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Favorite Pokemon

Discussion in 'General' started by EtherealSummoner, Sep 25, 2010.

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  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Anyone of you ever had a favorite pokemon that really connects to you or really make you want to scream? THEN THIS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU TO DO IT!!! Maybe there's an evolution pokemon that you wish to speak of that we may not know. POKEMON POKEMON!! TALK ALL ABOUT IT!!!

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  2. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    Hehehe, just my kind of topic.
    1. pikachu- I'm just Pikachu fool!
    2. Growlithe- Whose the best fire type around? ~Growlithe~ ~Growlithe~
    3. Luxray- What else would an Electric type fan like me need?
    4. Dragonite- Don't know, just though it was better then it's evolution type
    5. Poochyena- I like dogs...alot.
    6. Gardivoir- One of the best physic's ever.
    7. Butterfree- Another good physic type oddly enough.
    8. Absol- I think I like too many Dark types. Or electric types. Meh, i'm an electric fan.
    9. Salamance- Now come on, you know he rocks.
    10. Persion- I started with Yellow, and never could get it, and the finaly gym leader made him seem so awesome. Now that I have leaf green I have found....He was right. Lol.

    Thats my top ten for ya.
    Pokemon is just really a great game, with alot of reasons to play it.
  3. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    :Bulbasaur: by =Delano-Laramie on deviantART

    has been my fav forever. whenever i have the chance i get it. and after evolving one up to Venusaur, i'll breed it and raise up one that i won't let evolve and it'll be better than it's parent. Bulbasaur is number 1 in the pokedex because it is just that awesome.

    Riolu. by *2D75 on deviantART

    god i hate lucario, i only let mine evolve so i could get the data, then i bred out a new riolu and released that ugly bastard. Riolu is the epitome of awesome, its small, it's cute, it's cool and it's one of the few pokemon that can actually give their evolved forms a run for their money. go Riolu

    Dark Tyranitar by *akelataka on deviantART

    ah, Tyranitar. this guy is like every evil trainers dream. Dark type, mega powerful, diverse moves, and awesomely evil looking. Game Freak knew what they were doing when we got this awesome pokemon.

    + Absol - by *slifertheskydragon on deviantART

    Absol is awesome for a few reasons. It looks cool, it can tell the future(sorta) and it has that sort of 'hated hero' thing going. it can predict disasters and goes to warn people but then gets blamed for what it came to prevent. sad but its so awesome anyways. now he needs an evolution...

    Growlithe by *Dancergurl4u2nv on deviantART

    the ultimate guard dog,lol. Growlithe is the pokemon i would want if pokemon were real.

    Gallade by ~Zaemii on deviantART

    this guy has swords for arms, how can he not be on everybodies list? plus he's pretty powerful with a very good range of moves to choose from. Gallade is great!

    Garchomp Attack Mode by *Mr-MellowSmile on deviantART

    the landshark, the powerhouse dragon, the only pokemon banned in tournaments that isn't a legendary. Garchomp is just one rampaging epic pokemon.

    Kabutops by ~Svipi on deviantART

    i put Gallade on my list because he has swords for arms and is powerful, so how could i leave out the original weapon armed poke? Kabutops is just plain evil looking with its twin scythe arms. plus its fast, it cuts up its foe before he realises he was cut. now if only he had a better movepool...

    :Winter Spell: Froslass by ~endless-whispers on deviantART

    the winter girl, Frosslass is just cool. it's 'dex entries talk about how cold it is with one saying it kidnaps people and pokes it likes. seems like just the cold outcast to me. i like Frosslass and its always my go-to ice type.

    Groudon by *seiryuuden on deviantART

    the legendary of the land, the creator of droughts and bringer of the sun. Groudon takes the cake as my favorite legendary pokemon(but i still don't entirely know how Black & White do other than Reshiram and Zekrom so i'll hold off on my judgement) Groudon is strong, causes perma-sunlight and can learn some powerful moves to take advantage of it. Eruption, Solorbeam? both are powered up and solorbeam goes from a crappy two-turn move to an instant blast of power. Plus add in how awesome it looks and its legendary rivalry with Kyogre and you've got the best of the legendaries.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    TOGEPI!!! And always togepi!! Especially Togetic and Togekiss!!! In my opinion, they can catch anyone with their charm!

    Under Togepi and its evolution is Espeon. Really like the calmness in it. Has always help me in tight situation.

    After Espeon comes Gardevoir. To me, It can glide with ease and since it is very well-verse in dancing, she can lure in anyone with her psychic spells.

    Piplup is next. I like his face expressions; especially when it get chased by Gible's dragon meteor. Piplup is still strong though. Now let us all express our emotion with this clip!

    YouTube - Pokemon: DP Sinnoh League Victors: Piplup Blows Up

    Chikorita is probably my next pokemon. It gets very powerful in his stronger evolution but I think that his starting stage is better for evasion.

    That is only part one of my top twenty-five pokemon!!
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure what I favor more than others, so what I put down is in no specific order.

    Blastoise. My first starter ever. The water cannons that come out of his back make him look awesome.

    Typhlosion. Of all the fire starts, I consider him to be the best. For looks alone, only Charizard can compete for awesomeness. And due to his Fire only type, he doesn't share weaknesses that the other fire starters have.

    Mew. The original unobtainable pokemon. Adding to the fact that Mew can learn every move in exsistance only makes Mew more awesome. I consider Mew to be better than Arceus, since Mew can technically know any move Arceus knows and any move to be supereffective against Arceus.

    Darkrai. The only Dark type legendary. Not only does he look awesome, but his unique ability is wonderful. The fact that his unique move is made for his ability, that adds to his greatness.

    Magmortar. The first thing I thought when I saw him was 'He looks fricken awesome.'

    Electrivire. The big electric grizzly bear. His ability is great if you can activate it.

    I'm certain there are others, but I don't wanna think of them right now.
  6. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Really,we should sticky this thread,we keep on having them come up...

    But I'll post anyways.

    Charizard and its line: My first choice when I started playing the games,Charizard is a powerhouse fire pokemon!Being able to fly helps too,I generally dont use flying pokemon after the third gym.

    Quilava: First for Gold/Silver and my favorite of its line,Quilava just looks cool to me.I only would let it evolve these days (if I ever get to play) if I needed the extra stats.Since I dont play against others normally,thats probably never.

    All Eevees: What can I say,I love these little ones! Eevee may not be powerful,but it is cute and does make for a good normal type,plus it can learn some good elemental moves.The original three eevelutions were good pokemon,more so Jolteon in the orignal game that learned a bug type move and actually could do damage with it.Umbreon is my favorite one,and next time I play i will evolve and eevee into one.Espeon is ok as well,Phsycic is always good.I have not played with the new ones,but Leafeon and Glacion look cool.

    Absol: For similar reasons as Shadow,and gameplay wise is one of my main pokemon in Ruby/Sapphire.Get her as soon as I can and she stays in for the rest of the game.

    Gardevoir: This pokemon...its more my starter then my actual starter in Sapphire.I get her as soon as I can,and she stays with me for the rest of the game.Out of all of them this one ends up being my most powerful.For some reason I have her learn a lightning move too,not sure why.Gallade might count too,but I need to get one before i give judgement.

    Vulpix and Ninetails: These two make for good fire pokemon,and while I may usually have Charizard,i still capture them cause I like them.Otherwise they are my main fire type in the orginal games and FireRed.

    Salamence: This pokemon is awesome in my opinion,and a very good dragon type.I generally dont go for dragons,but I decided to get this one (its first form of course).Ended up being part of my main team once i got it.

    If i forgot any (Its been a while for some games),I might post later,who knows.
  7. Bulbie

    Bulbie New Member

    All the Eeveelutions are my favourites. :3 So cute. And it's fun to name them after the songs from TLoZ: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. (Leafeon=Minuet, Flareon=Bolero, Vaporeon=Serenade, Espeon=Requiem, Jolteon=Prelude, Umbreon=Nocturne, Glaceon=Lullaby. Yup. I've been playin' too much Zelda. :p

    I'm also a sucker for ghosts so pretty much all the ghost-type Pokémon are also close to my heart. Same goes for dark-type. I especially like Gasly, Gengar, Duskull, Tyranitar, Sableye, Spiritomb, Rotom and Giratina. x3

    And that's pretty much it..
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Wobbuffet: I like him very much but I wish that Jessie would just use him more often. At least she would be able to win Pokemon contests that way and become more challenging to Ash and his friends. He is more of the defense pokemon but I don't care. I like his tail.

    Chansey and Blissey: Both of them are the original of female pokemon in my opinion. More of the healing type pokemon but they always have so much endurance in them; One of the reason they are capable as Nurse Joy's assistants. THEY ARE ALSO FAIRIES!!!

    Roselia: When I first saw her, I thought that it was weird that she had red and blue roses as hands. The more I used her in the video games, the more I started to find her compatible with skill moves even though she don't look like it. Very polished in my opinion. Her higher form, Roserade, has also been proven worthy.

    Jigglypuff: She really need to come back. Never did see her in a loong while. I like the way she blows up like a blowfish when people falls asleep on her singing. \

    That is only part 2 of my twenty-five pokemon favorites!!
  9. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    1. Lucario - it's just cool. Until I fight another fighting pokemon.

    2. Swampert - the only weakness is grass, so I got nothing to worry about anything else. It's strong and has a high defense.
  10. Namine Lonsinger

    Namine Lonsinger New Member

    Pikachu!!! Xd :) :d ;) :d
  11. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Well, 2 of my favorite(there are alot more than this) are:
    Because this pokemon has giant claws, and is dark type. :)

    Because this one is dark type, and represents night time, and the Moonlight(aka the light within the darkness).
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Dratini and Dragonair: I really like its status as a dragon. Their special ability can get rid of their own status problems. it is also well rounded in its own stats.

    Unknown: I used to try and catch all various pokemon of its kind. They always come with a different symbol. Still, they are more for the beginners class and they are the psychic pokemon for that with average stats. I forgot if they can use any other moves besides hidden power.

    Smeargle: I JUST LIKE HIM; :mad::mad::mad: BUT HIS SKETCH MOVE ONLY LAST FOR ONE TURN ONLY AND BECOME THAT MOVE PERMANENTLY!! Plus, all aspects of his attacks are so low. Still, I find him more of a support pokemon but I really have to be careful when using him. If there is a move that I can have Smeargle to use that all normal pokemon are not capable of, I can have him use sketch but I really have to be careful when to use it. At least that the pokemon won't be able to be confused.

    Beautifly: I find her very creative in her attacks; she will just end up having more weakness to other types of pokemon and her average apsects in defense will make it worse. Still, to have a pokemon who have the power to dominate in the special ability field is good enough for me. Her wings are remarkable in hues.

  13. I eat pokemon for breakfast expect for CHARIZARD
  14. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    it's spelt Unown and no, they are still only able to use Hidden Power. even GenV hasn't changed that.
    pretty much all they're good for is in a friendly match spelling out F-U-C-K-U-! just to be funny.
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I thought that unowns can use other moves. I guess that Hidden Power is only great based on the land (Or was it on the pokemon's type?).
  16. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    it's based on the pokemon's personality value + the trainers secret ID; two stats that require a hacking device to check. so the only way to find out what Hidden Power type you have you must either hack or guess by using it against other pokemon.

    Gen V fixes this as there is an old lady in one of the new towns that will flat out tell you what type of Hidden Power that pokemon will have.
  17. Raven

    Raven New Member

    I don't play pokemon as obsessively as I used to, so I'm pretty stuck on thinking that generation 1 and 2 of pokemon were and always will be the best. Most of my favorites are from those generations, but there are some gen 3 that I like too. gen 4... I dunno; none of them stuck out very well for me, so I don't like the majority of them.

    1. Mudkip - I love this little guy, I don't even let my mudkip evolve anymore just because of how cool he is. It's a shame he doesn't gain his ground attribute until he evolves..

    2. Scizor - I've loved Scizor since Pokemon Stadium 2 when he single-handedly took out an entire gym leader's team when I felt I was down on my luck. Love ya Scizor!!

    3. Aipom - I like monkey - he's a monkey. 'nuf said.

    4. Flygon - I prefer Flygon a thousand times more over Salamance; I don't know exactly why. It could be his design..

    5. Metagross - A really cool pokemon that does an excellent job as a tank.

    6. Pidgeot - the first pokemon I ever leveled to 100 by myself without rare candies. I love this bird too much..

    7. Squirtle - My first pokemon. he holds a special place in my heart..

    8. Arcanine - Damn when I first saw this pokemon I thought it was a legendary. Even it's not I still like it a lot!

    9. Alakazam - A very cool pokemon, with a nice taste in utensils.

    10. Venasaur - A cool pokemon that was always against me in my first game, that I wanted to have for my own.
  18. GC4life

    GC4life New Member


    Cyndaquil is awesome.

    Cyndaquil Cyndaquil Cyndaquil.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Bellossom: I just adore her. Even though she have average speed; give her sunshine and she would be quick enough to react towards pokemon. I just can't believe that she have a lot of weaknesses when it comes to types.

    Plusle and Minun: I remember when I had the two of them in Pokemon: Gale of Darkness. If I have the two of them, I can easily take out some of the tougher pokemon. Still, I find Plusle my stronger part.

    Kecleon: I am so scared of this pokemon. If you use a type against him, he would just become that type of the attack. Very disturbing; which is why I enjoy his ability!

    Mime. Jr: I never did like Mr. Mime but Mime. Jr just makes things much better. Just like his stronger self, he can block out all sounds and reduce attacks that he is weak against. A clown that I would rather hang out with.

    Psyduck: I just miss him so much ever since Misty left the series. I just love his ping-pong eyes!

    Jynx: XD SHE IS SUCH A DRAG QUEEN! Wait. SHE IS A FEMALE! I just find her funny looking. She may be good in ice and psychic but she just have so many weaknesses. Still, it doesn't mean that I don't want to ignore her.

    Shuckles: HE JUST HAVE AN INSANE STATS IN DEFENSE!!! He tend to be very hard to kill.

    And that is the end of my top twenty-five pokemon list!!!
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