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How do you win "The Game"?

Discussion in 'General' started by VentusXIII, Mar 11, 2010.

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  1. No.III Xaldin

    No.III Xaldin New Member

  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    On the 4th of July in 2008 (I think), I was in LA for a friend's birthday. Anime Expo was going n a few blocks down. This one guy I know yelled out "You just lost the game!" to some people across the street who were in Anime outfits. They all came to our side of the street and hit him. Or something like that.
  3. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    furking newfags.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD But I didn't know anything about the game so HAH! I AUTOMATICALLY WIN BY NOT KNOWING! I'm not even thinking about it. My mind is like a brick wall of resisting against the remembrance of the game! I can say and spray about it but not to think it. XD
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member


    The more you know.
  6. alchemistz

    alchemistz New Member

    4chan so much
  7. No.III Xaldin

    No.III Xaldin New Member


    4chan may be a wreched pile of scum, but they can also think

    they figured out the missingno. origin before even nintendo

    it was supposed to be the baby kangaskan, but they removed it and modified it to look like cubone instead

    thats why missingno., or M', can evolve into kangaskan

    the pic explains it :

    Last edited: Mar 22, 2010
  8. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    rule #1................
  9. alchemistz

    alchemistz New Member

    Do not talk about...
  10. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    exactly, it doesn't make sense out of context, people only talk about 'it' to be cool :/
  11. No.III Xaldin

    No.III Xaldin New Member

    rules #1 and #2 reffer only to newfags
  12. Bulbie

    Bulbie New Member

    So that's what The game is..
    Hehe. I've only known how to lose this game for about ten minutes, and I already love The game.

    Hmph. I lost. Again.
    Gotta make my friends lose too. :]
  13. No.III Xaldin

    No.III Xaldin New Member

    The Game
    Just Because He Kept Losing It, It Doesn't Mean The End Of Life

    @bulbie : once you have lost, the only thing left to do is to spread this arount until we get everyone to play

  14. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel Banned

    ITT: Bad imitation of #chan, crap load of cancer, advanced newfaggotry.
  15. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel Banned

    Also massive b&
  16. No.III Xaldin

    No.III Xaldin New Member

    well, this isn't 4Chan
  17. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Enjoy your ban :)
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