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Kingdom Hearts: Runaways (Remake)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, May 1, 2010.

  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kingdom Hearts


    Years after Sora died there were no more keyblade wielders left. When Xehanort finally regain his strength and rejuvenated himself he decided to find a way to take over Kingdom Hearts. But it was to late for Xehanort to try and take over Kingdom hearts because the keyblade wielders where born once Xehanort decided to take over Kingdom Hearts. Know Xehanort has decided to get rid of the keyblade wielders once and for all but these teen will not stand for it. Now Xehanort has found a way to get rid of the keyblade wielders so he can get to kingdom heats. Xehanort has taken over the kids parents and their friends. He has changed the into his dark Keyblade wielders. So now many teens have gotten together to stop Xehanort and get rid of him once and for all.

    Standard Rp Rules apply.
    Mature Content( Cursing, Sex, etc)
    Also Dark Keyblade wielders must have a keyblade with back in or looks evil.
    There must be up to 5 Dark Keyblade wielders.
    You control your character parents.
    Have fun! :D

    Weapon: ( Must have a keyblade but may have another weapon)
    Side: (Keyblade wielders, Dark Keyblade wielders)

    Last edited: May 3, 2010
  2. [​IMG]
    Name: Reonarudo Chiisutofupu Butsuchiru
    Age: 16
    Weight: 72kg
    Height: 182cm
    Date of Birth: November 26
    Birthplace: Destiny Islands
    Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
    Blood Type: B-
    Hair Color: Gray
    Eye Color: Brown
    Affiliation: Keyblade Wielders
    Keyblade: Kingdom Key
    Personal Treasures: Kingdom Key, Father's Coin, Journal, Sketch Book, Books
    Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Drawing
    Favorite Food: Pizza
    Dislikes: Blind Optimism, Baseless Pessimism, Regrets, Ignorance
    Abilities: Sliding Dash, Stun Impact, Strike Raid, Blitz, Zantetsuken, Sonic Blade, Ars Arcanum, Ragnarok, Fire Raid, Blizzard Raid, Thunder Raid, Gravity Raid, Stop Raid, Judgment, Reflect Raid, Magnet Spiral, Aqua Splash, Tornado, Freeze, Quake, Warpinator, Warp, Bind, Confuse, Firaga Burst, Teleport, Holy, Raging Storm
    Personality: Brave, Bold, Impish, Gentle, Lax, Calm, Hasty, Modest, Sassy, Relaxed, Jolly, Quirky, Naive
    Biography: Life on the Destiny Islands was truly a life of peace and simplicity. On the islands, Reo experienced some of his best memories: making friends, sending time with these friends, finding love, becoming of age, and even receiving his first kiss. He had lived in a state of complete and total bliss, never thinking that one day his paradise that he roamed within would ever be threatened by anything.

    He was sadly mistaken.

    On a warm summer night, Reo woke up with a cold sweat and a trembling body. He had awakened from a dream in which a cloaked figure came to him in a secret place of Destiny Islands where a series of old carvings had been made by its previous residents. The figure had told him strange riddles that completely baffled him. It was only when he looked up to the night sky to see a large portal, spiraling and pulling his world apart.

    In a moment of desperation and frustration, he was given the power to fight the darkness that had attacked his world, but was too late to reverse the effects of it.

    Taken in by the darkness, he was sent off to Traverse Town where he was cared for and trained to hone his abilities. After he had finally completed his training he set out on a mission: to find the whereabouts of his mother and father who he was separated from, to find his friends, most of all his closest friend, Jisuse Jamesu Rukukeru and to find the one person that meant so much to him at the very beginning of his life, a girl named Miragurosu Shinie Puraza.
    Last edited: May 4, 2010
  3. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Nice your accpeted thanks for the extra's in the templates. I forgot to add those i was really tired last night
    Great job!
  4. Thank you. I'll be making two more characters very soon after I get a certain amount of information.
  5. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    ok cool ill see what they look like and ill judge them when they are posted
  6. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Name: Tyro
    Age: 16
    Weight: 98 kg
    Height: 5'10
    Abilities: Slash Roll, Dodge Roll, Glide, Slash, Thunder, Lighting, Teleport, a few more other things I'll add on soon.
    Birthplace: Hollow Bastion
    Weapon: Oblivion
    Side: Keyblade wielders
    Hobbies: Football, writing, drawing, Basketball.
    Eye color: Black
    Hair Color: Gray
    Date of Birthday: November 22
    Personality: Talkative, Is helpful and unselfish with others, Is full of energy, worries about things that bother him, trusting, honest, and last but not least can be moody....
    Bio: Hollow Bastion, was the place. November 22 he was born. Tyro never really had any parents, as he was left at HB when he was 2, he grew up with some kids who was the same age as him. It was as if they were his parents. He lived there for a long time till he was 15, at the age of 15, new life, new start, and new experience.

    One day he was walking to meet up with his best friend, Ryo and Britt, but after looking and looking all he could find was the feeling of something bad. It was just two hours ago they meet up before, he was wondering what could have took them. It was like a scary dream, as if he was in a Video game, but this time it wasn't, it was for real and he knew he had to do something b/c they were his best friends and without them he would be lost. At first he thought maybe they were joking around, and trying to fool him but he knew they wouldn't do something like that.

    So the story goes on, he was pulled a way in the darkness by a man. Nobody knows who this was or what he wants. But all we know is, it was a new beginning...... What if we got separated? Does that mean we have to search for eachother or what?
    *Not the best but it should work?
    Last edited: May 2, 2010
  7. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God


    Name: Byakuya or Kuya for short
    Age: 16
    Height: 5'11
    Weight: 160
    Abilities: Kyo excels in magic and swift attacks with his keyblade. In his arsenal of magic he has great master of the blizzard spells. He also relies on instinct over strategy, claiming "That you need to strike and fast to win."
    Keyblade: Oathkeeper


    Side: Keyblader
    Personality: Kind, energetic, high spirited, emotional
    Bio: Byakuya was born in Twilight Town. He is the one of the twin sons of the noble family that now live in the masion out near the woods. When he turned 16, him and his brother was hanging out near the woods. As they explored it, a black-red orb appeared in the sky. It started consuming the whole town and the woods. As they kept running, Byakuya and his brother kept getting closer and closer but it was too late. The orb swallowed them up It then sent them somewhere far away, causing them to be seperated from each other.

    When he woke up, he found himself in a place that is new to him and he gained some kind of weapon, a key-like sword. He weilded the weapon and decided to investigate what happened to his world.

    Theme: YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep - Rage Awakened


    Name: Yumi
    Age: 16
    Height: 5'11
    Weight: 160
    Abilities: Excels in magic. Yumi is a master in the fira spells. His swordsmans skill are considered to be heavy critical attacks. He also favors strategizing over using instincts since he claims "That instinct will get you killed."
    Personality: Distant, quiet, calm, cold.
    Keyblade: Dark Biter

    Dark Biter - Kingdom Hearts Wiki - A world of information not accessible by Gummiship

    Bio: When he lost his brother in the orb that destroyed his town, Yumi was sent to another world. Along side him, he found a black key-like sword. He picked it up and felt a great power in his heart. From weilding this keyblade, the thirts for power kept growing and growing in heat. Out of this thirst , darkness started growing more and more in his soul. That is when Xehanort found him and gave him a deal; join him and gain power or be weak fool for life. Yumi then decided to join him and become a Dark Keyblader, a keyblader of the darkness.
    Side: Dark Keyblader

    Theme: YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep - Vanitas Battle
    Last edited: May 8, 2010
  8. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Save a spot for me!
  9. Make a bloody account then XD
  10. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Your all accepted i love the Pics and stuff oh and Ultima Weapon and Ultima Weapon Kh2 is reserved...
  11. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Alrighty thanks for the accept can't wait for this baby to start up :D
  12. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    I just need to make my character and like 1 more person to join and ill make the roleplay...
  13. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Alright ill see if i can find some ppl to join. should be fun
  14. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    oh i forgot we need 1 more dark keyblader and another female character...
  15. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Name: Darian
    Age: 18
    Date of Birth: August 16
    Side: Keyblade Weilders
    Abilities: Controls Thunder and Ice
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Eye Color: Blue
    Hair Color: Silver
    Height: 5'11

    Hobbies: Skating.
    Grade: 12th
    Keyblade: Ultima Weapon keyblade Kh2
    Omega Weapon

    Bio: Darian was adopted into a family. Darian has just found out he was adopted on his eighteenth birthday and now he is trying to discover who his parents are. Darian's foster parents are really nice people who look like they really could have been his parents. Darian is a straight A student and is his school best lacrosse player. Darian was born and was abanndoned. Darian has no idea on when his parent will show themselves to him or when he will find them.
    Last edited: May 3, 2010
  16. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Alright I might ask a few people hopefully we can get them! If we cant might just have to start without them
  17. When will we be starting.
  18. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    when there is another dark keyblader character...
  19. I almost forgot to do that.
  20. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Yeah we just need to find one more.......

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