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United States Armed Forces

Discussion in 'General' started by EliteGunnerLeo, Mar 14, 2010.

United States Armed Forces

  1. U.S. Army

  2. U.S. Marine Corps

  3. U.S. Navy

  4. U.S. Air Force

  5. U.S. Coast Guard

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. EliteGunnerLeo

    EliteGunnerLeo New Member

    I have to say, this discussion is going along smoothly. But let us divert to another subject on the United States Armed Forces. I am shot out of ideas for a new subject so who has a new topic?
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Well, I'm gonna back up and address this point, because I didn't have time to do so earlier. >_<

    I disagree. It is my opinion that you would never be able to convince every country to give up their armed forces. And it is also my opinion that if only some countries did, they would be leaving themselves open to attack- whether because the invading country wants more land, or resources, or just has a problem with the other country. And even if there was world peace, I think there would still be a use for armies. They are not all bad.

    That's all I've got to say on the subject right now- no new subjects from me, sorry.
  3. EliteGunnerLeo

    EliteGunnerLeo New Member

    To add to subject I would like to shift our constant focus the Army and the Marine Corps (a lot of Few and Proud, ha ha) and shift it to different branches.
  4. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    the Air Force looks fun, well, flying in general anyway. they have kept the air safe from attacks directly from enemy countries (9/11 was an attack from the inside, doesn't count) and also keep the Presidents safe. it's an improtant job too.
  5. EliteGunnerLeo

    EliteGunnerLeo New Member

    The United States Air Force indeed plays a very important role in monitoring the skies above America. They also do a great deal of controlling the containment of nuclear warheads that we have scattered around the country. They also help support our ground troops by reconnaissance and assisting in tactical air assaults and bombings.
  6. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    why wouldnt 9/11 count. if we had the air force monitering every air shuttle in the sky at all times somthing like that wouldnt happen. (when a plane gets hijacked thats a lil prob cuz we just cant takes americans out of the sky.
  7. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Please don't add 9/11 in here. Yes there was people watching the plane and stuff. But still they gave warnings to the president. But they ignored it. So it's actually not the armies fault.
  8. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    oh ok 9/11s still a lil touchie. but the army is doing an alright job. i myself am applying for the marines. i think its incredable what theyare doing over there.
  9. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Yes it was XD
    And I am too applying for the Marines.
  10. EliteGunnerLeo

    EliteGunnerLeo New Member

    However, the U.S. Marine Corps is no picnic.
  11. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Yeah I know it's not.
  12. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    its not picnic at all but if im going to defend my couintry i want to be there defending it from the terrist on the ground. ive done talked to a recruiting officer about it and everything. once i get my GED im going to be recruited and shipped up to boot camp.
  13. EliteGunnerLeo

    EliteGunnerLeo New Member

    I still find very amazing that in only a few years, military technology has advanced a great deal. Only in some recent years have we made severe amounts of technilogical advances such as surface-to-air missiles and the like.
  14. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    At my school I talked to this recruiting officer too. And he said that once I'm a junior going to be a senior. Then they come and talk to you and take you to the doctors where they check if your healthy and all those other stuff like if your a criminal. And then that's when they pick you to train you after all that.
  15. EliteGunnerLeo

    EliteGunnerLeo New Member

    When you sign up for the armed forces you also sort of sell yourself to experiments.
  16. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    I myself didn't know that.
  17. EliteGunnerLeo

    EliteGunnerLeo New Member

    For instance, when you're being shipped off to foreign country they may inject you with let's say a newly developed vaccine for something. There is a reason why we have a few super soldiers these days.
  18. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    I think the super solider thing is dumb, i mean if one country has something, then everybody else has to have it, so if china say we have super soldiers, then America must have them. I mean were killing people like it's nothing, i mean come on, wars and armies have no meaning, they are pointless and make us humans seem like monsters to some aliens if they exquisite.
  19. EliteGunnerLeo

    EliteGunnerLeo New Member

    To truly counter your points I have a few things to say to that:
    1. The idea of a "super soldier" is totally unrealistic. Moreover, when you say that when you sign your name up you give yourself to science to the betterment of the Armed Forces you are not taking onto yourself an unrealistic "I can lift a tank with my bare hands, fear me!"
    2. China is pretty much the last person to ever talk about another country in terms of military planning, they are on their own path towards an economic explosion (for the better of their own country) so I seriously doubt that they would meddle in something that they themselves do not spend a lot of money on.
    3. If humans seem like monsters for having world leaders establish groups of men and women who for the most part agree to sign up to them for whatever reason then you must be saying that murderers, rapist, drug dealers, and even dictators (Hitler was one and I'm sure as Hell he was a monster by all meaning of the word) because I hope to God that everyone here is able to truly label an individual who has no control over what kind of order he or she is given to follow them (there was an extreme amount of sarcasm in that statement) a monster.
    4. Soldiers have gone through extreme mental degradation due to the things that they have seen so I am very much so sure that they don't point a gun at another individual that points another gun with both of them thinking "I don't even know the guy but he/she is going to kill me if I don't pull this trigger first."
  20. To be quite honest, I like all of the military branches. They all play equal rolse while some play more in-depth roles than others but other than that all of them are great to me. But if I had to pick one real favorite, it would have to be the U.S. Army.

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