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Bondage (OOC) [Ya'll ready for this!]

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Oath, May 14, 2010.

  1. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Mhmmm I'm oficially back enough that I'll be able to start a new RP and actually participate! I want all of my old friends to join this RP or I'll hunt you down and cut you. (That means you Hope, DW, Kairi Star, DoD, and whoever else I use to RP with alot)

    So yeah I'll stop rambeling here and heres the plot. ;)

    For hundreds of years the Lyranians have been under the control of another contry. Their children are taken from them at the age 12 and given to owners in a different country. This contry is called Narasia. It started hundreds of years ago when Lyrania was a pieceful and successful land. But then the Narasians attacked. Having just been defeated in war, Narasia was a dying community and if they hadn't moved out they would have all died off eventually from starvation and illness because of the poor state of their country. Because of this, they evacuated their old home and moved across the desert in hopes of finding a place that could take in all 300 of its remaining citizens but no one could. Finally, they came across Lyania which was a very rich, peaceful, and powerful land in the center of the Hadarak desert.

    Lyrania took in the people of Narasia and the king of Lyrania even gave those people a portion of the land's ritches and land and gave the king and queen of Narasia a place in the royal palace of Lyrania. Their generosity toward the narasians did not go unrewarded. The pepole lived together in harmony for a full generation. The two queens of both contries had sons at about the same time.

    As the two princes grew up in the same castle, though, they hated eachother. They wanted nothing to do with the other. The two kings worried about their sons growing up and eventually ruleing their two kingdoms from the same building and so they tried everything to get the two boys to get along and grow to be wise men but it seemed like the more they tried the worse the two boys hated eachother. They always felt like they had to be better than the other, be stronger, and always win.

    By the time they grew to be young men, they disagreed about so much and hated eachother so much that they couldn't even be in the same room without eventually getting into an argument.

    Their relationship was eventually thrown completely over the edge when the Lyranian king was killed. He was murdered in his sleep and when the two kingdoms found out it was the prince of Narasia who had done the haneous crime on accident, thinking it was the Lyranian prince, all hell broke loose.

    The two men fought against eachother physically for the first time the Lyranian prince wanted to kill his enemy in vengance of his fathers death. While the two men fought, the castle was started on fire and both two kingoms were sent into disarray of politics that turned into a battle of hate that all started with the pride of two foolish boys.

    By the time the battle was over, The king of Narasia was killed as well as the two queens of both contries. Many people from both contries were destroyed. More Lyranians were killed than Narasians and the prince of Lyrania was captured and imprisoned. He spent three months in prison before he escaped and got back to his people but by the time he did, it was too late. The Narasian prince had turned his people against the Lyranians and had conquered and enslaved the land.

    Now, the entire kingdom has been encircled by a giant wall that seems to go as tall as the sky and thick as the earth itself as seen from pepole inside. The Narasian king wanted to make sure that no one ever came into or left the kingdom again so he made a deal with a sorcerer to have the wall built and that he would always be the all powerful king of both contries. What the sorcerer got in return was a place in the castle as the King's advisor.

    The wall doesnt only go around the two kingoms of Narasia and Lyrania. It also goes inbetween them, splitting the two contries in two but keeping the Lyranian people prisoners. Only Narasians can cross the wall between the two contries and when they do they can take Lyranians back with them, possibly never to go back across and see their families again.

    Now, Lyranians are slaves to the Narasians. At age 12, all are taken from their homes and taken across the wall and given to Lyranian owners. There, they are given small bags that hang from strings to be worn around their necks. if they can manage to earn enough gold to fill the bag with they can use it to buy their freedom and become Narasian citizens but no one has ever managed to do that because the Narasians are now greedy and cruel people just like their king. It seems that salvation will never come for the Lyranians... but a time of change is possible.

    Two twin sisters have reached the age of 12 and so therefore they have been taken to Narasia as servants. They have been given to the sorcerer I spoke of above and his daughter as servants to them.

    The Sorcerer and the King have arranged a marrage between the prince and the sorcerers daughter who we dont know much about besides that she doesnt always agree with her father's ways. The prince doesnt love her and the two just really dislike eachother.

    The Prince has been brought up by his father to believe that marrying the sorcerers daughter will be good for the kingdom and also to believe that Lyranians are evil and tricky people that could be the death of his people if they were ever to be freed. The sorceress believes differently. She would rather get rid of both walls and let peace resume in the land but she cannot act on her own and her father acts only on the orders of the king.

    One night, on the princes 19th birthday a royal masquerade was held where the two sister slaves of the Sorcerer were not permitted to attend but the two went anyway just to watch from an unseen place and see what it would be like. Something happened that night they didn't expect. A strange woman approached them at their hiding place and told them no beautiful lady should be hiding in rags on a night like a royal masquerade. The woman acted so bizarre when the two girls explained that they were not Narainian and werent permitted to attend the prince's birthday party. She only said that change was comming from within the wall and that those two girls must be ready for what they were destined to do. She said to the first sister that she would bring the two kingdoms together and said to the second that she would open the eyes of the people. Thats all she said before she dressed the two sisters in the most beautiful gowns and masks they had ever seen. She warned the two girls not to take off the masks and that they must leave the party at midnight because at midnight her spell would wear off and their masks would disappear and their gowns changed back to rags and their identities would be descovered.

    The two sisters asked why they must go to this dance and the bizarre woman only shrugged and said that both of the sisters had important people to meet at the masquerade and that dances were just fun and they shouldnt complain. She then disappeared and the two girls appeared at the top of the stairs at the royal party. As the two decended the stairs together, they knew their lives were going to change forever. Either they were going to bring to pass the things that the bizarre woman had said, or they would be killed. Either way, their lives will never be the same after tonight.

    Characters needed:
    Sister one-
    Sister Two- Me


    Sorcerers Daughter-

    Bizarre woman-

    Other Characters-

    We will begin this RP at the night of the party that the girls are walking into at the end of my introduction. Sorry about the roughness of this RP. Its been a while since I've written anything.
    Heres the Template for character making.

    Other Stuff:
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Interesting Amy. Very Cinderella except without the love story ;)

    I'll make a template for Sister One later. Welcome back.
  3. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    i might be the prince if i can think up something good.
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member


    *sigh* If you insist

    Ever so Cinderellaish.

    Before I make a profile, I need to understand something. Is the current king the prince who killed the king? And so would the prince be that guy's son?
    Last edited: May 15, 2010
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Well I'll be the sorcer's daughter. I'll edit this with a template and stuff later
  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Name: Gwenevere (Gwen)
    Age: 18

    Appearence: [​IMG]

    Role: Sister One

    Personality: Gwen is the younger of the two sisters. She has a bit of a fantastic way of thinking about things and isnt at all a realist. Ever since they were younger and were first given to the sorcerer, Gwenevere always had a habit of running off and exploring the mansion that Sorcerer and his daughter live, sometimes instead of doing chores which can get her into trouble with the Sorcerer every once in a while. She loves her sister more than anyone else in the world and she misses her parents and friends on the other side of the wall very much. She is a very kind girl but she doesn't put up with people harming her friends or loved ones and sometimes she can be a bit stubborn.

    Bio: Gwen grew up with her twin sister and her two loving parents until she was twelve years old. She always wondered what life would be like outside of the wall and she would sometimes explore on her own the bondries of the wall to try to find a flaw in it to get out and see the outside but she never could find any. The day after her 12'th birthday soldiers came to her home and took her away. She and her sister and quite a few other young people of her home land were taken across the south wall. It seemed like the soldiers had taken them right through it. On the other side of the wall they were taken into a prison like place where they were placed in a line and given strange looking necklaces with a bag tied to the end about the size of her fist. They were instructed that if they could earn enough gold to fill the bag that they could trade it to their owners to buy their freedom but they had to earn the money on their own and their owners were not to give them the money. Later, Gwen learned that no one ever fills their bag because it is only a cruel form of symbolism that the king had come up with to keep the people hoping in vain. Gwen learned to dislike the King and his son very much out because of the laws like that that get passed from the castle regarding her people.
    After that, they were all sorted by gender, age, size, health, and strength. She and her twin sister were put together because of course, they were both the same. Their group, which consisted of about five different girls of about the same as them in age size, and strength were taken into the city and thats when they met their owners. The two sisters held hands as they were taken roughly through a crowd of people. It looked almost like a market... a market where people were given out. It made Gwen sick to be a part of it.
    The sorcerer approached Gwen first and he informed the people who were inchare of her that he would be taking her. He took her hand and pulled her forward but she clung to her sister. The people around them grew angry and tried to force the two apart but then another young woman stepped forward. Gwen thought that this woman was beautiful but she noticed a strange power about the girl that made her wonder about her. The girl called the scary sorcerer 'father' and convinced him that it was inhumane to separate sisters who are so afaid to be apart.
    The girl later learned that she was the sorcerers daughter. She sometimes wonder if she is different than the other cruel people that she has met in this strange land but she has never before had a full conversation with the girl. The most she has spoken to her is to ask details on an errand she has been requested to perform.

    Other Stuff: She and her have seen the king and prince once before when they were very young. The prince was thirteen at the time, one year older than Gwen. He had said something, Gwen doesnt even remember what it was anymore, but it had made her sister sad. In defence of her family, Gwen slapped the prince.
    The sorcerer punished her severely for it later but Gwen never did feel sorry for it. He made her sister cry and he deserved it. She and her sister once had a friend before they were taken, she doesn't remember his name but she knows she misses whoever he is and so does her sister. Life from before she came to Narasia is kind of a haze sometimes.
  7. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Name: Dante

    Age: 19


    Role: Prince

    Personality: Dante is somewhat stuck up in that he believes he should get anything he wants. He's gotten this attitude because his father, the king, has spoiled him since birth. He's very smart as his tutors are the brightest minds in the country. While he's stuck-up, Dante is also kind and is willing to comeprimise if things can't go his way. He doesn't mistreat any of his slaves but he doesn't respect them either. However, Dante is highly respectful to everyone else. He believes violence should be a last resort only.

    Bio: Dante was born nineteen years ago in the kingdom and immeadietly was spoiled nearly rotten. He's always had the best of everything as well as anything else he wanted. He's never had any friends because he was always studying and training to be the next king. He once insulted a couple slaves and was hit slapped across the face. The event changed him somewhat in that he started to hate violence. When Dante heard his marrige was arranged for the good of the kingdom he had no problems with it, after all he had been raised to do whatever was best for the kingdom. When he saw the girl he was to marry, Dante believed her to be a beauty unrivaled. He is fine with how his father has run the kingdom and plans to run it in generally the same way.

    Other Stuff: Dante enjoys horse riding and chess. He's also been trying to get to know his fiance better because right now all he knows is that she's beautiful.
  8. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    hope: Accepted. You always make the best characters. I love you. <3

    DW: yes, the king is the prince in the story. The current prince is the one who is arranged to marry the Sorceress but doesnt love her and got slapped by hope's character.

    Dawn: Alright. Looking forward to seeing a profile.

    me: i'm working on a profile right now.

    Shadow: Accepted... I think.

    I forgot how to handle it when two people want the same part. dam it. :(
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Name: Elana
    Age: 17
    Role: sorceress/ Sorcer's daughter
    Personality: Elana is quite and obeying. She though will complain often about certain things. She is really wise, but treated as if she isn't at all. She really hates seeing people being mistreated, especially kids, that's part of the reason why she wants the walls to be removed.
    Bio: Elana grew her entire life living in the castle. She wasn't allowed to leave the castle and was taught powerful magic from her father. From the time she was real little, Elana was destined to marry the young prince, Dante. She hates Dante, she doesn't like the fact that he is way to much like his father.

    By the time when they got their servants, she felt angry by seeing all the young kids around. At this time she was about one year younger than all of them. She watched as her father picked a young girl who clung on to her sister. She could pratically feel the scared little girl's fear of being seperated from her sister and she just watched in fear as people tried to seperate the two girls before she had enough and stopped all of them and convinced her father to take in the twin sisters.

    Ever since that day though she has grown to like the two sisters a lot and due to the age closeness, she wanted to be friends being that they were the only girls close to her age. However her father forbid it and ordered Elana to stay away from his servants. As she grew older though, she refused.

    When Elana turned 16 and the prince was 18 years old it was decided that they would marry close to the prince's 19th birthday. She hated the prince a lot and didn't want to marry him, she fought it, and still fights, it but her father refuses. She believes she's only being forced to marry him so her father could keep his job and because she's one of the most beautiful women in their country.

    Other Stuff: Elana practices magic all the time and spends most of her time in her room, the libary, or the magic study. She tries to avoid the prince at all costs and whenever she can her father. She wants to be closer to the twin girls though.

    EDIT- I'll be the bizarre women aswell

    Name: Sierra
    Age: unknown
    Role: bizarre women
    Personality: Sierra is a quite women, she is rarely ever seen by anyone and she only appears to certain people with a good heart. She though is known by no one. She doesn't agree with anyone, or talk to anyone. Sierra isn't even her real name, it became her name when a villager started going around saying that was her name. She is seen to be very bizzarre
    Bio: Sierra is a women of mystery. Sierra has never talked to anyone and is seen in the village often at night in late hours. Only by people's servants working late at night and the ocassional drunk guy wondering the streets at night.
    Other Stuff: she's bizarre and unknown to everyone
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2010
  10. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Great profile Dawn. Accepted.

    Name: Arabeth

    Age: 18

    Appearence: [​IMG] (minus the silver belt and bracelet)

    Role: Sister Two

    Personality: Arabeth is quiet and obediant and very wise. She is very sensitive and submissive. She cares very much what people think about her. Shes quiet and she gets stressd out and worried easily. She is shy but she is very good at making people feel better when they are sad or troubled. She is more of a realistic thinker than Gwen.

    Bio: She grew up with her twin sister Gwen and her two loving parents. She remembers her friends that were older than her being taken by the people on the other side of the wall and she dreaded the day she turned 12 for fear that she and Gwen would be taken too. She use to hate it when Gwen would sneak away from home and wander around on her own, for fear that the Narasian soldiers. When they were taken it was like a nightmare come true for her but she had to be brave for Gwen. She promised Gwen that they would be ok and that she wouldn't get separated from her no matter what. She held tightly to her hand when they tried to take her away. she is grateful to the sorcer's daughter for convincing her father to allow them to be together.

    Other Stuff: She left a friend at home that she misses very much.

    A few reminders guys, this RP takes place in the middle of the desert and the prince and sorcerers daughter know eachother well and dont like eachother. This is basically a weird new version of Cinderella.

    The Friend I mentioned in 'Other' is a guy. I added a new character. The guy friend is another servant and he works for the prince. Anyone can sign up as him.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2010
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Since you asked so nicely, I'll do it...

    Oh, and I think I win for the most desertish looking outfit.

    Name: Gerik

    Age: 19

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Role: Other

    Personality: He's kind enough, but also somewhat of a deadpan snarker (For those of you who don't know what that is, here's a link: TV Tropes

    Bio: Gerik grew up on the other side (Whichever side Arabeth and Gwenevere were born on). His parents would occasionally mention that he was special, and that he wasn't even their child. Gerik had always hung out with two people as a child, a girl and her twin sister. But they were taken away as slaves six years ago. And Gerik gave up hope of ever seeing them again. But he would think of them often, one more than the other.

    One day, Gerik accidentally bumped into some random woman. This woman, who had never seen before, stopped him from appologizing by mentioning the two girls who became slaves. This woman (Who has purple hair by the way) told Gerik to find her again later, and she'd get him an opprotunity to see the two girls again. So Gerik found this woman again a few weeks later. She got him across the wall into the Narasian side and gave him clothes to disguise himself as a Narasian. In addition, she also gave him an invitation to something being held at the castle in the near future.

    Other stuff:
  12. Name: Leon
    Age: 19
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Role: Other Character
    Personality: Leon is a somewhat suave individual. Rather than revelaing things about himself he uses his words as a means of gaining information about others while keepings things about himself aside. A natural charmer, Leon has a knack for flirting with women his age as well as sometimes women that are almost twice his age. He keeps calm in tough situations and enjoys taunting outstanding figures of authority
    Bio: Leon was born to a poor farmer and a dying mother. He spent most of his days avoiding the work to be done at his father's farm and preferred to lay down on the hills and watch the clouds float by feeling an intense sense of bliss. As he grew older, he went to take an opportunity of a lifetime and went to study at a monastery run by monks heavily trained in the way of the sword. Leon enthusiastically trained for hours up to even days just to perfect even the simplest stroke of a blade. As he got older, at the coming of age (13-years-old), he became efficient in magics also at the monastery under a rather strict but kind monk. He learned well and went off to be one of the most profound members of the monastery to thoroughly learn the ways of the sword and magic. During the times of immediate struggle within the two kingdoms, Leon fled after seeing the monastery burn down to his home only to find his father bleeding on the once lush green grass among the smoldering ires of the farm. He cried out in an oath of vengeance for the one responsible for his father's death and fled into the forest were he became leader of a band of warriors that would go out and liberate enslaved people. Leon knew that if he ever got caught he would be immediately executed but never cared for the laws that his cruel king set for him.

    His true goal is to completely collapse the kingdom of his ruthless king and hope bring a wiser king into power.
    Other Stuff: Leon is extremely talented in strategical planning. He is usually thinking three steps ahead of an opponent.
  13. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Reo your character doesnt make much sense because there arent forests near where this RP takes place and both kingdoms are surrounded by a magic wall.

    So um when do you guys want to start this thing?
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I'm ready. If I'm allowed -_-

    Never saying if I did a good job........
  15. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Oh and DW your character is accepted.
  16. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    haha dont worry about it DW. Airheadedness is just the Amy way. And of course you're allowed. She told you to join. :p

    Anyway Amy whenever you want to start is fine. its your RP. You make the calls.
  17. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    I learned it from the best little girl. Lets not forget to 'stare at the flamoose'. :p I win so ha. And we'll start up tomorrow then if everyone will be here. DW you did a good job.
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member


    But then again, don't I always?
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Hey wasn't that some quote thing Hope came up with ages ago and for that whole month everytime I talked to her the hello was stare at the flamoose. Besides, flamooses are awesome.

    Anyways, umm no one really pointed it out or anything, and I know some of us started posting, but the RP has started I'll point out for the people who forgot to post is :rolleyes: ;)

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