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Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Help Thread

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep' started by VentusSearcher, Sep 10, 2010.

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  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    You sure? I thought I got a keyblade from that battle.
  2. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    From what I have read you have to beat its second form for Xehanort report 5.I guess you would get a keyblade for beating all four forms.

    Ok,dont know what you get for beating him.Not a keyblade apparently.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2010
  3. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    I have a problem with the experiment 212...I can't beat it plus Olmpus Colleseum is too hard...
  4. Raven

    Raven New Member

    Nope, you get the keyblade you referring to, Darkgnaw, by defeating the Mimic Master for the first time.

    @Keyblade Master Roxas - Can you explain exactly what portion of the battle are you having difficulty with, in terms of the enemy's attack, because I went through this battle really quickly so I couldn't analyze it correctly..
  5. Sheev

    Sheev New Member

    Thank you.
    I've already unlocked all 7 ice creams, and I've gone through over 400 form changes using those ice creams. But, don't you have to unlock the ability to use Frozen Fortune via Ice cream by completing the song?
  6. Angelus

    Angelus New Member

    Hi i'm playing terra's story and i got stuck! i've completed all boxes in all worlds till deep space... and i've completed it also, but the neverland pathway doesnt show up? any sugestions why that happens?

    i'm at lvl 26 ^^

  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Have you completed Olympus Coliseum? And if you've done that and still can't go to Neverland, have you done whatever storyline event is in Disney Town?
  8. Angelus

    Angelus New Member

    the race which i didnt win :p
    the icecream shoot, and the fruit contest!
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Unless the game had you automatically leave the world and then show the flash of light on the world, then you haven't beaten it.
  10. Angelus

    Angelus New Member

    ahhh oki got to do the race then ... bahhh :\
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Hey I need battle tactics. The games too new yet to find any, but playing standard Terra and


    I'm stuck on fighting Terra-Xehanort. I'm level 29, my deck contains...
    Battle Commands-
    Quick Blitz lvl 3
    (3)Curaga lvl 4
    Fire Strike lvl 3
    Zantesuken lvl 5
    Stun Edge lvl 3
    Fire Dash lvl 4

    Action Commands-
    Stun Block lvl 3
    Slide lvl 4
    Air Slide lvl 4
    Sonic Impact lvl 4
    Payback Fang lvl 4

    Shot Lock Command-
    Dark Volley lvl 5
    (sonic shadow isn't equiped[can't be equipped] but it's also lvl 5 and one thing I've yet to test yet)

    But any suggestions or changes?

    Also the weapon you automatically get is Terra's original(well updated original) regularly thought(before the Terra-Xehanort battle) I have equipped Chaos Ripper

    Basic Stats-
    lvl 29
    Exp(currently, planning to work on some training) 15763
    Next Lvl 1390
    HP 95/95
    Strength 28
    Magic 12
    Defense 17

    0% resistance on everything(fire, thunder, blizzard, dark)

    I don't think it matters, but arena level 2

    my finish combo currently is Twisted Hour

    There's no more information I can give you, I'm currently training to level up some more, but battle tactics or maybe changes I can make would be greatly appreciated, thanks! :)
  12. Raven

    Raven New Member

    okay, since you're playing on Standard, you shouldn't need to train anymore, but it will be a bit difficult either way. Terranort can get a bit 'spammy' with his moves and that's why I'd suggest blocking and dodging. Basically having a good defense will be your offense you this battle.

    But for now I want to know where in the battle are you having problems?

    Also, I love how you gave me all those stats without me even asking. That's freakin' awesome!
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Even though she's on standard, she should still have trouble at that level. I was at 31 on standard, and still took me a lot of tries.

    As Raven said, your best offense is a good defense. Dodge his Chaos Blade attack (Or whatever it is called. It is the one where he dashes around with the Dark Aura). When he does a regular keyblade combo, block it and use Counter Hammer. He will also do the Dark Impulse Command Style combo. I usually dodged that. Dark Volley is your best bet for a shotlock, unless you have Ultima Cannon. But you're not very likely to get it. I'm at 49, and I still can't get it (So close. Got down to the last few bars against Iron Prisoner IV). Thunder Surge is always a nice command to have, but I don't think I used it too often against this boss. The finisher shouldn't matter much, but Explosion is a much better finisher than Twisted Hour.

    While it is completely optional, it may help to get some abilities. Some HP Boosts, Once More, Second Chance, and Leaf Bracer are all helpful. I only had Leaf Bracer (Got it by accident), but all those abilities will help.
  14. Raven

    Raven New Member

    Oh yeah, I completely forgot about abilities as I always get them without even thinking. I automatically assume everyone else gets the same abilities as me..

    But yeah, you'll love second chance and once more, they will help a lot in the battle.

    Here this should help a bit:

    Leaf Brace - For an easy leaf bracer, meld fire and fire with a wellspring crystal. (You can also use confuse and strike raid)

    Once More - For Once More meld Blizzara and Blizzara with a wellspring crystal

    Second Chance - For Second Chance, meld Firaga and Firaga with a wellspring crystal.

    Unfortunately it'll take you a while to get the skills all the way up to how you want them, but I could look up some attack combinations to get those abilities.
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    If you're talking about getting each command to its highest level so you automatically get the ability, it isn't difficult. Just go to the twister area in the Keyblade Graveyard, and fight each enemy. You get so much CP there. Yesterday I maxed at least 40 abilities doing that.

    As for some other help stuff, I've got one.

    I'm currently trying to beat a Mirage Arena challenge for Terra. It is 'Keepers of the Arena,' which you get once your Arena Rank is at least 20. It has 9 rounds. I'm having trouble with the final round, where you fight Iron Prisoner IV.

    I am level 49, so my stats are whatever they should be at that level. I have the End of the World keyblade (Or whatever keyblade you get before Chaos Ripper). My shotlock command is Bio Barrage. I have a lot of abilities auto active, so I can't name them all. But I do have all the Combo and Air Combo Pluses, all the HP Boosts, and Second Chance and Once More.

    While most of that information is probably useless, does anybody have any strategies for fighting Iron Prisoner IV? What I've done is just spam my shotlock, and that got him down to 2 or so blocks of health remaining.

    I will give a slight warning. I might have beaten this boss by the time I get back on this site.
  16. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Here's what I did that was really easy and worked like a charm. I think I was around your level and once I used this stradegy it only took me a few more tries. Ok so you go into the battle and your favorite botten is square and ex. You put on the attack that makes it when you block the X reaction comand will come on. You hit X at the right time and it will take out a good shunck of his health. Then when he starts shooting those dark bullets at you block them. send them right back towards him. It will stop Terra/Xenort from shooting anymore and if you are close enough get a reaction comand X attack I was talking about. I had cura cura and curaga on when I fought him.
  17. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I'm playing as Terra on Standard Mode and I need to know how to obtain Glide for him, NOT Air Glide, but the Glide that lets you fly around like Peter Pan, do I find it myself or do I have to make it???? :confused:
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I ended up training up to level 35 and I ended up beating it at eaze then as if he was nothing. Another question...

    This one thing I never looked into too much, and just did now and I'm finding different sources, Ultima Weapon/ keyblade is gained through...?
  19. Tetiro

    Tetiro New Member

    The Mirage Arena. Beat Challenge 13
  20. Raven

    Raven New Member

    @Desert Warrior, if you having difficulty doing it by yourself why don't you partner up with someone over adhoc party. If you don't have a PS3, I'd suggest using sonic rave, meteor, quake, and ars solum. That's what I used.

    @LDC, Terra never gets Glide, that's a Ventus only ability.
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