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Will we see Xion again?

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Roxion, Sep 28, 2010.

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  1. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    So what do you think? Personally, I think we will because *SPOILERS* We see Xion in the secret movie in the end of BBS. *END SPOILERS* so what do u think?
  2. Liane

    Liane New Member

    I like Xion, so i'm hoping we will. But I highly doubt it :/ How would she fit back into the story?

    I was abit confused with that part of the secret ending :p
  3. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Well I damn well hope so!! lol I've also seen the secret ending to BBS and they showed alot of people who are supposed to be "gone" but obviously they're not because they're all shown and they seem pretty darn cheerful to me, so I believe there's a good chance they can make a reappearance in future games.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I think that those who are dead would only appear in a "alternate" world for the "dead" so Xion coming back is possible
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2010
  5. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    right, cause *SPOILERS* In the same secret ending, we see Ansem the Wise, who was supposebly killed via explosion, alive and well in the Dark Margin with only a slight case of amnesia. So that shows that just because someone appears to have died, doesn't always. *END SPOILERS*
  6. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I want to say why!!!
  7. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    oooookay, then say why..... o_O
  8. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    nah because they're spoilers.
  9. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Ah you wanna know the answer, I will tell you the answer. It's no..
  10. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    we likely will see her again but she'll play a very minor role, and i mean the most that'll happen is she appears. i mean the BBS secret ending sort of confirmed that she will appear, or at least she'll be spoken of/mentioned.

    but as for her taking up an important role like in 358, not a chance. you have a better chance of Kairi getting a keyblade, as horrible as that sounds.
  11. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    that made chills go up my spine and not the good kind, bleh! Kairi getting a keyblade is a disgrace! It taints the awesomeness of being a keyblade bearer if they just start handing them out all willy nilly! anywho, I totally agree that Xion will make a cameo but not be as important to the story anymore since really she doesn't have anymore to offer since she gave Sora back his memories that were stored inside her.
  12. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    My theory is that when Sora takes his Dive to the Heart, he'll see Ventus, Roxas, AND Xion, since they are all in his heart
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -___- I wish that all of you stop hating on Kairi. KAIRI HATERS!! I would laugh at every single one of you who kept on bashing on her. You don't even know what she is capable of. Not only that, Kairi is capable of using a keyblade ever since she touched Aqua's keyblade and Aqua felt light from her and don't argue with me on this point. I did my video watching and research and it is called a keyblade ceremony; one that Kairi went through unintentionally so she might be a possible playable character.

    Anyways, if they add mini games, then we might be able to play as Xion in battle modes.
  14. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    i don't hate Kairi, and i know full well that her plus keyblade is a very possible future. but i just hate seeing the 'damsel in distress' character suddenly become able to handle themselves. i mean, the whole purpose of the character is to drive the hero from the side, from behind, from anywhere but the frontlines. and Kairi fits the role very well, i actually like her. but give her combat ability and she'll go from my favorite damsel to the top of my 'i hate these people' list.
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Just because she is able to at least be able to defend herself does not mean that they would allow that to happen to her. She will be able to fight but she would only do it from afar if you know what I mean. It would be very nice to play AS her but it wouldn't be fair to take away your personality that created her. It is ok that she gets kidnapped even though she has fighting capability. What I just don't like is that people would try to judge her and think that if the company allow her to have a little bit more fighting capabilities, then people would just start bashing on her.

    I am very glad that you have explained yourself very well. WAY BETTER THAN X3PIC IN EXPLAING THE POSSIBLE CONS OF HER FIGHTING! (no offense.) If she would just have something else changed in her, then I would too not want her to be able to even defend herself. Xion was able to do great as a female keyblader but Kairi was able to touch everyone and even show herself even more that she cares for Sora by showing a little bit of her beginner's fighting style.

    I guess that they took that and created Xion. Made Xion a better playable character.
  16. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    I really dont care either way.I actually think she will stay at the islands for most of the game,only leaving either due to another kidnapping or close to the end of the game to support Sora,whether it be fighting or not.

    The only real problem I have with her fighting is that she has no combat experiance.Sora and Riku,while it may have only been with toy swords,had some experiance,as do Tidus,Wakka,and Selphie (I would love to see them fight heartless.)She doesnt,atleast not that we have seen.

    On Xion,it will probably be a small role,probably something to do with him inside.Ventus will probably get his body back,and Roxas...no idea.I dont have any theories for now.
  17. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I still say Kairi is not fit to have a keyblade, just because this girl got light in her don't mean she need to be swinging a big key around, she could poke somebody's eye out or something! :D anyway if Xion is gonna make another appearance then obviously Ventus and Roxas need to make an appearance too, though I may not be able to tell them apart since they look exactly alike, and also Axel needs to come back too, he may not be apart of Sora but I still wanna see him just out of fairness and coolness :)
  18. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I wish Kairi didn't get a keyblade because I thought it kinda fit the role she had. I'm not being sexist here but it kinda makes the story a little blah. How did she get a keyblade! Everyone's getting keyblades everywhere!
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