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The World of Game

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Ventus, Mar 31, 2010.

  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Jak slowly stood, shaking his head. "Who the hell are you?" He growled. Daxter leaped down. "Sorry about my friend he's been through... alot over the past two years." He said. Jak almost stepped on Daxter as he stepped forward. "I don't know who you are but thanks for the help. Now where am I?" Jak growled. "Be nice Jak." Daxter whispered. "Be nice? Be nice? Daxter, you can be nice because you weren't tortured for two years!" He barked. He then looked back at Aeon. "Sorry... I've been in the darkness for a little too long." He said.
  2. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Aeon looked at him and said "Its ok." "My name is Aeon." "I'm a time traveler thats trying to fix the world's order." He looked at Daxter and said "You are a strange one." "You're a small animal and you can talk." "How, extroardinary." He then chuckled and said "Now tell me, what do you mean when you been into the darkness too long?" Aeon looked at him closely to listen to his young friend's tale.

    Warp was at the castle in his room. He looked up at his ceiling, thinking about his past. He sighed and said "......Transylvania."
  3. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Jak sat, explaining his story. "We came through time into the past of our world and we were in a large city that was said to be Haven city. And we thing Haven is still somewhere on this planet and I want to find my way back so I can get revenge on Baron Praxis. He captured me and pumped me with large amounts of dark eco daily for two years. And now I have powers... evil powers that are almost limitless. And it's all because Praxis wanted to understand the properties of dark eco. It turned Daxter into an ottsel and me into a monster... what else is there to know?" He sighed.
  4. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Well the Dark Lords plan invovles the boy Riki, I don't want to interfer with the boy at all. I am interested in the Hylian male." Megatron turned to see Barricade coming back and Blackout not far behind. "Sir, here are the children you requested, sir." Megatron put his face really close to them and gave him a scare. "The tall one is the one who fits the description. Ilia is the name I, though I wonder whta I could get for this one..." Megatron snatched a small boy with blond hair, "Link's big fan. Colin is the name, such a fragile thing aren't you. Hahahha! Blackout and Starscream follow me to the village. Barricade, Bonecrusher, and Scorpionax I want to go the forest route, but reveal yourself when I tell you to Barricade and Bonecrusher . Scorpionax, I want you to sit and wait in the middle, incase there are problems that need to be fix. Hahahaha! Move out!" Megatron transformed and flew off with the others not far behind. He landed on a smal cliff near the village on the otherside of the river. Blackout landed and Starscream did too next to Megatron, Barricade along with Bonecrusher were in the forest watching the scene. Scorpionax sat waiting underneath everyone alright. Megatron held Colin high in the air. "Dear Hylian male Link! You didn't think I would get your precious friends, but I did! I have come here to bargon for this one first! what will you give me! Hahahahaha!"


    Jango saw that a couple of people were just sitting around towards the enterance to Ordon village. He heard a loud thud. He turned and saw the robots had returned. He ran over to Adell, Ghost, and Jak. "Hey robots are back, got a hostage to come on. Were going to need all the help we can get."
  5. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Link and Riku had began helpping Adell with the graves when two things happened: first Solarius attacks one of the villages few survivors, then Megatron begins parading the fact that he has Colin's life in his hands. Link was instantly torn, he wanted to save them both but there was no way he could. At least not alone. "Riku!" Link yelled. As Riku turned to see what he wanted, Lionk just pointed at Solarius and then ran at Megatron. Riku got the message and ran towards Solarius. Both planned on saving the hostage, but neither had any idea how.
  6. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    "Just tell me one thing, are you looking for someone? You look like you're here for a reason. And a good one at that, we're looking for someone too, someone by the name of Link, he lives here from what i've been told but he's nowhere to be seen, you don't know anything about him, do you?" Ghost said as he stood up from the rock
  7. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Warp was in his bed looking at the ceiling still. He was still thinking about Transylvania. Back when it was him and his brother. They would always compete in running to the house first, skipping the farther rock across the lake, pushing the biggest box, and whos the best fighter. No matter what they do, they always end up being equals. That is when Warp got sick and left. But even after leaving, he kept one picture in his pocket. It is of him and his brother on the grass holding big metal star in their hands. "......Brother."
  8. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Jango saw that a couple of people were just sitting around towards the enterance to Ordon village. ran to them after he warned Link and Adell. Ghost, and Jak. "Hey if you guys are part of the resistance. We have a giant robot problem, ones got a hostage to and the dark god is being delt with by Link's friend. Were going to need all the help we can get to save them both. So get your butts in gear and move out."


    Megatron saw Link running towards him, "Starscream, Blackout, move in fron of him." They jumped down from the hill side and blocked his path to Megatron. "Now listen boy, dare touch me or my followers and the boy dies. Rescuse him the rest die over in Hyrule Field. Now tell me what I can get with his life. The Princess? Maybe your life to toy with instead of his. Don't make any funny moves either, I hold this battlefield more than you know." Megatron side as he tossed the boy up and down in the air like a ball.
  9. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Link froze. Attacking meant losing Colin, or possibly the others. Yet retreat meant the same thing, Link just knew that. What do I do? Link was suck, frozen by the position the enemy had placed him in. He had no options. Nothing resulted in death, action resulted in death, it seemed like everything resulted in the death of someone dear to him. So Link did the only thing he could think of. He dropped his shield and sword and tossed them to the side. He wouldn't fight, he would just let Megatron do what he wants.
  10. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Ghost raised an eyebrow "I finally meet someone that's more technilogically advanced than me. Hm." "Well we'd better get moving then." He said as he sholdered his M4A1 and put his pistol in his holster. "Who are you anyway?" Ghost asked as he eyed Jango, something wasn't right about him..He seemed a little suspicious, but it didn't matter to him at the moment
  11. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Aeon looked at Ghost and said "You are right." "We should get going." "We have to find Link." He then put his pocket watch away and stood along Ghost. He looked at the stranger and thought to himself "We have to keep a eye on this one." "He seems...suspicious." Aeon then put his hand out and said "Hello there." "My name is Aeon." "Who are you?"
  12. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Well looks like someone atleast besides me is technologly advance here past the stone age. Names Jango Fett, best bounty hunter in the galaxy. Came here to fight for the resistance, to protect my dear boy back home. Anyhow, the resistance is only a little bit further up the road from here, and we got a problem on our hands. Robots, big robots. Working for the Dark god guy who lives in that castle." Jango pointed to the dark swirling floating castle in the distance with the dark thundering clouds. "Best we get moving, Link going to need our help."


    "Hmm? The Great hero giving up without a fight? How Ganondorf would be so shocked to have seen me do such a thing. Though I don't want your life, I want the Princess's. To rub in the face of that sun burnt man. I know you won't give her up, but she will herself. If she knows that these pathic humans lifes will be spared for hers instead. StarScream! search the village for her. Blackout grab a hold of that Hylian male. Then bring him her, I want to personally deliver him to the Dark Lord. He will be so pleased, It will finally so that I am so much better than that bumbling fool Fate. Maybe the Dark Lord will make me a Prime! To rule over this province. Hahahaha!"
  13. InugamiGod

    InugamiGod New Member

    Weiss was watching the incedent waiting for someone to make a stupid move & got annoyed at Megatron at calling his Master a fool. That stupid bot better be careful. Master Fate is stronger than him. Wait a sec. Where's the red haired guy that was with them?

    Adell heard what Megatron said & decided to find a way to save everyone in the field, so he slipped away. He was as close to the group as possible without being seen. Four of them & one of me. I don't think I can take even one down before a warning would be sent to their leader. What to do what to do? Adell then noticed Jango talkinf to three other guys. Maybe they can help me.

    Adell ran over to them.
    "Hey I need help saving some hostages. You guys in? Oh by the way i'm Adell."
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Jak nodded to Aeon. "To find the most powerful people to help me hunt Praxis down." He growled, stading slowly. He eyed Jango and smiled. "Blasters? Must be weak..." He muttered then looked back to Aeon. "And I think we should travel together for now." He suggested.
  15. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Who you calling weak, your hiding my some squirrel thing?" He didn't care who or what side he was on, he surely wasn't going to take anything from this guy who looked like he needed butt a wooping. "I don't take kind to people who place themselves above others. I don't you should be one to talk either, hiding not behind your squirrel, but that monstorsity of a gun. So unless you want to start something go ahead. I'm up for a fight, so if you want to really pick a fight during a war between Justice and Evil. Then be my guest, let your arch foe win, he's probably working with these guys."


    Megatron noticed Weiss. Hmmm, what is that bumbling fool doing here? To work as a slave to his bigger fool boss probably. Though I better watch it. I don't want him to take my prize. The great Hero, the person who brings him to the Dark Lord will obviously have their desire for power granted to him. I must be a prime! Megatron thought as he was still holding into Colin who was shocked with fear.
  16. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Warp kept seeing his past in his mind. He couldn't run away from it even if he tried to. Everytime he saw his brother's face, he just felt angry. So angry that he wanted to stab his pillow. That is when he saw the last memory. The memory of when he face his brother on a moonlit field. They kept fighting, never slacking in their attacks. Never stopping or slowing down, they kept clashing until they knocked each other to the ground with one last punch from each other. When they fell down to the ground, Warp's brother looked at Warp and said "No matter what, Time is more precious then space." Those last words got Warp mad. He stood up and looked at his brother. "Shut up." He then walked away from his home, his country, and even his own brother. From that last memory, Warp felt so angry that he sat up in his bed and let a really loud howl that started distorting the upper half of the castle. "Brother!!!!!!!!!"
  17. InugamiGod

    InugamiGod New Member

    Adell looked between Jango & the new guy with a creature on his shoulder before sighing.
    "Hey guys can we focus on saving the hostages first?"

    Weiss jumped out of the tree & was walking away from the village. Well I see no reason to stay here. As he left the forest he felt that something was wrong at the castle.
    "I wonder who's the unlucky fool to attack us?" He found his horse & rode it back to the castle.

    When he got there he noticed that the upper half was distored. Weiss quickly ran into the castle & found the source of the disortion was Warp.
    "Oi! Are you trying to destroy the castle fool!" Weiss stood there glaring at Warp waiting for an anwser.
  18. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Warp sat there with emotionless eyes. He looked at Weiss with no reply until after few second where he said "Bakaryoku." That is when he started leveling down the distortion of the upper half. When the distortion was finally done, Warp got up from his bed and walked towards Weiss. He looked at him completely in his eyes. After a few second he didn't say anything until "Go find your so called "master."
  19. InugamiGod

    InugamiGod New Member

    Weiss scoffed.
    "A bit arrogant, but I need to report to him anyways. By the way be more careful or else." He started leaving the room.
  20. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Warp watched him leave and said to himself "What a fool." He then stood there for a few minutes thinking about his memories. That is when he finall said ".....I need to find do something." He then at that moment dissapeared from his room and back to Ordon.

    When he appeared on top of a building in Ordon, he looked down at a group of people standing and talking to eachother. The one he was really interested in, and that was Aeon.

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