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Grimoir (The RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Sep 2, 2010.

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  1. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    "YOU MUST BE JOKING!!!!!" Feuan cackled, "These are the pathetic beings that could put a stop to us?!?! And here I thought I'd actually have to try." Feuan walked closer to Takai so that Takai would have to make eye contact with him, "I don't know exactly what the others are doing, goofing off perhaps, but am I really needed here? My services can't possibly be put to better use?"
  2. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    He's pretty dang fast thought Marisa. She turned around to go and chase after Gryphon, to make sure no one could use him in anyway. As she was rushing out of the jungle, she noticed two people heading in. I wonder what they are up to she thought. She wanted to stop and ask, but she wanted to see if Gryphon was alright. When she got back into the city, she couldn't believe what she had saw. It was almost nightmarish, to say the least. She readied her blades, but she felt herself trembling. How am I going to do this? she thought.
    "Use your powers". Said a voice inside her.
    "Huh?" she asked.
    "You know that power you felt in that kid, said the voice, you have that too. You just have to unleash it. Constraint. Build your strength. HEAD FOR THE GARDEN OF MADNESS! Marisa did as the voice said, for some reason she did not know. And then she blacked out.

    ((OOC: Yeah, as you can tell, she's going to be blacked out and not remember.))

    Marisa opened her eyes, saw all the monsters and, one by one, she took down the monsters as swift and strong as a bolt of lightning.
  3. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Walked around the corner of the building, and saw the Giant portal open. He sensed the it come through before he appeared. Draco then walked forward to stand next to Toki, and then waited for the other Voidlynx to show. While He was waiting the voice that was in his head kept telling him to unleash it fully. Draco knew that this would only be a bad thing to do so he kept the voice contained. And as suddenly as it happend before Draco came back to consiousness.

    "What the heck happened, Toki? Where am I?" Turning around to face the city behind him, draco said, "Woah." Then he turned around again to see Takai and another guy standing there. Draco then whisper his question again, "What happened, Toki?"
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Foma started to run faster and faster, trying to avoid getting into any fights with the voidlynx. As he turned the corners on his left, arrows started to fly straight at him. Foma covered his head and ducked, afraid that he might get hit by one of them. As he opened his eyes, he saw a many archers were standing in front of him. He turned around to see many arrows in flames.

    WERE YOU THINKING?!!! THOSE ARROWS COULD'VE KILLED ME!!!" He then heard another man started yelling, getting ready to argue, seeing that the man was the leiutenant of the group. "WHAT IN HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!! We thought that you were one of them!!"


    The general started to point his bow and arrows at Foma, feeling displeased at his arrogance. "YOU?! LOST?! You live in this city!" Foma started to take his hands and move the arrows out of the way. "I'm not even from here. Right now, I have more important businesses to attend to." All of a sudden, a soldier started to look straight at a wall, finding it very suspicious until a beast of long, orange arms grabbed him and made him melt. "SAVE YOURSELVES!!" Foma started to run even faster as he tried to find another exit but everything started to turn black and white once again. "What..." Foma started to look all over until he saw a man standing in front of him smiling. All of a sudden, everything went back to normal and an arrow almost smacked him right in the face. Foma started to run down south.

    As Foma started to run, the general started to run alongside him, seeing that some of the soliders were easy pickings. A small voidlynx started to jump off of a roof and shot a small, sphere at the road; the explosion came about and started to spread, almost enough to cover the whole block. Foma started to scream and fall backwards, thinking that he would get caught in the blast but a purple aura started to surround him once more...
  5. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    OOC: Grandia20, no offense to you as you are new to this site. the RP Rules on this site state that you must post at least 3-5 sentences( 1 paragraph) in a roleplay or it's considered spamming...please edit your earlier post, thank you.

    IC: A strange being cloaked in black steps out amongst the voidlynx in the plaza, a young girl lies in the middle her clothes ripped by their claws and blood seeping from her wounds, her hair is shoulder length parting at her forehead, and she appears to be 17 or 18. She is unconcious being attacked by the lowest of low creatures, berserkers. Four-legged mammoth style voidlynx with fists in the front. They can stand on two-legs and often dig their short but rather sharp claws into their opponents.

    This strange black voidlynx was shaped like a man who was about 18 but he was all shade colors and had red eyes. He whistles and the beasts run off. "Her...she might be useful.." the strange man grabs Kira and escapes into a portal, it closes behind him..The journal Kira held so precious is flung into the air and lands at draco's feet.
  6. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    (OOC: I deleted his post as well as your double post.)

    "No I am not joking and yes, you must be here. You will obey me or I will slay you where you stand. That is my law." Takai said in an undertone. When Kira was taken by a higher voidlynx, Takai growled. "He was supposed to come up here! You deal with these mortals. I'm going to punish the ones who aren't obeying the masters call." Takai said. He opened a portal in front of himself and walked off without another word.

    "Voidlynx, and that one who left is their leader. We've got to fight." Toki looked around for a way to get up into the air to reach them when he saw the book sitting by him and Draco. Toki piked it up for a moment and looked it over. "Do you know where this came from?" Toki asked. "It wasn't here a moment ago."
  7. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    Syaoran snaps ou of it and turns to looks at the book. "That looks strangely familiar. It looks a lot like the book my grandmother had before she died. I'll be right back." Syaoran runs off.

    As he arrives at the abondoned house his grandmother lived in a group of voidlyx attack him. He quickly slashes through them muttering something about 'not having time for this'. He gets in the house and digs through the old books until he finds an old leather bound book that says AIR on it. "That wasn't written there last time. Oh well, maybe they'll know why." He runs out of the house and back to the others.

    "I found it." He shows Draco and Toki the book. "Although last time I saw it it didn't say anything on the cover."
  8. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    "With pleasure," Feuan said, descending from the sky to the ground. Looking at Toki, he smiled, "Hello human, I am Feuan. I'd ask for your name as if I cared, but then I'd be lying," Feuan Chuckled. Raising his hand in the air, a green light started to fall from the sky heading to his hand, "So if you don't mind," he said, the green light reaching his hand, turning into a long, green scythe, "Let me see what you're made of!"
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Foma started to stand right back up and opened his eyes after the blast had ceded, only seeing that the whole block was almost destroyed. The lieutenant was bleeding from his arm, yelling out the name of his fallen comrades and was about to go through a melting process. Foma started to worry as started to see more of the voidlynx started to come slowly toward them. The same small beast was going after the lieutenant while a large, orange beast was coming after Foma. "LIEUTENANT!" Foma started to take out his M.W.S and started to shoot at the small beast, making it fall on it's side and made it shriek. Foma then turned back at the larger one and started to shoot.

    "Stay away. No... please." Foma's attack started to become ineffective and Foma started to be pinned to a wall. The beast started to lift it's arms and grabbed Foma by the neck and started to squeeze him. he tried to get out but the enemy was too much. Foma could hardly breathe and his weapon had fell from his hand accidently. "Is... is this the end? I guess... I guess I have lived a life as a snail." The same man that kept on popping up in front of him appeared but no one else can see him. "No... run away. You must.... survive. This is... it... for me. So warm..." Everything started to turn white for Foma but his pendant started to glow, sending a signal to the other grimoirs and covering them with a purple aura...
  10. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Gryphon stepped back, slightly in fear, of Marisa's demonstration of power. He held the rectangular object tightly, "How could I convince her to come to Elden with me?" he thought to himself. He was about to run away, when he saw and felt the white lion cub push him towards her. Walking up to her hesitantly, he asked her, hoping she could answer him, "I.....I know I've asked of you so much....but......could.....could you please come to Elden with me?"
  11. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco looked at the book. He knew it was important to someone, and also knew that he saw it before. "Toki, It's from that girl Kira, The one you were with in the forest...

    The book in Toki's hand began to shine with a purple aura. Draco grabbed it and sensed someone inportant was nearby and in trouble. Draco then said, "Toki you take on the voidlynx that are still left; I have to go help someone." with that draco ran and jumped down off the building. He landed and saw a bright light, that seemed to be coming from a necklace. Then he saw the creature strangling the person who was wering the necklace. Draco unsheathed his daggers, charged, and jumped onto the back of the creature. His stabbed his daggers into its flesh and held on as the creature reared up, releasing the person...
  12. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Toki just nodded as Draco ran off. He looked around seeing that while they were talking multiple voilynx had surrounded them. Toki activated his sawblade and charged in swinging. No matter how they came at him he couldn't be touched. Everytime they came close he activated his barrier and they slowed to a stop before he killed them. Toki kept slaying the beasts, he needed to find out why the void leaders were more familier to him than anything else.
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Foma started to fall down to the ground and lost control of his cloth disguise once again. Foma tried to catch his breath and look up at a young boy with elf ears. "Who... are... you?" Foma started to stagger as he tried to stand up with a struggle. He started to look around and found his M.W.S laying on the ground. he grabbed it and was ready to charge at the monster. "LIGHTNING BLAST!!" Foma started to run towards the monster and the weapon started to have tasers pointing towards him. He stabbed the monster in the chest and started to shock the monster, making the monster stagger but accidently shock the boy in the process.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2010
  14. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Feuan appeared before Toki, grabbing him by the neck and lifting him up in the air. "No need for this," he chuckled, wrenching the sawblade from Toki with his free hand and tossing it a few feet away. The hand that was holding Toki began to burn with a green fire that did not hurt Toki, but Feuan was quickly learning everything anyone, including Toki, could possibly learn about him. Smiling, Feuan looked him in the eyes, "Tell me....what do you suppose death is like?"
  15. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    Marisa turned around to see who had asked her that. She saw a small boy. A, yes, they boy with the power. I should follow him. Maybe his power will be unleashed too. "Of course" said Marisa. "Do you want to lead they way?". Then she saw another monster about to strike. She slayed said monster and then more monsters came. "We better get out of here fast, if we want to get out of here" she said. "So, GO! NOW!".
  16. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    "Wouldn't know but make sure you tell me after you die." Toki said as he kicked Feuan in the side to get him to let go. He then grabbed his sawblade and started it up. I may want to know why they're familiar but killing them comes first. I can always find out from someone else. At least I hope I can. Toki pushed the thoughts from his mind and charged in, swinging wildly.
  17. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Feuan effortlessly dodged all of Toki's hastily made swings. On the fourth swing, he caught it with both hands and kneed Toki in the stomach, sending him and the chainsaw a few meters away. Feuan looked and saw that a book Toki had dropped landed between them. Casually, he walked over and picked it up, "What's this?" he asked, smiling. Suddenly, the same green flame enveloped the book, and Feuan saw a small glimpse of the book's history, but the part was small, almost like a puzzle piece. Startled, Feuan dropped the book. He stood there, shocked for a moment, before his smile returned to him, "I understand," he whispered to himself. He kicked the book back to Toki and resummoned his scythe, "Where were we?"

    "Right!" Gryphon replied, "Now which way is Elden?" Replying to his question was the white lion cub, giving a small cry to them and looking in a direction that led to a road before darting off towards it. Looking over to Marisa, he shouted "This way!" before darting after the cub.
  18. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Kira awoke in a strange cell...the walls..floor and bars were mixed shades of purple,red,blue and black...but they were moving, while in place. A strange man sat crosslegged with his sword against his shoulder and back against the cell. Kira felt like she knew him but couldn't place her finger on it...it was all too fuzzy. "who are you?" she asked confused as to where she was. "it's best if you don't know, You are a prisoner of war, I am your warden...but rest easy..they'll come to get you out soon enough...until then sit tight, I promise i won't bring any harm to you".
    Kira was even more confused thn usual...he kept her hostage, but made her feel safe...it was like he knew her as well. She decided to jot this down in her journal when she discovered it was missing. Panicking she searched her things, having been laId out neatly for her when she woke up. She couldn't find it, Feeling depressed she slumped down and decided to rest some more.
    A strange beast carrying a heavy axe walked into the room and began conversing with the man. "well well...what do we have here? Some fresh meat...I'm surpsrised you haven't had you way with her...yet she is quite beautiful, heh heh heh..". The man stood up almost as if to protect her and spoke up. " Sgaroth!, you know i don't engange in the same acts you do...in fact i'm surprised you aren't diseased yet, besides...i have a...special..interest in this one, i want to keep her as long as i can". Sgaroth grunted " Ah i see...keeping for multiple uses eh? Well Whatever...if you get bored i would be more than happy to take her off your hands".
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Lucius stood surprised when all the voidlynx left. He saw the others gathered around talking.

    Lucius He heard the voice in his head. He looked around wondering what it could be when he stopped, it sounded like his voice

    Who are you? He asked back.

    I am your power, your soul, spirit, and mind. I am the light that rests within you awaiting to awaken, I am you He stood there confused and lost.

    That doesn't make sense, I am me and you aren't me He stated confused.

    You have so much to learn, but now it's time for your powers to awaken, you must fight off the voidlynx The voice said. At that moment Lucius head began to hurt. He looked up and saw a girl(Kira) laying on the ground. He stood there and saw a person pick her up and leave with her.

    "Hey! Leave her alone!" He yelled and ran over to where she laid but was too late she was gone. Lucius collapsed to the ground his body began glowing and at that moment he felt power, a warm light power burst and flow throughout his body. He looked at his hand and saw them glowing but just like that it died down.

    He stood up and looked over at the other people talkingand started making his way over.
  20. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Jumped off the beast just as the first bolt hit him. The lightning threw off his balance and he fell to the ground. Acting on his insticts Draco jumped up while picking his daggers from where they lay. He turned to face the guy, so that he could still see the monster's reation to lightning, and said, "I might ask the same question, but it seems we have to deal with something first." Draco then dashed around the beast's side, jump-kicked off a wall, and landed on the still recovering creature's back.....
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