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Grimoir (The RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Sep 2, 2010.

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  1. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    Syaoran walk into the clearing that Draco, Kira, and Toki are in. He pulls out his whip with his right hand and a sword materializes in his left hand. After watching them for a few minutes he notices that they aren't after him and puts his weapons away.

    He runs over to them and puts out his hand toward Kira. "Hello there beautiful. The name's Syaoran. Syaoran Pakun. I'm travelling to Elden." He sees Draco looking at him with a dumbfounded look. "Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not interested in guys. Although I know what you are thinking and yes, I am drop dead gorgeous."
    sora-x likes this.
  2. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Kira was in a state of shock, between wondering where the hell this guy came from and how he instantly snapped into hitting on her. "J-just who the hell are you?!" kira asked. She had found this really akward and her face was most likely beat red. As everybody began congregating in one section of the woods Dark clouds began formulating over the direction of elden city. "Hm? that's odd...it isn't supposed to rain from the info i gathered today...what the hell is going on?..".
  3. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    When the tree branch snapped Toki was instantly alert. However before he could do anything Syaoran appeared and flirted with Kira and praised himself. Ego-maniac.Toki thought as he looked up at the clouds Kira pinted out. He didn't know whether they were rain clouds or something else so he pushed them out of his mind and walked over to where the branch noise had come from. As he reached the spot he looked around and noticed a boy trying to hide. Toki smiled and extended his hand. "Hi, who're you?"
  4. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    Syaoran looks at the clouds and sniffs the air. "Something evil's coming. Elden's in danger!"

    He starts thinking and then gets a scared look on his face. "The gang!" He pulls out his whip and blade and starts runnng like the wind towards town.
  5. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Kira watched as Syaoran took off for the city and gave chase wondering what was up. Her blade ready she took down one voidlynx with a fireball and the next by cutting his head off and using his shoulders for a boost.
    As the sky grew darker, the sound of screaming could be heard for miles coming from the city of Elden. Kira gasped as Voidlynx poured out of portals left and right laying seige to the great city, it's people were in disorientation, killed or run down in the streets, there was bloodshed all around as the guards and mages did their best to fight off the infamous beasts.
  6. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Toki watched the others go off and noticed how they all looked worried. He turned back to the boy he just found and smiled. "I guess introductions will have to wait. If you can fight then come help us." Toki then took off for the city and pulled out his sawblade as he did. When he just reached the outskirts of the city he could see the destruction the voidlynx were causing. A voidlynx came up behind him and tried to slash him but Toki's eyes grew fierce and his sawblade began to activate. With a quick movement Toki slashed the voidlynx in half as its blood spilled everywhere. He ran into the city and began to cut up every voidlynx he he came across.

    Suddenly a maniacal laugh was heard echoing throughout the city. Above the city a portal opened and out came a single person on a throne made from blood. He gave a cruel smile to the sight below. "To those below," His voice echoed out for all to hear. "I say good job with the weakest of my minions. I am Takai, leader of the people you call voidlynx. I give you this simple warning; Everything belongs to me, surrender and you will live. Resist and I shall take what is mine by force!"
  7. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco took his time getting to the city until he heard the Voidlynx's Leaders Voice. After that he rushed forward sending arrows completely through the each of the voidlynxs' bodies. He soon ran out of arrows, and put his bow on his back, and drew his daggers. Draco finally made it to the gate and into the city. More and more voidlynx kept coming out of the portals, and draco had an inner feeling that he could do something to close the portals. As if in answer to what he was thinking, a voice rand through his thoughts, "Use Your Darkness To Close The Portals." As The voice told him how to shut the portals, Draco felt a power welling up inside. Then he blacked out.

    >OOC: The Next part happens while draco is unconcious, and he will not remember anything that happens to him in this part. This is also Draco's "Grimoir" form. In other words his powers are greater.<

    IC: Draco Looked around, and went to the nearest portal. Using one hand to hold back Voidlynx, He held the other out at the portal. The edges of the portal got smaller and smaller, and then...Shut. Draco Knew that trying to shut all the portals was pointless, so he killed his way through the streets, and stopped near the Voidlynx's Leader's Position, and hid behind a wall, And waited for the others...
  8. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    OOC: Nice post draco. And you as well grandshadow.

    Kira stopped in the center of the city, she was surrounded by Voidlynx everywhere, the screams of the innocent being cut down in the streets screamed through her mind as she failed to save them one by one. It was too much...too much suffering, too much destruction, The magic within kira's body began taking a will of it's own as if controlling her. Before she knew it her leather bound journal was floating before her, in ancient runes the word "MANA" was inscribed on it's front, and before she could think another second, Kira's body exploded with phenomenal power sending a shockwave throughout the main plaza.
    As if time had stopped still the wave stopped everything in it's radius and just another second later, the voidlynx Disintegrated into nothingness. Kira's body began to feel numb as she collapsed onto the ground.
  9. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    As Syaoran got to the town he wrapped his whip around a voidlynx and extended thorns into it. He threw his blade into the head of a voidlynx which went straight though two more before he ot it to teleport back to his hand.

    He finally made it to the Blood Panther's hideout, but to his dismay, he was too late. Tey all lay sprawled out on the ground bloody. Just then something in him snapped and he blacked out.

    OOC: Like Draco, this happens while blacked out.

    IC: Syaoran grows wings and glides out of the hideout, slashing whatever gets in the way. He ends up near Draco after dismembering a rather large voidlynx. In a deeper voice than usual he whispers to Draco, "The others are on the way."
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "What was that?" Foma started to look back as he heard people screaming in the city. Foma tried to get back in but the guards had it locked completely.
    "OH SHOOT!! THis isn't good. What am I'm supposed to do now?!" Out of nowhere, two large-beasts with arms started to come fall from the sky and landed near him. Foma fell down and he lost control of keeping his disguise in check. "What are they?!!" Foma started to panic as they was getting closer and and closer until they had him cornered to the smooth surface of the gate. "HELP ME!!!!"
    One of the voidlynx started to swing at him but he covered his head and dive down into the ground, making the beast miss and make a big hole into the gate. "NOW MY CHANCE!!!"

    Foma started to jump into the hole to try and get away but the beasts started to keep on punching the gate until it was large enough for them to get through. The two guards was readying their weapons and was ready to attack. "I can't let them fight by themself. This isn't right." Foma started to raise his hand and his M.W.S appeared in his hand. He ran and stood between the two of the guards.

    "What are you?!" Said one of the soldiers. "Me? I'm just a nice citizen of all things that sweet and spicy!" said Foma with a grin.
  11. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    Marisa hesitated for a moment. Then she said "Who are you? How do you know my name?" she knew she wasn't going to like these answers, but she had to know. Then a booming voice echoed from the city. She glanced over for a minute and then she turned back to the boy and she saw something was about to attack him. "NO!" she cried. She threw one of her knives, hitting the thing and then she went to retrieve her knife. She then saw many more monsters and told the kid "Stay close". She redyed herself for a fight.
  12. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Quickly and nervously, Gryphon drew his swords and stood close to Marisa. "I......I don't exactly know how I know your name.....I just do......I'm Gryphon by the way," he said to her. With haste and sloppy execution brought about by his cowardice, Gryphon swung at one of the monsters and missed completely. Hearing a tiny roar to his right, he looked and saw the white lion cub leap to Gryphon and Marisa's side. Gryphon immeadiately began to worry, "No! You shouldn't be here!" one of the monsters jumped at the white lion cub, but Gryphon, defending his friend, cut it down to size. Seeing a clear path, the white lion cub started to run down the path, turning back to the humans and giving them a cry before running again. "I think he wants us to follow him!" Gryphon said to Marisa before giving chase to the white lion cub.
  13. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    As Toki cut up the many voidlynx that attacked he continued to look up at the one floating in the sky on a crimson red throne. Toki was almost positive that he had seen him before, the thing was he couldn't tell from where. Ever since he had woken up knowing only his name and how to fight, opposing the voidlynx was the only thing that felt familiar at all. Yet this single being who claimed to be the master of these creatures struck him as more familiar than anything else. He didn't know why either. However he couldn't concentrate on it as he continued to kill the seemingly endless numbers.

    After what seemed like a few hours of fighting all the portals were shut and the only voidlynx left was the one floating above everything. He had only said a few sentances and then just sat and watched everything. Toki leapt onto a nearby building and pointed his blade at him. "Whao are and what do you want?"

    "Were you not listening? I want everything! This world, your powers, their powers, anything that exists will belong to me! I am Takai, Master of the Void! And everything will be mine!" He shouted back as he stood up. He placed his hand on the throne and it began to change into a small ball the size of his fist. He put it away in a pocket before holding both his hands wide. "If you think those were all of my minions then you all are sorely mistaken. Those were simply the opening act on this entertaining resistance. Now I know all of your powers at this current time. But forgive me, it's not far that I know all the actors on your side of the stage. Why don't I introduce you to the ones playing on mine?" With the snap of his fingers a large portal opened behind him.

    (OOC: that's the cue for all the other voidlynx characters)
  14. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    What, no, you can't be alone. Thought Marisa. What if someone were to get him? She slayed the last monster and chased after Gryphon. What does he mean he doesn't know? she thought. She kept a close eye on him, and the young lion cub that he was chasing after. Who knows what could happen after those things have appeared?
  15. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will gave her a dirty look. "Commer knows I fight outside anyway, I don't need more of his sympathy or jobs at the dojo. Besides, he knows my temper and wouldn't hire me." He said, turning towards the woods where he had a feeling things were happening. "I feel as if there is something strange happening in the woods. Care to join me in some exploring?" He asked her as he continued to stare at the dark path.
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Twila grabbed her arm and looked down and shook her head on his offer. "I'd love too, but..." She trailed off. She looked up at the path and she could sense it too. She closed her eyes.

    'This could be my chance to show what I've been learning...' She thought to herself. She didn't move from her spot. She shook her head.

    If you are who you really are, you'd go... Twila shot open her eyes from the voice in her head. Who was that? She looked up at Will.

    Go, there's nothing to worry about, you've been training hard plus you've been chosen if you know it yet or not.The voice continued.

    'But I have no weapon...' She thought to herself and closed her eyes again.

    Check your pouch. She heard the voice again and moved her hand to the pouch attatched to her pants and felt a small bar in it. She looked down and opened the flap. Inside was Master Commor's staff, the very staff forbidden by many to touch. The very staff she used to teach herself to fight with. She looked at Will and at the path still unsure if to go. She pulled it out and looked at Will.

    I want you to go, learn more, discover your destiny The voice said.

    "I'll go with you." Twila stated looking at Will then at the path.

    Lucius sat in his spot startled.

    "Lucius." He turned around hearing his mother who appeared very weak. "The light... it's..."She said before collapsing. "Mother!" He nearly yelled and felt the same weakness she was feeling.

    "They've come back...Lucius... I should have told you long ago... you were chosen to posess a special power to fight against creatures... creatures from the void... you and others are our last hope... Elden.... go..." His mother said weak being affected by something. He stood up and spread out his wings and looked in the direction the others went and jumped off the ground taking off into flight, at a much faster speed than his usual fairy disquise could do. He found himself at the city of Elden surrounded by dark creatures, creatures from the void, voidlynx.

    He fought against them and saw Toki fighting before a manical laugh was heard.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2010
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    YouTube - Xenosaga 1 - Life Or Death

    Foma started to jump to the left as the first attack was lead by one of the beasts. The other two guards were too busy fighting against the other one. Foma started to charge at the beast and used his knuckles to try and make it unconscious but he fell backwards. "This isn't right."
    Foma started to use his M.W.S and tasers started to stick out. Foma slammed his weapon straight at it's chest and sparks started to come out, stunning the creature. "NOW'S MY CHANCE!!" Foma started to stand back and shoot at it once, making it stagger. Foma then took his weapon and shot the monster down vertically, making a small explosion. All of a sudden, his eyes started to change colors, glowing purple and look as if he's not himself anymore.
    "ETHER RAY!!!" Foma started to make small, purple words of an unknown language appear before him as he started to say the chant, "Oneskorenie môj nepriate (Delay my enemy)." He grabbed the words and slap it onto his weapon and pointed it at the monster. A big symbol with a small circle appear in front of him and when he fired, a purple beam started to come out, shooting straight at the monster and saw that it has been vaporized. His eyes then reverted back to normal.

    "Um... what just happened?" Foma looked around and saw that the other soldiers were able to finish off the last voidlynx. After Foma was relieved that they were alright, he used his communigear to change back into his disguise and started to run. "Why in the world did the city has been attacked? My attacks looks as if they were not effective at all. I need to hurry and find someone who can help me."
  18. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    The first being that stepped out of the large portal was a man with green eyes and long green hair. He walked with a certain amount of elegance about him, but also with a certain amount of arrogance. Chuckling, he turned to Takai, "Please tell me these are not all of the keepers of the Grimoirs."
    (OOC: His name is Feuan in case u 4got, Shadow)

    Gryphon rounded a corner and looked for the white lion cub, but it was no where to be seen. "Oh no!" Gryphon said to himself, "Where'd he go?" Immediately, a small pebble was softly tossed at Gryphon to get his attention. Turning to his side, he saw the curious lion cub holding a rectangular object in its mouth. The object itself, whatever it was, was wrapped tightly in a leather cover. Walking up to Gryphon, the white cub nudged Gryphon to take it. Doing so, Gryphon moved to break the seal of the cover
    "Don't uncover it!!!!!" The voice pounded in his head angrily. Gryphon held his head in one hand in pain, and definitely recognized the voice as his own, except with more confidence in his voice.
    "Why?" he wondered aloud.
    "Just don't uncover it yet. Take it to the city of Elden, there should be people waiting for you there. Take Marisa and this white lion cub with you."
    "How do I get a lion cub to follow me?"
    "Believe me, it wants to. See if you can get Marisa to follow you as well."
    "Now how will I do THAT? She keeps asking questions I don't know how to answer."
    "I said TRY. If she does go with you, great, if she doesn't, fine."
    Gryphon picked up the covered object he had dropped and waited for Marisa to catch up.
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will nodded at Twilia as he looked into the forest. "Yes, it's finally time for me to come out!" A voice said to Will. As he looked around the voice chuckled. "I have been within you ever since your hatred came to you. I have just been waiting for the right time, and it's when you enter those woods. I am your hatred, I am your soul, I am you. Now if you go and I come out you will be stronger than ever William..." The voice cooed, using his full name that he hated. As he drew his sword he started towards the woods. "Let us go Twilia..." He said, still shaken from the voice.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2010
  20. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    "Yes they are Feuan though I doubt even one knows what they are. I advise you to stay silen about it and enjoy their futile struggle. Now where are the others and why are they refusing the director?" Takai spoke without even looking at Feuan. He silently admitted that of all his puppets, Feuan was the only one he actually liked. He would cast him aside in an instant but if possible, he'd be the last to go.

    As the new voidlynx showed up and spoke with Takai, Toki again was struck with the feeling he knew him. Why? He thought to himself. Why do I recognise the enemy? What's going on?
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