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Got any KH merch? :3

Discussion in 'General' started by 歩 Ayumu, Sep 12, 2010.

  1. 歩 Ayumu

    歩 Ayumu New Member

    Got any merchandise of KH, anyone? o.o
    I have quite a few things, actually. :D

    • Birth by Sleep oversize box
    • Birth by Sleep plaque-like poster
    • 358 Days / 2 poster (I actually have two of these x3)
    • 358 Days / 2 art cels
    • "Nobody" emblem necklace
    • Keyblade rubber bracelet with Mickey medallion at end
    • Kingdom Hearts II messenger bag, KH2 logo on front, Heartless symbol on back
    • Chain of Memories poster

    That is all I can think of atm, but some of it is put away. In fact, I've actually taken a pic of what I have out (yay me). Kinda big, but is able to encompass everything :3


    *nerd* -.-

    So, what do you all have, if anything?
  2. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    I have a Heartless t-shirt 9which Im wearing now =D)

    Also have some of the manga.The first 4 KH manga,one KH CoM (should have the other...)And the first two KH II ones.
  3. Raven

    Raven New Member


    XD just kidding, that is awesome man, really it is. I haven't gotten a chance to collect much of anything - I've seen stuff I want, but I'm too cheap.. Though after seeing you flaunt your stuff, I want stuff too!
  4. 歩 Ayumu

    歩 Ayumu New Member

    Ahh, I completely forgot about the manga ;.; I have the first two KH2 manga books o-o
    Dunno if it counts or not, but I've also got the strategy guide for all of the games :D

    xDDD Raven. If you'd like, I can see about sending you the other KH358D/2 poster I have o-o I don't know if I can ship it and make sure they don't bend it or anything though >.> Not sure how nice the postal service is in that regard lol.
  5. Raven

    Raven New Member

    Even BBS? How 'bout helping me out with the game? Particularly in the area of how to beat the Mysterious Figure?

    I'd love you if you passed around your wealth.. 0.0
    ...can you..?
  6. Bulbie

    Bulbie New Member

    I'm not really much into official merchandise in general (except for pokémon figures! They're so adorable!)
    I do have the KH-, KH:CoM- and some of the KH2-manga and I got this Sora-phone accessory thing on my birthday. :3

    But does more or less self-made stuff count here? For I have made an Organization jacket for an ABJ-doll and I have heads for Vexen-, Marluxia- and Saïx-dolls some of which I have already modified to look like the characters. (They all lack a body of their own, though..)
    Actually these dolls are what keep me away from the KH-figures. xD ABJDs are so much more unique and their clothes aren't plastic. :p

    Oh, but I digress.. I always get carried away when it comes to ABJDs. xD
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
  7. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    I do have a Kingdom Hearts shirt that I wear like two days ago! hehehehe, I'm gonna buy more stuff.
  8. Terra

    Terra (Previously RoxasXRiku)

    I have a Roxas action figure whose arm got broken off about on hour after I got it by my brother -_-, a T-shirt, I had a few strategy guides which are now lost/ripped beyond repair, and a poster which is made of felt or something which is really cool. And my brother has a Sora action figure which is even more mutilated then my Roxas, some manga, and a Sora Plush.

    I really wish I could get a necklace of some kind, I'd wear it all the time.
  9. ace

    ace New Member

    Currently I have only a few items but I am hoping to obtain more.
    • A KeyBlade keychain that I attched to a clip and wear 24\7
    • KH 1 game
    • KH 2 game
    • A KG stratigy giude
    If anyone is will to sell me some items I would be more than greatful
  10. xTranquil Skies

    xTranquil Skies New Member

    I have a Birth By Sleep poster and an Axel Plush Doll. :3
  11. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    I honestly wouldn't dare buy any kingdom hearts merchandise such as necklaces, rings, book bags, or any of that nature. It's looks rather childish or "overdue".
  12. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I have :
    Kh 358 Poster
    BBS Game guide
    358 Game guide
    KH game guide
    KH2 game guide.
    Kh Shirt
    KH keyblade I made myself
    A roxas shirt
    KH358 sleve for game
    I have a lot of game guides!!!!
  13. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Besides the games?
    >Just this< (You Click It)
    Mickey Vans are pretty cool, not 100% KH Related, but I threw them in there anyway =P
    And it's a shame that I still don't have a PSP =\
  14. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    I had a couple KH necklaces. A heartless one and the crown, to be exact. I lost the former and gave the other one to my friend.

    Though I do have an epic wall scroll of the KH2FM+ cover art, wuuuut. lol
  15. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I don't actually own a lot of KH merchandise if I exclude the video games. Well I don't own Birth by Sleep yet but I'm getting it for Christmas so I think that makes up for it :)
    I've got a Kingdom Hearts II t-shirt, an Organization XIII emblem necklace, and an Organization XIII hoody.
  16. Aqua

    Aqua New Member

    Erm... I've got a 358/2 shirt, the guide, the game, the first KH manga, Axel, Roxas, Kairi and Sora action figures, KH1 and KH2.
  17. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    i got a Keyblade Necklace. Soon i'll have a real Keyblade though
  18. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Not much. Just a Graceful Dahlia Keychain. But I'm planning on getting much more soon :)
  19. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    I gotta KH Snuggie~ PWN! That's probably the coolest bit of merchendise I have. The others are
    Manga volume 1
    Demyx doll
    Organization XIII Cloak (And a Xemnas wig if it counts.)
    Emblem necklace

    That's all I can think of. The snuggie is waarm~ :3

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