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I don't get it..

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Frankenteen, Jun 13, 2010.

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  1. Frankenteen

    Frankenteen New Member

    When they first release the games.. they released Kingdom Hearts 1 first when they should have released Kingdom Hearts Birth My Sleep first because that's when the whole storyline starts. The game storyline is like.. all messed up. I don't get why they do that..

    I was always wondering that when I play!
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Well Kingdom Hearts 1 was released because it's the begining for the main character of the story and I'm sure Square Enix weren't sue if it would catch on so they didn't even have ideas for BBS yet. Besides it's ok, BBS is a prequal sort of showing what happened first for mysteries we didn't know and to help come up with a story for future games.
  3. Frankenteen

    Frankenteen New Member

    Yeah.. I don't get the BBS thing. xD
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Its like the star wars series. 4, 5, and 6 came out before 1, 2, and 3 did.
  5. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    Maybe BBS is just to share what else had happened other than KH 1.
    KH 1, like Dawn said, was an introduction to the characters and the idea of how to play the game.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Where's Bankai when you need him?

    I remember reading an interview or something where the secret trailer for KH2 was made just in case people wanted a sequel. Square wasn't sure how popular KH would be. And that leads me to think that BBS was created afterwards because it wasn't thought up when KH was originally thought up.
  7. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    I think it was similar like Crisis Core case.

    Final Fantasy VII was big success, they make Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus and stuffs.

    Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 was big success, they make 358/2 Days, BBS and stuffs.
  8. Kit

    Kit New Member

    I don't mean to come off as a jerk when I say this, but I just wanted to put it out there. Prequels are released for different books, movies, and video games all the time. Unless you've been shut off from most forms of entertainment, I don't see how you could find this strange.
  9. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    SE didn't know if KH was going to be a success so they didn't know if they probly didn't even think about BBS at first. KH was to introduce Sora the main charecter. So now that KH is a big succes they can send out more KH games around KHI. Plain and Simple, Simple and Clean!
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator


    I'm afraid I too have trouble understanding what the confusion is here. S-E came up with a great game- Kingdom Hearts. It sold really well, so they created some sequels and prequels to continue to cash in. While yes, chronologically BBS comes before KH, the idea came later, and I would imagine that you would need to play KH and the sequels first to really make sense of it.
  11. Reika

    Reika New Member

    When Nomura first created Kingdom Hearts, he didn't even know he was going to create Kingdom Hearts 2 until the end of the first game's production. xD I don't think Birth by Sleep was even in his head at that time.
  12. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    BBS is going to be radically different though. It looks like it will have a more "Final Fantasy" like feel to it than disney oriented, though I'm sure disney stuff is in there somewhere.
  13. lyndsie

    lyndsie New Member

    You've got to love those prequels although they seem to make it more confusing dont they?
  14. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Its been said before,but Kingdom Hearts isnt the only game,let alone media in general,to do this.Star Wars comes to mind easily,as does Metal Gear Solid.MGS 3 was a prequel,and has games expanding on it as well.

    Resident Evil also has a prequel in RE 0,though only by a day in that case.

    As for prequels making things more confusing,they do sometimes give you more questions,but many times also answer more then they give.Case in point Birth by Sleep.Wont spoil anything since not everyone wants to know what happened until they get to play it.
  15. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Let me please stop the non-sense..
    Kingdom Hearts 1 was created as the original game. We all know this, Nomura had planned to make a sequel, which ended up being Kingdom Hearts 2. With CoM, it was basically a spur of the moment thing, the KH team wanted us, the fans, know what happened between Sora's year long slumber. Birth By Sleep, well he had an idea, which basically turned into birth by sleep. During the making of the original Kingdom Hearts, he had no idea he would be making something like Birth By Sleep, so he really couldn't put it out first, in fact, he didn't even know what Terra, Ven, or Aqua looked like while making KH2. So all these prequels and side games are just new ideas that he threw on a system, in an attempt to keep us interested.
  16. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Gawd, we're all just saying the same thing. Which is no discussion at all.

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