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The Legend of Korra News and Discussion Thread (NEW: Animation Line Test)

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by x3pic, Jul 21, 2010.

  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Looks like the Airbender population has increased ever so slightly. I wonder if Aang is dead and this new person is the next Avatar, or if Aang is still alive and kicking. I like the sound of this 'Anti-Bending' movement.
  2. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Ah I think aang is dead but his son is her air bending master
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Oh, wait. After looking at the article again, I see that Aang is dead.

  4. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Yea. Sounds pretty good, I wonder if Aang will be the Rokku of the series, I'm sure he will be making a reappearance some how
  5. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    here's the pic:

    but here's what caught my attention about this:

    Korra is tutored by Aang’s son, Tenzin, is the ways of airbending.

    Aang's son? sweet. can't wait to see this
  6. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    My god, steampunk with chinese influences. *Fangasm*

    That is all there really is to say on the matter.
  7. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    that is freaking awesome to hear. I heard a rumor they were working on another series so this would be it! I'm really happy now! Thanks for the info and also I hope a trailer comes out for it at Comic Con!!!

    Let's make an rp of it!
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2010
  8. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I heard the title a little while ago, and guessed that it would be about the watertribe avatar after Aang, but it's so great to see the confirmation.

    Korra looks about 16 or so, if that's her in the image (but who else would it be?), so I'd guess we'll be going along with her learning the elements, just like we did with Aang. A Book 1: Earth, Book 2: Fire, Book 3: Air? (I don't think Nick's shows usually last a whole lot longer than three seasons anyhow). An anti-bending revolt sounds interesting- I was wondering what issue the new avatar would face. And I'm looking forward to seeing the more modern cities. XD

    Aang sure didn't live very long, did he? If we assume Korra is 16, and the new series begins 70 years after the first, that would make Aang about 66 when he died- not very old when you look at Bumi, Guru Pathik, or Avatar Kyoshi, to name a few. Do you guys think any of the Airbender characters will still be alive in this? Even if not, I hope we can find out what all happened to them.

    Hee, this totally made my day.
  9. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    actually if you paid attention, everyone knew the next Avatar would be water. the avatar goes in a cycle, the exact cycle in the opening. Water, Earth, Fire, Air; that's how the avatar goes. if aang had died without ever having kids then that would've been the end of the avatar as well cause we would've had another Water, Earth, and Fire but a new Air never would've appeared.

    wonder if Toph had a kid? or Zuko?
  10. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    This totally made my day too!

    I think that Toph would definitely be living because she's a tough cookie but I'm sad that Aang died because he was my favorite character. I have a theory that the bender revolters killed Aang but perhaps that would be too traumatic for Nickolodeon, eh? I also think that Korra will learn Air first because she already knows someone that knows Air so she'd go with Air first or he would stick around until the end.
  11. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I'm glad to hear that the Air nation doesn't die out completely, I was afraid that after Aang died that would be the end of airbenders all together. I'd think Toph being the youngest of the group would be the most likely one to still be alive in the new series assuming that she didn't fall ill or was killed by anything or anyone. I'm hoping she's in the new series just cuz I'm hoping her metal bending has gotten more advanced and perhaps even taught other earthbenders how to bend metal as well
  12. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    I already said this, and if you click on the link it shows the exact same picture...

    She did pay attention, Toph was saying it is the watertribe avatar and they just didn't skip to like fire or earth. I'm pretty sure everyone who has watched the show understands the cycle so no need to try and tutor us on it.

    Odd's are Toph is dead..Odd's are everyone in the orginal series would be dead, but I could be wrong haha, Toph could be like the leader somewhere.

    Umm I'm not sure about the books, It's said she knows all the elements except air..
  13. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    yeah but all you commented on was the link. You did not show it on the actual thread like usual people do, lol.
  14. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Korra could have been the name of any character in the universe, not just an avatar. When all you know about the series is that the name has been copyrighted, which is all anyone knew for a fact until this was released, as far as I'd been able to find, you're free to speculate. I think it would have been interesting to see the tale of an avatar through the eyes of a best friend, or even had a tale that didn't focus on an avatar- ie, Korra could have been a water tribe warrior during Aang's lifetime who had some crazy adventure. Or, before we had confirmation that the story took place 70 years into the future, Korra could have been the water tribe avatar before Kuruk (in 2.01 "The Avatar State", when Roku is speaking with Aang about dying in the avatar state and the past avatars line up, you can see that the next to last water tribe avatar is a woman).

    Please don't accuse me of not paying attention. :D

    I don't think that would automatically be the case. People didn't always bend the elements, they learned to do so. I think, even without an original source (though who knows how long Appa could live), it could have been possible for people to learn airbending again, though I don't think it would happen overnight. It could also be possible that as nomads, some airbenders married into other nations, but passed along the possibility to airbend to their children. If the world felt that there was still a need for the avatar, I think a way would have been found. *Shrugs*

    Where does it say that? All I see is where it says that Korra will be tutored in airbending by Aang's son. I'd guess they threw that out there since everyone would be wondering how she'd learn it. A teenage avatar in normal circumstances would not know the other elements- look how long it took Roku to learn them. An anti-bending revolt, to me, does not sound like the kind of disaster Aang faced, when he was told about being the avatar 4 years early and forced to race the clock and become proficient in all of the elements in time to save the world. But I could be wrong.

    We've seen characters in the avatar universe live very long lives- I think it is possible some of Team Avatar could still be alive.

    At some convention one year, Bryan and Mike showed a few storyboards of Team Avatar as adults, and one of the drawings was of Zuko, Mai, and a son. Dunno if that's actually canon or not, though.

    EDIT: Sorry for the long-ass post:

    As bad as I'd feel for Aang- seriously, the kid deserves a long and happy life- I like the idea of the anti-bending revolt killing him. That'd be a great way to really make the fans hate the revolters. And the avatars learn the elements in the same order- they start with their birth element and follow the cycle- which is why Aang learned air, then water, earth, and fire. Korra should learn them in the way I stated- water, earth, fire, air. I assumed the show would begin with her already being a decent, if not master, waterbender, as Aang's story began with him already knowing his element.
  15. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Do you have a link of that?
  16. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

  17. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Actually, I have no idea where I read that she has every element. Maybe I was half asleep? haha wtf?. Anyway odds are those drawings you posted are old, because they don't look like they are old people, just adults. The series is set 70 years after the orginal, So I'm guessing everyone would be elders.

    We will be hearing more about this during comic-con this week no doubt.
  18. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Well, that last bit about learning the airbending is worded a little weird, so I could see why you took that interpretation. You could still be right- it just doesn't make much sense to me.

    Yes, they are old- I'd guess from shortly around the series finale. But the last one answers the question of whether Zuko has kids, which is why I posted it up, though I suppose they might not be considered canon. And since I was going to post the last in the sequence, I figured I may as well include all of them.

    At 70 years into the future, Katara would of course be looking like Gran Gran, if she is still alive. :p

    Hopefully we get something good, though what I've learned today is awesome on its own.
  19. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    The artist could have drawn older versions of the group because in the new series they could have flash backs of when Aang and his friends were adults but not elderly

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