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"The World"

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Beloved, Jan 14, 2010.

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  1. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    In the city of Mac Anu, Shadow Warlock Yui was trying desperately to find her friend, Adept Rouge Wraith. After searching high and low in the city, she had no avail in her search. "Where is he?" "Why isn't he around?" "I heard them say that hes around here but I can't find him." ".....Wraith." She stopped searching and looked around. She still saw no one. She started panting and said to herself "Why?" "Why can't I find my friend?" She sighed and then said "Can't anybody out there help me?"
  2. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Level 22 1/3

    Karite had the girl following him closely. New enemies had appeared in the graveyard now that he had freed her, just as he expected. All he had to do was get her to the Chaos Gate without her getting hurt and he would win the event. Then he could start a guild of his own.But he was getting ahead of himself. First he had to get her out safely, a challenge with all the enemies around.
    He motioned for her to start running towards the gate and she nodded, obeying his order. Karite had his scythe ready and was running beside her. He was constantly looking around, checking to see if they were noticed. For a while, there was nothing. They managed to make it most of the way without being spotted. Then it happened, their luck ran out. A single enemy noticed them and howled. Suddenly every enemy in the graveyard came running. Karite looked at the NPC woman and then at the Chaos Gate, as if to judge the distance. Finally he picked her up and tossed her to the gate. She vanished in a flash of light. But that one little move gave the monsters all the time they needed, Karite was now surrounded by all of them. He pulled out his glitch scythe and got himself into his stance.

    The monsters began charging him, one-by-one-by-one. Karite took each as they came, slicing them in their vital point and moving on. While some of the mosters didn't die from the single hit, Karite kept attacking as they came. He was on the defensive and needed to focus only on the ones attacking. If he happened to direct his focus on to killing his enemies then the others would surely kill him. So if they survived, Karite would just get them when they tried to attack again.
    His scythe seemed to be dancing in his hands as it moved from one foe to the next, carving itself through monster after monster. An occasional ability would be launched to give Karite some breathing room but the monsters would just crowd back up almost instantly. He could see his own fate if he wee to stop, so despite the exhaustion Karite felt he kept fighting. Kept attacking. Kept surviving.

    For what seemed like hours Karite fought until finally. "Reaper's Dance!" The attack slayed the last monster there was. He had done it. Karite had survived and killed every monster that had attacked. With an exhausted but happy look on his face, Karite went to the Chaos Gate and returned to Mac Anu.
  3. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    "Wraith." "Where are you?" Said Yui as she strolled through the city in her search for her friend. He kept searching no matter what. She was determined to find him. "He has to be here." "I know it." After a few minutes of seaching, she wounded up in the center of town. She looked around but still no sign of Wraith. "I just can't find him." "I just can't find him." She then sighed and sat on the ground in sadness for her friend. "Wraith." "Why do you hide?" As this happened, a Adept Rouge in white armor stood outside Mac Anu looking at it on a hill. From the hill he see Yui sitting on the ground in the center of the city. He looked at her and said "Yui." "I'm sorry." He then turned his back towards the city and started leaving for a nearby Chaos Gate.
  4. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Admin Adept Rogue lvl 13 (1/3)

    "Are you sure this is a good place to level?" Salvatore asked cautiously as he and his partner stepped away from the Chaos Gate. Clad in a red trench and decked out in old western leather straps, his latest companion was proving to be a bit of a mystery. His entire attitude was more lax than he would have liked, but with so few people actually showing interest in his want to level the adept rogue didn't really have much choice in the matter.

    Then again, had he not spoken with the man he would have never found out about this quest. With a shrug of his shoulders, Swift pushed his emerald sun-glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Well yeah. If you do this quest on top of leveling it'll be a win-win for you, no? Besides why not just do the quest for the hell of it anyways. I mean, you can't really have any fun playing this game without doing something that isn't total serious business."

    His eyes scanning the dreary scenery, Salvatore nodded reluctantly. The steam-gunner was right. If he played "The World" seriously twenty-four, seven he'd end up going crazy. And while he should try to make friends, it wasn't the real world so he had to draw that line now and again. "I guess you're right. So how long does this event go on for?"

    "A while longer. Way I figure it we'll finish either just before it closes or after. Either way you'll still get experience. By the way, when's your friend supposed to join us?"

    "I hope soon. I was able to get his member address right before we logged off so I was able to send him some e-mails about this quest. I included the name - Till Death Do Us Part - as well as the area phrase - Seething Neverending Necropolis."

    A small smile tightened the edges of Swift's lips as he turned over to peer at Salvatore through his glasses. The haunting image of the man lingered there for another moment before he turned his attention back to the world around them, "That's good," he replied before trudging down the lane of graves.

    "Get here soon Gerik.." Hibari whispered into his mic as he slowly followed after the steam-gunner.
  5. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    As soon as he resocked his supplies, his quick mail alert sounded. Alkaid. Wonderful. Hopefully this won't turn into a brawl fest.

    He sent her a reply; I'm on my way. I need to do some leveling. Why don't we talk in a battle area?

    He clicked send, and made his way to Dol Dona.
  6. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Level 22 2/3

    Karite was fully healed and immeadiatlly went to the quest shop. Once they checked to see that he had completed the quest, the NPC called up the quest people. In just a few moments, the NPC girl came up with another NPC, a man in a suit. "We can't thank you enough for reuniting us. As promised, here is my Guild Liscence." The NPC handed a small gold paper to Karite. The two said their thanks again and left. With nothing better to do but start the guild, Karite went to a bench in the city and sat down. Okay, now to start my guild. But first I should message Sion and Nero, they should definately know about this. Karite sent the message and then got comfortable, he was going to wait for them before he began his guild.

    (The message)
    Sion, Nero; meet me at the center of Mac Anu. I've got some news I think you guys will wanna hear.
  7. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    Alkaid read the message she just got. 'The battle arena, hmm I haven't been there since the incident' She sent back a reply. "No I don't do the arenas anymore. Just meet me in Dol Dona and then we can talk." Alkaid noticed something odd when she sent the message.
  8. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    disregaurd this slow computer double posted.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2010
  9. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    ...Arena? He didn't say anything about the arena.

    He sent a reply.

    No, no no. Not the Arena. I said Area. But I'll go ahead and meet you there.
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Adept Rouge Level 11 1/3

    Tom got back to his computer and turned it on. When it was fully loaded, Tom logged on to "The World." He checked his email before he began playing. There was one email. It was from CC Corp.

    "Dear Gerik. We would like to thank you for your regular patronage to "The World." This email has been sent to inform you that the Theta Server is now open to you. To get there, access the Root Town Dol Dona from the Mac Anu Chaos Gate.


    If you are unsure as to why you recieved this email, please contact our help desk."

    "Wow..." Tom muttered to himself. "I get one job extension at a low level, and now the advanced server is open to me. Works for me." Tom put the M2D on his head and entered "The World."
  11. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Admin Adept Rogue lvl 13 (2/3)

    As Salvatore and Swift made their way through the morbid scenery, the adept rogue wondered why no enemies had attacked them yet. Maybe it was part of the event, and a mid-level boss character would pop out at some point to scare the hell out of players as well as give them a challenge.

    Some of the doors looked as if they had fallen apart from age. Some even appeared to be broken in to by force. It was a wonder why anyone would want to bust open a tomb door, but after some thought Hibari assumed that CC Corp wanted a feel of grave robbing as well.

    Not exactly a bad idea, at least they were thinking, he mused. The gray blond dressed in red came up short and motioned with one of his hands to the building in front of them. It was the only stone worked tomb that gave off an aura of utter dread. Oh yeah. Not a thought of death was spared on this place.

    "Grunts first," the steam-gunner stated dryly. Rolling his eyes, Salvatore approached the doors and planted a hand on either of the aged double doors. With enough effort the doors gave way and the moon's light pierced the darkness. But only for a moment. Within the next, flames at torches erupted and gave 'light' to the dank area.

    Hibari wasn't sure about Swift, but his own eyes went wide at the sight before him.

    A woman of unparalleled beauty hung from the ceiling by a weak chain. Horrible, stitched together Dust Goblins danced about blue flames that skirted the fringes of her flowing white dress.

    The quasi-ritual scene disturbed the adept rogue for only a moment. Any longer and Swift would have taken all the fun.

    Without hesitation the steam-gunner went into action. Firing and casting magic alike at the horde. Following suit, Salvatore withdrew his new gun - Morning Glory - and proceeded to take down his own share of the opposing party.

    It took longer than he would have thought. Unlike most NPC's, these ones got back up unless you made sure to take them out. Eventually the two players were exercising their combat specialties. At one point, Salvatore even switched back to his original choice of tribal grappler. Finding it much easier to punch holes in his enemy then shoot ones.

    "Damn it Gerik! Where are you!"
  12. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    Alkaid was a little confused and a bit worried about the messages. 'Come to think of it something odd happened when I got that message and sent in my reply. I hope ADIA has nothing to do with it' She sent Sion a reply telling him to meet her at the Chaos get in Dol Dona that she had a place all picked out. Alkaid also wanted to ask Sion about the messages he sent and see if the odd incident happened with him.
  13. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Wraith kept walking through the land he was in. He punched in the words Crying Hero's Outlands at the chaos outside Mac Anu. It sent to skit of outlands that reach outward towards east. Wraith chosed to be here so he could be alone. "This way, I can't be a burden to Yui." But as he said that, a large shadow enveloped him. He turned around and saw a giant troll-like creature standing before him and looking down at him. It bared its teeth as it let out a low growl. "Hrrrhrh." Wraith slowly walked backwards as he kept looking at the troll and saying "This creature isn't part of the game." When he said that, the troll roared and bought it's fists up. He then smacked them down to the ground, causing a shockwave that was powerful enough to knock Wraith down. Wraith looked up at the beast and said "This is bad!!"
  14. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Dol Dona's chaos gate....

    He had already arrived when he recieved the message. Alkaid was standing with her arms crossed, looking toward the central plaza.


    Sion silently crept behind her, and got close. He whispered; "Boo." ; )
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Adept Rouge Level 11 2/3

    Gerik appeared at the Chaos Gate in Dol Dona. "Hmm... This area looks nice. But I'm probably too low a level to do anything alone. I wonder if Salvatore has access to this server yet."

    He typed a quick short mail. "Hey, it's me Gerik. I'm here in Dol Dona. Are you able to get here?"

    "I hope he gets it."
  16. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Level 24 1/3

    Karite was waiting for a few minutes without even the slightedt reply. After another ten minutes he decided that he would just surprise them with his news when they finally show up. He quickly got up and headed to the Mac Anu guards. At first they took no notice of him. Finally he realized that he has to talk to them, not the other way around. "I'd like to start a guild."
    One of them seemed to come alive at his words and nodded. "Please show Guild Liscence." Karite held up the gold card and waited a moment. "Guild Liscence confirmed. Please select Guild Name." Karite put his hand up to his chin as he thought. A name? I forgot to think of a name. Gee, and I thought I had it all planned out. So let's see... After a few minutes Karite smiled.
    "The Fantomz."
    The guard was silent as it seemed to be checking to see if the name wasn't already in use. Finally, "Confirmed. Guild 'The Fantomz' will be created. Would you like to create an entryo requirement or test?"
    Karite thought for a quick moment and then nodded. "Yes, a level lmit. Users must be at least Level 15." The guard nodded and then was silent for a while longer. "Done, guild 'The Fantomz' has been created. Your @Home is near the docks of Mac Anu." Karite smiled and ran off. He wanted to check out his new guild.
  17. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Admin Adept Rogue lvl 13 (3/3)

    For every enemy the adept rogue took down, two more seemed to take its place. When the message window suddenly told him Gerik sent a P.M. to him, his eyes went wide. While his avatar continued struggling with the zombies, Hibari typed up his message to Gerik as quick as his fingers would allow.

    To: Gerik
    From: Salvatore


    'Bout time! Hurry up and get onto Seething Neverending Necropolis. If we complete this event we'll get a guild! Hurry though. I don't know how much longer I can fight off these zombies with just myself and Swift - You'll meet him. Hurry!

    As the message flew off into cyberspace, Hibari returned his attention to the horde before him. "All right ass jackals. You're mine! Rapid Attack!" No sooner did the words leave his lips then his fists flew into a flurry of blows that tore through the amassed numbers of zombies.

    Each punch, each kick, hit home against one or more of his opponents. Tearing through digital flesh and turning it back into simple data. Ferocious howls erupted from Salvatore as he took another one down and turned on the balls of his feet to face a new enemy. That one, and the next, fell to a mighty crescent kick that cracked skulls in two.

    A cynical laugh erupted from his throat as they came upon him. Harder, more bestial. "Come on! I want all of you to try and take me down now!" Vigor coursed through his veins. The prospect that his friend would soon be with him kept his body alive with new found energy.
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Level Up. Adept Rouge Level 12 0/3

    Gerik soon received Salvatore's reply. "Sweet. A guild. I'll be right over there."

    >And to copy off of Haseo.....<

    "Let's see. Theta Seething Neverending Necropolis. Better hurry." Gerik muttered as he headed over to the Chaos Gate. "I suppose now is as good a time as ever to try out the new Twin Blade Job Extension. Theta Seething Neverending Necropolis." As Gerik spoke the Area Words, energy rings flowed upwards. Gerik's PC formed into a blue ball of light and dissapeared.

    The area began to visualize on Tom's M2D. He quickly typed a Short Mail to Salvatore. "I'm here. How far in the dungeon are you?"
  19. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Admin Adept Rogue lvl 14 (1/3)

    "In front of you!" he exclaimed.

    Wide-eyed and in a frenzy, Salvatore rushed through the throng of grave markers as a number of NPC's followed closely at his heels.

    Over his shoulders the woman who had been held in chains. Apparently, while he had been fighting, Swift had been sneaking off to get the girl. 'A gentleman's privilege,' he had called it. The adept rogue just thought it was a line of b.s. to sound cool, but didn't have time to argue.

    His hit points were getting low and he couldn't continue fighting much longer. Swift was in the same boat and had his own line of enemies to deal with. The two of them had switched to guerrilla warfare but it had done little.

    "Guuuuuaahhh!!" a zombie growled as it swiped down for an attack.

    Salvatore had barely anytime to dodge and started jumping from tombstone to tombstone, but with the added weight of the woman it was difficult.

    It was surprising to see she had no cue lines throughout the event, but there was more than likely a good reason for that.

    As he turned to make his way back to Gerik, Salvatore noticed that Swift was coming at him in a head on collision. Leading the mass of enemies as well. "Oshi--" His words were cut off as the two of them, as well as their followers, crashed into one another.

    He groaned in pain and even laughed a little at the comical scene. That was until they started attacking again. Then he had to scramble, only to realize he didn't have the NPC girl with him any more.

    His eyes turned upwards and saw her high over head. She was on her descent back to the earth and he wouldn't be able to make it in time. "Catch her," he called out as he turned back to face the horde of monsters, "I'll take them on!"
  20. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    The troll creature raised it's arms again and was going to repeat it's earlier attack until Wraith quckly got out of the way and brought out his dagger from it's sheath. That is when he stabbed the creature before it did it's attack. The creature fell back and started howling in pain as Wraith stood and looked at the creature. When he stabbed it, he gained a new type of adrenaline. The one that give him the urge to destroy. "This rush." "I love it." That is when he charged at the creature and said "Die!!!!!" The creature saw this and quickly grabbed him. It then slammed Wraith to the ground and started hammering him with it's giant right fist. After few pummels it stopped and looked at Wraith. He was barely breathing, as it was like real life. "This pain....... its real." That is when his vision started fading. The last thing he was seeing was the troll raising it's fist for a last attack. That is when Wraith laughed and smiled. "I guess..... I won't fulfill my promise then." He then started closing eyes slowly and drifted off to darkness. That is when he heard the voice. "You idiot." "I guess I'll have to give you my power then." That is when he heard the voice say a name. A name that would give him the power to kill the creature. Wraith said the name loud before the creature attacked. "Innus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" That is when the a powerful ray of light appeared through the sky. Out of the light, a lance appeared.
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