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why is love so harsh?

Discussion in 'General' started by Omega, Feb 19, 2008.

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  1. Omega

    Omega New Member

    man, i feel cursed. i like one of my friends and she knows i like her. she doesn't like me in that way though and she told me she likes another guy. big blow, very big blow.:(
  2. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    Listen, it's much easier than you think. Hang out with this girl as much as you can, and in the event her and the other guy break up/don't go out she may develop a crush on you.

    It's worked for me.
  3. magecrusader

    magecrusader Banned

    ME TO

    man i ahve the same problem love sucks
  4. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    You're 16. You have time. If it works it works, if it doesn't, move on. You'll find someone.
  5. Nearosaki

    Nearosaki New Member

    hmm, odd, im kinda in the same possision, cept from the girls point of view, like this one guy, who i have been friends with for ages, likes me allot, although i <3 my boyfriend, who i have been with bout year and a half now.
    but like aye, just chill with her ^.^ she is bound to grow a likeing for you if you two are already friends. but i must say this, . . dont be all like, 'meh im not hanging out with you' she wil be all like O.- ' oh my god wat did i do ' especially if your good mates with her <3
  6. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    Well love doesn't necessarily hurt unless you want it to. If you push it it'll cause some blowback for sure.

    That's my opinion anyway. I try to avoid dating and love unless I'm very sure about the person I'm interested in. :l
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    There are more fish in the sea. Love doesn't suck unless you believe you will never feel the same way about anyone else. I had a girl friend. She dumped me and I moved on. Now I am dating again. Though it could really suck if she dumps me. Still, find the strength to go on!
  8. Omega

    Omega New Member

    yeah, i guess you guys are right. it's just hard not to think about it. i really like her, but... she likes someone else
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Give it time. She might separate from the dude but you should not dwell on one girl. The only thing your doing by narrowing on the subject is hurting yourself more. I tend not to worry about stuff. I believe Methos, highlander guy, said it best in this quote.
    "The standard response to unforeseeable things perfected over many centuries."
    "Whats that?"
  10. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Zerieth has a point.
    Its hard being in that position. I was up until about a week ago.

    She went out with me for about six days, we break up, she goes back to the a-hole who was abusive. She breaks up with him, and here we are again.

    Love hurts, I know. Its just best that you give it time. And if you find someone else, and then she starts to harbor those feelings for you, then its just too late for her...
  11. Omega

    Omega New Member

    Yeah, I Guess Your Right. I Actually Still Think I Might Have A Chance. Turns Out The Guy She Likes Doesn't Like Her Back. Shes Really Sad Now So I'll Try To Be There For Her. I Really Do Think Shes Worth It.
  12. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Perfect. Be there to comfort her. That's exactly what she needs now, a person who's there through it all. It may not be enough, but this could actually be your chance.

    Good luck!
  13. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Love takes time. Just take it one step at a time, I learn that the hard way. ^_~
  14. Omega

    Omega New Member

    hehe yeah. i'll give that a shot
  15. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Hey if it don't work out, I give u tips!
  16. Omega

    Omega New Member

    that would actually be great. i think i could use tips. :D
  17. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    every guy goes through this at one point or another
    it just depends on the person
    if they stick with it and try they'll probably find love
    but if you give and up and move on you'll never know
    i still love my friend from my old town
    I've dated her and been there for her and hell we even started going out until dyfus took me from my dad
    but i still love her and i think she has some feelings for me
    so what im trying to say is
    don't give up if you really like this girl and feel that shes the one then give her your all

    and tips usually only work for picking girls up at bars
    not real relationships
  18. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    definitely be there, but DONT look like you are comin in on the rebound haha.
  19. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Good for you. Just be nice, make her feel wanted, and who knows? She may develop feelings for you. Don't try to push it to hard or she might head for the hills. Patience is a virtue.
  20. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Tip #1. Don't be a pushover. Some girls like guys who can stand there ground. Others what guys to be their slaves.

    Tip #2. Agree with them. I know this is stupid, but from past relationships I learn, even though she may be wrong, just go with it. Nod your head. Smile.

    Tip #3. Don't lie. Be truthful. Tell how you feel and express it. No one is going to call you a sissy if you show up to school with her name on your T-Shirt.

    Tip #4. SLOW DOWN! If she doesn't want a relationship, then don't push it on to her. It takes time and patience. Who knows maybe she is not the one?
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