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Kingdom Hearts: Runaways (Remake)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, May 1, 2010.

  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    I'm in but I'll make a profile tommorow.
  2. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    ok ill check it out then...
  3. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    just without the suit
    Name: Gryphon Hamaset
    Age: 16
    Weight: 135 lbs
    Height: 5' 9"
    Date of Birth: February 11
    Birthplace: Twilight Town
    Affiliation: Keyblade Wielders
    Keyblades: Untouched Radiance & Battle-Scarred Shadow
    Likes: His friends, The Keyblade wielders, The Keyblades themselves, The Balance between Light and Darkness.
    Dislikes: Attempts to hurt the ones he loves, or the attempts to disrupt the balance of Light and Darkness.
    Abilities: Double Strike Raid, Zantetsuken, Sonic Blade, Ragnarok, Holy, Dark Aura, Reflectara, Cura, Dogde Roll, Quick Run Lv3, Aerial Dodge Lv3, Glide Lv 3.
    Bio: When Gryphon was still young, he lost his parents in a fire, and was dropped off at the run-down orphanage. Growing up there, he enjoyed listening to the stories of the Keyblade wielders heroism, Gryphon admires the Keyblade weilders with great respect, especially Roxas, explaining his personal fighting strategy. He holds no ill-will towards light or dark itself, just the people who misuse it, and he seeks a balance between them. He looks out for the little guy, but he is a little shy, and always tries to find a way to solve a problem with words. Though his foes sometimes take this as a sign of weakness, they quickly find out how mistaken they are as he shows no mercy in a fight.
    Last edited: May 5, 2010
  4. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    accepted get posting a.s.a.p.
  5. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Cheers mate.

    I'll jump in to the RP with you guys once I get what the hell is going on, the school thingie is confusing me. And I may wait for Reo to post.
  6. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ok and its the last day of school when we are getting out just place yourself in school or something...
  7. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    I'm confused, do the characters have their keyblades yet? or their powers for that matter?
  8. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    we dont get powers or keyblades until i recieve mine or i give the flag that we have them ok....
  9. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    ok. Btw, I thought a another character:
    Name: Cleozeratta (Cleo for short)
    Age: ???
    Weight: ???lbs
    Height: 5' 11"
    Date of Birth: ???
    Birthplace: Claims she was born in Nothingness
    Affiliation: Dark Keyblader
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Keyblades: Damaged Wing & Severed Pride (Both held in reverse grips, which is how Ven holds his keyblade)
    Likes: Light and Darkness, other people (whether friend, foe, bystander, etc).
    Dislikes: It appears she doesn't dislike anything, save for angering other people.
    Abilities: Zantetsuken, Sonic Blade, Ragnarok, Explosion, Holy, Dark Firaga, Dark Aura, Reflectaga, Curaga, Stopga, Graviga, Mobile Action, Crime & Punishment, Endless Magic, Master Magic, & Glide Lv MAX.
    Bio: Very little is known about Cleozeratta, as she has little she wishes to share. Though she prefers magic, she is equally skilled in close combat, and she is EXTREMELY powerful. It's rare to see her without a smile on her face, that it is eerie to others. She prefers not to fight with the other keybladers, whichever side they're on, but she will not hold back if she needs to. She doesn't wish to anger others, and if she does, she quickly apologizes. She has a strange aura about her, as if she's a living doll, and she speaks in a very soft voice, and never grunts in combat, even if she's hit. Her motives are a mystery even to the other Dark Keyblade weilders, though it should be noted that she has a strange fascination with Light and Dark. (More will be revealed about her in due time.)
    Last edited: May 5, 2010
  10. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Actually, if you even read my profile, RP-wise I should post then after your character gains his powers. :p Since Reo and Jii are from Destiny Islands, and the Island is devoured. So I will wait until the time comes.
  11. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    ok cool with me...
  12. That goes the same for me with noz. I'll wait until your character get his Keyblade or till you give the green light.
  13. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Lyra DeWise
    All of her senses are heightened except her sight. She can tell what others are feeling with an ability of hers called empathy. She inherited the ability from her mother who was a very skilled empath. She can feel what others are feeling and through that sometimes predict what they are thinking but only around people she REALLY knows well. She has developed a power over earth magics and she can use that power to help aid her with her disability (told about below). Other than that she is just your average keyblade weilder.
    A Keyblade. The type is called Redemption.
    She is one of the new Keyblade Weilders.
    She is a little unsure of herself sometimes and she has trouble trusting people when she first meets them but once you get past her berriers she is a very supportive, loyal, and wise friend. She can be pretty stubborn and independant sometimes.
    She was born in the thick of darkness and I mean that litterally in two ways. See, Lyra was born blind. At first, she was babied because of her disability. No one really expected much out of her but she got annoyed about it at a very early age. She started pushing people away when they tried to lead her across the room and she would walk on her own. At first it was a challenge but she learned to see without the need of her eyes using her other senses and the feeling of the ground (much like Toph on Avatar). Soon her father saw her as an advantage. The appearence of her eyes is obvious that she is blind and so enemies wouldn't expect much out of her. She would have the element of suprise and be a secret weapon for the dark world. He immediately put her in training to fight after that. At first, Lyra was very loyal to Xemnas and the dark keybladers but that all changed one day when she was patrolling the grounds at the dark headquarters when she was fifteen years old. She heard the faint, weak breath of someone in pain. She walked closer to the person, following the sounds they were making. As she got closer she realized this person was light and she summoned her keyblade to kill this person but she heard the person speak. It was a very soft voice and young. She could only guess that this person was a lot younger than her, a child. "Please dont hurt me." the person had said. As soon as she heard the childs voice she felt their emotions. She felt scared, lost, alone, and hopeless just like the child. she didnt know why the kid was there but she knew he or she was of light and she was supposed to either kill them or take them into captivity but this was just a little kid. she wasn't supposed to harm children was she? She hesitated but then she heard footsteps behind her "Lyra!" she recognised it was her fathers voice. "Dont hesitate. He will not hesitate to kill you when he grows up."
    She looked back at him "It's a child father! He doesn't mean harm. He is lost."
    She heard the little boys voice again "I need to find my mom. She told me she would be back but she never came."
    Lyra remembered a woman that had been brought in a couple of days earlier. She had been caught in the castle, spying. Lyra had killed her herself. Realizing she may have orphaned this child, she felt terrible. She didn'tmove but she heard her father walk up behind her. She listened when her dad killed the kid himself. Lyra couldn't believe it! She just stared forward, trying to not believe what she had witnessed. Her father only scolded her and told her not to be so weak in the future. He then walked away leaving Lyra to think.
    No one is really sure what went on in her head after that but she was really quiet for a year after that. She followed orders but she wouldn't speak to anyone and she always looked like she was deep in thought. She focused on her training, getting better and better every year. And then, the day before her sixteenth birthday she vanished. no one has seen her since then until a couple months later. She had returned home but something was different about her. She had obtained a keyblade after having a strange dream just before her sixteenth. The dream gave her the impression that she was supposed to be somewhere. She left home then with no indication as to where she was going and when she returned she wasn't using her father's sword anymore. And whats more, she had powers over light. She shocked her original community and what was even more shocking, she had come to speak to her father.
    She remembers that night perfectly. He stood silent as the grave and Lyra pulled out the sword her father had given her and tossed it to the ground at his feet "I'm sick of fighting. I'm through murdering. And I'm through with you." she said to him. She then turned and began to walk out but she felt a hand grab her arm. "Lyra." It was her father. "Next time we meet. I will kill you."
    Thats the last memory she has of her family. She ran away from home after that and never looked back.​
  14. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Hey, Darian, is my 2nd character all set?
  15. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Sure is now get to posting and Reonardo you and noz only can use your Keyblade for your part because your hometown is being taken over i don't want to delay you guys in the roleplay ok...
    Nozomi Perfect and Accepted!!!
  16. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Name: Will
    Age: 18
    Weight: 215
    Height: 6'3"
    Clothes Normal:[​IMG]
    Abilities: Complete control of Darkness and some control over light.
    Weapon: [​IMG]
    known as Scarred Hatred
    Side: Neutral but eventually light...
    Personality: kind and caring but has a very short and horrible temper. Will not stand for anything against his moral code.
    Bio: Was born in the remnants of Hollow Bastion, growing up with his mother for 7 years until his father came and killed his mother right in front of him. His mother's spirit flew to him and he felt light enter his soul and heart but a darkness started to creep into it as he watched his father standing over his mother's body. He lifted his hand and incinerated his father with dakness, the darkness drawing his father's spirit into him and making the darkness stronger than the light. He then left, wandering as much as he could from world to world, trying to run from his past. He is a decendant of the last king of Hollow Bastion so he is somewhat royalty in Hollow Bastion but everyone consideres him a filthy monster half breed there. He now wanders, searching for an explanation of why this happened to him. He eventually settledin a world that he felt most at home at and for some reason the light within him wiped his memory and recreated it, making him believe he was born and raised there.
    Last edited: May 6, 2010
  17. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Accepted Nice Job!
  18. Nozomi and Curtis8494 both have the same Keyblade :-|
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    no, look under mine, I changed it. I put kind of a custom on one I found and liked.
  20. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    thanks for noticing i thought someone had that one...
    Curtis look for a new keyblade please...

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