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Action Replay MAX Codes

Discussion in 'KH Coding' started by Demi Shock, Jul 22, 2007.

Who is the most helpful hacker/coder in this thread?

  1. Demi Shock

    33 vote(s)
  2. DjC

    16 vote(s)
  3. Ransu

    3 vote(s)
  4. ishotansem

    3 vote(s)
  5. ansem the wise 59

    3 vote(s)
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  1. ven_roxas

    ven_roxas New Member

    thanx for the help

    they didn't work, said wrong game
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2008
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Guys, I've deleted all of the off-topic posts and those advertising other sites. Please try to keep this thread on topic. I don't want to have to close it down.
  3. DjC

    DjC New Member

    do u want me to send u my famous pm on how to convert codes?
    thanx for the reminder, ill try and keep it clean;)
    the only major code i can think of is wisdom sora being able to dual wield with out tstancing
  4. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    oh yes...

    Final-Cross Wisdom Form
    51CEFF50 00000040
    01CEFED0 00000000
    01CB97FF 00000004
  5. DoorToLight

    DoorToLight New Member

    o and if you need it in ar max.............

    Final-Cross Wisdom Form

    sorry atw59 i just really wanted to test out the maxconverter:D i just downloaded it and it was really useful. thanks to DjC and Demi Shock:D
  6. ven_roxas

    ven_roxas New Member

    all this code does is give wisdom the ability to glide right???
    that's all that happened for me anyway
  7. DjC

    DjC New Member

    really? it should have made u wisom form with 2 keyblades with out t-stancing
  8. DoorToLight

    DoorToLight New Member

    yea i finnaly got it thanks to DjC and Demi:D:D:D
    i also found this cool new code

    Floating Keyblade

    theres a vid on ytube too YouTube - KH2 ARMAX (Floating Keyblade)
  9. ven_roxas

    ven_roxas New Member

    i already had the floating keyblade code, but the final-wisdom code (armax version) took away quick run and gave wisdom glide
  10. DoorToLight

    DoorToLight New Member

    i don't know why it did that does the code work normally though except for the switched abilities:confused:
  11. ven_roxas

    ven_roxas New Member

    code works fine
    it's for the right game, it doesn't crash, freeze, or T stance
    just switches the abilities.
    btw i tried using final, and it worked fine, it had glide also
  12. DjC

    DjC New Member

    maybe u were using other codes that interfeared with that one
  13. ven_roxas

    ven_roxas New Member

    i used ot by itself, and it still did that.
    i tryed the wisom form norman command menu code with it and it still did the same thing
  14. DoorToLight

    DoorToLight New Member

    i dont know why its doing that im sorry but i cant help:(
    maybe one of the more experiencead hackes can help:)
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2008
  15. ven_roxas

    ven_roxas New Member

    wat ev. it's cool. i'm sure a better code for that purpose will be thought up sooner or later.
    btw does anyone have the dual wield normal sora code (armax)???
  16. DoorToLight

    DoorToLight New Member

    i dont think that there is a normal cloths sora code but there are codes with never ending drive guage and to play as valor sora all the time when the code is on those are always useful:D
  17. ven_roxas

    ven_roxas New Member

    well on youtube, i saw a video of someone playing as regular khII sora dual wielding.
    they didn't post the code.
  18. Venhot2

    Venhot2 New Member

    That was probably a DW Roxas code, because i used it, and when ever Sora is in Twilight Town, he is dual wielding.
  19. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    there you go


    nope there is a code like this
    yes :( it is
    that video was made by erkz, the guy who made that code
    *buzzer goes off* WRONG!!!! there is a code like that *pionts to code* and if you don't believe me test it yourself
  20. ven_roxas

    ven_roxas New Member

    i have a new fav code. dual wield sora!!!
    it didn't work when i loaded the game, but as i walked into a new area, i pushed L1 L2 R1 R2 and it worked. it gives u oathkeeper in your other hand. it doesn't freese when you go to new areas. it gives you valor hand position (how you hold the keyblades) and you can use high jump, but no other growth abilities. you cannot use drives tho :(
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