLeo, Mar 14, 2010.

United States Armed Forces

  1. U.S. Army

  2. U.S. Marine Corps

  3. U.S. Navy

  4. U.S. Air Force

  5. U.S. Coast Guard

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. EliteGunnerLeo

    EliteGunnerLeo New Member

    I have been thinking for a very long time and have finally decided that it is my time to post something on this website. I have never posted anything else other than my Introduction Thread so here is my Thread that is meant to solely discuss the United States Armed Forces. These people that are apart of our country (those of us who live in the United States) defend us from many threats every single day while giving aid to many other citizens around our country.

    Feel free to discuss this topic in any way, shape, or form. Enjoy.
  2. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Hmm.... I'm glad you posted this.
  3. EliteGunnerLeo

    EliteGunnerLeo New Member

    Yeah, I thought it would be cool to have something like this up for everyone to post in. But as the subject retains, what do you like about the U.S. Army?
  4. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    I support the Marine Corps. The most!
    I like them all, but its just I love Marine Corps. The BEST! :)
    *Sorry if this is offended to some of you!!!!*
  5. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    I like how they fight for our country. They are true heros.
  6. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    I agree,
    *"We are one of the FEW, THE PROUD, MARINES!!!!**
  7. EliteGunnerLeo

    EliteGunnerLeo New Member

    Your opinions are expressed equally as ours. You have not offended anyone :-D

    I like the bond that the U.S. Army shares within itself and the sense of strength and order it upholds.

    However, the U.S. Marine Corps does an even greater job of bonding with its soldiers and officers alike.
  8. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Your right they really do, do a good job bonding with the soldiers. And the Marines.

    Ha ha ha I like that. Yay for the Marines.
    We are the best Army in the world. So yeah we are all beast.
    I think all the parts are great. And I love how they fight for our country. Makes me proud.
  9. EliteGunnerLeo

    EliteGunnerLeo New Member

    Well for a more narrow understanding of what the U.S. Army does, read these facts:

    U.S. Army
    1. Counter-drug Support
    2. Humanitarian Assistance
    3. Disaster Relief
    4. Civil Support
    5. National Assistance Peace Building (U.N.)
    6. Security Assistance
    7. Foreign Internal Defense
    8. Antiterroism
    9. Counterteroism
    10. Noncombatant Evacuation
    11. Support to Insurgency
    12. Peacekeeping
    13. Peace Enforcement
    14. Show of Force
    15. Strikes, Raids and Attacks
    16. Limited Warfare
    17. Joint Warfare
    18. Multinational Warfare
    19. Large-scale Combat
    20. General Warfare
    21. Global Warfare
  10. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    I still like Marine Corps. :D
  11. EliteGunnerLeo

    EliteGunnerLeo New Member

    There are a series of books written by a certain author that go even deeper into what each branch does.
  12. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Well I like the army and all that. But I always wanted to know why, they don't allow gays in the army.
  13. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    i dont like any of them, armys are the main reason we fight, cuz if someone has power, someone else needs more power or wants it just in case. If nobody had armys then we might be able to get along, a least better than we do now, plus if anything the marines suits are cool. that all i think. but not to have gays in a army ? that's werid
  14. EliteGunnerLeo

    EliteGunnerLeo New Member

    I have began to ponder that problem too. The U.S. Army has had to go through a lot of changes as of the past years. They have had to allow minorities to join, women, and now the choice of having to allow homosexuals in. In my opinion, no matter what a person's sexual identity, they should be allowed to join regardless of what the person is attracted to. I am sure that the individual has the same reasoning of joining the army, even though people have different motives, they are usually connected in some way.

    To counter your point it was deemed awkward to allow African-Americans to gain entry into the U.S. Army, and they were used for menial labor even when they were allowed to join. They were thought to not have the valor, the resolve, or the mind for being a soldier. However, as history has proven to show that predjudice fails in its doctrine, African-Americans have proven themselves more than once in terms of military servitude. The Tuskegee Airmen did not lose a single fighter nor an allied plane of any kind when they ran through their raids against Axis Forces. They proved themselves in World War I by fighting valiantly alongside the French who instead of keeing them away from the fight (General Pershing used them for labor), allowed them to reinforce them in their struggle with German forces. They recieved the highest military award in French military command.

    Also, wars are the result of many events leading to one final sparking event that ignites the already burning flame within world leaders. For instance, in World War I, many associate the assassination of Francis Ferdinand and his wife, Sophia to be the main reason why the war began. By ethical reasoning that would never cause a country nor a massiv amount of countries to engage each other in Global Warfare. Moreove, World War I was the result of Imperialism, Nationalism, Secret Treaties, and the constant braking of treaties.

    World War II was the result of Hitler taking power after he took advantage of the sever humiliation of Germany at the hands of the Treaty of Versailles that was passed down by the Allies.
  15. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I agree. My opinion is that if they are willing to put their lives in danger to fight for our country, let them. I know I sure as hell wouldn't do it- anyone who actually wants to should have the chance.

    But my understanding is that there's a sort of "Don't ask, don't tell" policy in the armed forces, unless this has changed. Granted, that's not right, either, but it's better than flat out telling anyone who's suspected of being homosexual that they aren't permitted to join.

    I have a problem with this. The soldiers who are overseas did not choose to start the war. Soldiers do what they are ordered to do. If you're going to blame someone for fighting, or for a war, blame the leaders in charge of the countries who have voted or decided to go to war. The troops still deserve our support whether we agree with the cause or not. Take it up with the people responsible for signing the order to ship them out to war if you don't like it.

    My brother is in the army, and he has already been to Iraq/Afghanistan three times (and is over there now), and may have to go back three more times. He has missed a lot being away from home so often- he and my sister have two teenagers, and I know my sister struggles a lot without him. I know what he has sacrificed while he is away, so I support him whether I think we have a right to be fighting or not.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD I think that there are some gays in the army but they pretend that they are not gay in order to join.
  17. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    The Few. The Proud. The Marines.
  18. EliteGunnerLeo

    EliteGunnerLeo New Member

    This statement hits home for me. My uncle who is in the Navy and my father who is in the Army both understand that they are under the rule of command every time they have to send out an order.

    I believe that is the actual theory. There was a case I believe in which a homosexual soldier was court marshalled for it.
    Yes, now that we are on the phrases of branches let's explore a few more.

    U.S. Army: Ea Nos Vallo "This We Defend."
    U.S. Marine Corps: Semper Fi "Always Faithful"
    U.S. Navy: Unknown
    U.S. Air Force: Above All
    U.S. Coast Guard: Semper Paratus
  19. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    You got it!!!
    I agree with Toph, even if they are gay, that doesn't mean they can't fight.
    Is it because when they have to seperate the guy and girls, they wouldn't
    know which column to put the gays in?
    It's weird.
    Like Toph said, they would still have the strength and right to fight for
    their own country!
  20. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    I agree! They are people and if they want to fight for there country they can. They have RIGHTS.

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