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Grimoir (The RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Sep 2, 2010.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Lucius stood up and they were soon dismissed to gather things. He quickly took off into flight and looked around him and landed on the ground. He closed his eyes as his body glowed and turned to it's natural form.

    Lucius stretched out his giant angel wings and wrapped the wings around to his front and had them wrapped around him as if he was wearing a shirt.

    "Ok I have to gather some-" Lucius started to get his thoughts straight but quickly stopped talking when he heard two other people. He crouched down behind a bush and looked out and saw a boy and a girl He also saw someone else hiding, another boy.

    Twila was sent out on a shopping trip to get supplies for the Dojo. She walked through town and stopped. She looked over seeing two people talking, a girl and another man. The girl stopped though and was looking around surprised about something. She looked at the man and smiled recognizing him. An old student of Master Commor. Will was his name she believed but wasn't positive.

    Twila didn't really speak to him, or was she really permited but she remebered who he was.
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will waved at Twilia and nodded at the girl who he had helped. "I must be going. I shall see you around the city perhaps?" He asked as he strode towards Twilia. He strode up to her and smiled. "Well well well, little Twilia, how are you today?" He asked. "And is your training going well?" He knew her back from when he took fighting lessons at a local dojo when he had money. "I am sure Master Commor is well?"
  3. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Toki was waiting for a reply when he saw the bandits from down the path. He patiently waited as they surrounded him and the girl. "Give us your valuables and no one gets hurt."
    "Why? Do you need money for any particular reason?" Toki asked. As he looked at them all he sighed. "You don't seem to be starving. And with that armor and weapons, you don't seem to be homeless either."
    "Just shut up and give us what we want kid. Or these arrows will skewer you." One said. About half of them all raised up bows and crossbows, each trained to Toki and the girl. Toki smiled and pulled out his sawblade.
    "I guess we have to do this the hard way." Toki took a step closer to the girl and whispered, "Stay still and stay low. I've got this."
    "That's it. Fire!" The bandits began to launch their arrows at Toki but as they got close his eyes glowed. Suddenly a barrier formed, expanding from him to a full five foot radius. As the arrows touched the barrier they all seemed to slow to a fraction of their speed. Toki glanced around and picked a couple arrows right out of the air as if he was just picking fruit from a vine. He quickly grabbed all the arrows and just dropped them before turning off his barrier. Toki raised up his blade as his eyes glowed and the saw function turned on.
    "Still want to try this?" He asked, a smile still on his face. The bandits though were completely spooked and started running shouting monster or demon. Toki laughed and put his blade away before taking a couple steps and turning back to the girl. "There, problem solved. Now may I ask, who are you?"
    sora-x likes this.
  4. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    When Will dropped Gryphon, he let out an audible 'oof' as he hit the ground. He saw the man walk off toward another girl he had seen somewhere before. He turned to Marisa and wiped the tears from his eyes, "Please....don't turn me in to the guards....."
    "You unbelievable coward......" a voice said to Gryphon. The voice sounded very much like his own, except brimming with confidence he had never known. Gryphon was about to say a reply, but the voice cut him off "Don't speak. I am a voice in your head, speaking would only make you look like a fool in front of this lovely woman. Do exactly as I say, I promise you won't regret it. Go back into the jungle and look for that white lion cub, he has something to show you. If you can, try to bring this woman with you. Another weapon of protection couldn't hurt. Her name is Marisa."
    Recovering from his shock, Gryphon stood up and looked at Marisa, "Um......Marisa? Please.......I can't go to jail..."
  5. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Kira looked into this strange mans eyes, they were not of this world, it was a rather scary feeling. It seemed like time itself was rendered useless before this strange guy. Kira stuttered surprised at his display of unique powers.
    Kira-" i-i'm Kira, i am studying to be a battlemage, i hail from an island to the southeast, i recommend keeping your distance though... Anyone who visits loses their sanity to our king. S-so...Who are you?..". As kira waited for an answer she sensed a familiar presence, like a long lost friend..and another, rather observant. She stayed calm as she waited for an answer.
  6. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    "Name's Toki. I don't know about you but I'm heading through here. Heard about this village elder that lives in the vilage on the other side of this forest. I'm looking for something and figured maybe he could help me find it." Toki smiled and was about to walk off when something seemed off to him. He couldn't place it exactly but it was the kind of feeling you get when you're being watched. Toki took a look around but couldn't see anyone but Kira.

    "Uh... do you know if anybody else is around here? I feel like we're being watched."
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    His communigear started to glow and ring, receiving a signal from his junior colleague, Ella. Foma started to run into the closest bathroom and brought out the contraption.

    "HI CHIEF! We were successful in completing a new design for you so that you can fit in with the citizens of that country. We hope that we were of assistance." A green glow started to come from the communigear; manipulating the texture and design of his own Advan researcher suit and replaced it with a noblesman suit with the color of purple-striped shirt and a marigold coloring to his pants and shoes while his hat obtains the color of "Your Majesty Purple" with a gardenia flower pinned to his hat.

    "OOOOH! You look pretty darn sexy Chief! Anyways, what we have sent you and installed automatically was the ability to manipulate your clothing and appearances. Still, this is more like a test model so don't overdo it or it will fry and you will end up going back to your original look. You can always switch back and forth by hitting B7." said Ella with such a grin on her face.

    " Thank you so much! HEE HEE HEE! I can finally relax on this vacation now while still gathering data. I am very grateful." Foma then started to run out of the bathroom straight outside to see the sun start to shining with the streets paved with jagged rock structures.

    "Let's see. This continent is called Zarimier: City name: Elden. That's it? How come there's not enough information popping up in the database? Oh well. I'll try to find someone to help me. I also need to do some odd jobs. I'm in the mood for some extravagant thinking."

    Foma started to run down the streets until everything started to turn black and white for one moment and saw something pop up in front of him and vanish. A violet aura started to cover him without him0 knowing and then disappear. "Whaaat? What just happened? I really need to take it easy. I better hurry."
  8. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    Marisa just stared at the boy. She was confused, neigh, shocked, that he knew her name. She wanted to scream at him and hold a knife up to his neck. But, instead, she put her knives away, and placed her hand on his head. She began to search his mind. After a few minutes, she stopped. She felt a little dizzy.What is THAT!? She thought. Perhaps, I could help. I mean, it seems he has a weak composure, and could break any minute. "Sure, I guess" she said.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Twila frowned. He was one person who caught her training when she isn't suppose to.

    "You know that's a secret nobody knows, just you and I!" Twila exclaimed but still in a whisper. She sighed and looked back at him. "He's doing fine though. Same old Master Commor." Twila stated, 'Yeah, same old, Commor' she thought to herself.

    "How about you, it's been a while." Twila stated.

    Lucius was taken back and remained hidden. He watched them carefully if he would have to make a quick escape.
  10. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco slowly slid his arrow back into its quiver. He knew they could sense him know and had to retreat. As silent as bird draco dropped to the ground and tavelled a little ways away. Draco knew he had to follow them. Something just didn't feel right, and they were going in the same direction as he was. Draco stored his bow on his back and decided to confront them. So taking a deep breath he turned around and walked back to the tree he had climbed and then slowly walked into the clearing...
  11. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    As toki finished explaining himself a strange boy walked out of the clearing. Kira diverted her attention to this boy. "who are you?". Kira was in a strange predicament so many new people were popping out of nowhere. It was strange that all of these people just suddenly appeared. She gripped the handle of her blade tightly in case she needed to draw it for a fight and waited for an answer, before she could get one she spoke to toki. "Toki i happen to be heading that way myself, I'm looking for a treasure and the city of Elden... perhaps we could travel for a bit?".
  12. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco stopped as the girl addressed him. Then he saw her grip her sword, and talk to the guy. Draco held up his hands and then said to the girl, "My name is Draco. I'm also heading in the direction that you too are. So who are you two? By the way you..",He points at the guy, "...fought I'm quite intrested at your idenities..."
  13. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    "Name's Toki." He called out to the new guy that showed up. In an undertone he whispered to Kira. "Planned on heading to the City. If you going there to then I don't see a problem with us going together." Toki didn't draw his sword or even show anything to suggest he would. With his ability, he'd always have enough time to draw it out before getting hurt. Toki always liked to give people the benefit of the doubt too. Nobody was an enemy until they attacked him.
  14. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Kira smiled and let her blade go, this was obviously not an enemy. "i'm Kira, I'm on m way to Elden. Would you like to join us draco? i'm sure with the three of us, we won't have much trouble getting there". As soon as kira entered Elden city she would be able to sign up for her battlemage duties. A life she had always wanted, knowing the people would be sane enough to consider her for the abilities she possesses. Until then she felt that traveling with Toki would be a good idea, his powers and her magic could more than guarantee their safety on the road ahead.
  15. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Gryphon smiled and nodded, "Thank you...." He turned around and started to run back to the jungle, "Follow me!" he shouted to her.
    The voice spoke to him once more "Go back to where you saw the white lion cub moments ago, he is there waiting."
    Gryphon, fearing and also somewhat trusting the voice through a sense of familiarity, replied to it, "Okay....."
  16. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    Marisa followed the boy into the jungle, purely out of fear. Fear of that boy. Far that he may turn against her her any minute. Fear that someone may come and take him away, and exploit him. But most importantly, fear of what he knows. How did he know her name? Could he know what had happened to her? Does he know the secretes behind her past? "WAIT" she shouted. She wanted those questions answered.
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Wow. This place is enormous. Where is the gate?" Foma started to look confuse as he kept on trying to find his way around. "Maybe this is north. Wait. this is south! Or was north south? Excuse me my good sir? May you please tell me where the entrance to going outside the city resides?"

    The man looked at him with a smile on his face. "The entrance is right their to your right." "Oh. Well... THANK YOU ANYWAYS! I guess this is where I can also do some odd jobs."

    Foma started to run inside the building and saw a lot of people enjoying themselves in the inn. He started to walk up to a board with many jobs as to what need to be done. "Hmm... I KNOW! I'll try out these two! Gathering reagents and fight lizardmen to get their hides. That would work! This will allow me to test out this new weapon."

    Foma started to sign up for them and ran outside, straight to the gate entrance. "Excuse me my good soldiers but I'm on an errand to attend to." The soldiers nodded and opened the gate, allowing him to have his way. "HEE HEE HEE!! I've got this in a bag! Be a snake and slide your way through!"
  18. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Gryphon had reached where he had just saw the white lion cub when he heard Marisa's cry. He stopped to look around for the cub and then, not seeing it yet turned to Marisa. A nervous look on his face, he turned to her, "Yes?"
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will shrugged, looking back at her after watching the boy and girl walk off. "The same I guess, practicing when I can, fighting for money..." He slipped, knowing that Commor would have his head if he knew. "I mean..." He stuttered, figuring that she already knew of his lifestyle of fighting and drinking, living on the streets where he had grown up and learned everything.
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    She shook her head. "Things still haven't become any better for you yet? I'm sure if you went and talked to Master Commor, he'd give you a job." Twila told him.

    Lucian watched as a third person emerged. He slowly scooted forward to get a better look when he heard a snap. He looked down and saw he stepped on a branch.

    'Not Good!' He exclaimed in his head.
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