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How did you die most of the time?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Sephiroth X Slasher, Feb 20, 2008.

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  1. I know all of us died for reasons, for me, it was because I got to damn cocky, and I got hit by a cheap shot:mad: or a special move thet f'ed me up:mad:. how bout' you.
  2. .:.:EMILY:.:.

    .:.:EMILY:.:. Member

    it was the nobodies that got me... i was really used to the heartless. then after the nobodies, it was the pirates :s
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I got lazy and bored and quit paying attention, resulting in many cheap deaths.
  4. Ruxath

    Ruxath New Member

    I got very narrowly beaten by Sephiroth.. over... and over.... and over... and over... because I hadn't leveled my forms up for the special traits until after beating him. That is the only thing I actually died on though
  5. darkside

    darkside New Member

    my problem was that i would try to make it look cool, and try to use cool spells while they were ultimatley useless and that usually got me killed. i pretty much tried to mimic what sora would look cool doing.
  6. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    I just kept forgeting about my health
  7. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I only lost to those dancer nobodies in hollowbastion.
  8. Venhot2

    Venhot2 New Member

    I got to cocky with the dancer nobodies in hollowbastion and with Demyx too.
  9. Kit

    Kit New Member

    I died mostly from refusing to finish off bosses while not in Valor Form. I don't know why I did this. I'm over it by now, though.
  10. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    Trying to make my moves look cool and not paying attention to my health killed me many, many times.
  11. WTF? Cool is onlt for the sweet dudes(muoa)
  12. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I died alot because I didnt know about Growth abillities
  13. ~Ansem~

    ~Ansem~ New Member

    Sephiroth's Owning me a lot, and some of the XIII got me owned hard ahaha ^///^ and my thoughts "Easy i can beat th....ow" ahaha
  14. FinalForm1

    FinalForm1 New Member

    I died by those nobodies/heartless i don't really now, but they had those huge stone swords and you could use berserker.

    And of course by some of the organization members.
  15. Kanzen

    Kanzen New Member

    I died from not paying attention to my health. :/
  16. TinkerbellG

    TinkerbellG New Member

    I died from get up set. When i die more then two times I get angry and never seem to win. The Organization Members was the worst!
  17. Nabrinax

    Nabrinax New Member

    Xaldin. thats all im going to say. well i suppose not watching my health, too. but Xaldin killed me... god i dont know. i lost count at 12.
  18. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Actually, you should never lose the fight against Xaldin. Mickey always saves you. I got killed several times in one go in that fight and still only had to do it once cause I got saved by Mickey every time.

    In truth, I didn't die all that often in KH2, cause it was so easy. On the rare occassions I did, usually it was because I wasn't paying enough attention, or because I was trying too hard to do something specific and got sloppy overall. I did fail challenges though. Like that damn Solar Sailor thing in the Tron level. Why doesn't the weight go down after I kill enemies? Lame.
  19. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^I lost a lot in that fight. Mickey gives up on you eventually. After that you're on your own. Once I figured out how to use the reaction commands in that fight, it went much easier.
  20. Tifa

    Tifa New Member

    Usually I was too focused on fighting and not paying attention to my health, so I died.
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