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Grimoir (The RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Sep 2, 2010.

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  1. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Gryphon and the white lion cub turned on a road and saw two people, a man and a woman (Will and Twila), as the creatures kept chasing them and Marisa. Seeing the weapons in their hands, Gryphon's hope was restored, "Okay, it looks like they can fight," he said to himself. When he got within earshot, he shouted to them "Hey! Help us!"
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Twila was worried about that. She wasn't suppose to be a warrior, she was suppose to be a maid. She was shaken from her thoughts hearing someone call them. She turned around and looked at the person running out of breath.

    "What's going on?" She asked him.
  3. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    The small boy looked up at Twila and began to beg, "Please help us! Monsters are chasing us!" He and the white lion cub looked back and saw Marisa still fighting the creatures, "Oh no! I thought she was right behind me!" he said, drawing his swords. He and the lion cub began to run back to assist Marisa when Gryphon looked back at the two (Still Will and Twila) "Please.....help us."
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Where is that power? The power to help us?" Foma's necklace started to glow once again, calling on other grimoir users, Twila, Will and Lucius. Foma started to run into an alley and hid behind a brick wall as the lady started to land. "hm... I knew that there were some presence around here somewhere. They can't hide away from me forever." The lady started to raise her hands and conjured a portal. Voidlynx started to fly from the portal and stood in front of the sage. "I need all of you to try and find the hero who have powers over all of space. BRING A SWIFT DEATH TO THOSE WHO OPPOSE YOU!"

    Foma started to have a stiff posture as he listened and jumped right back on the brick wall. "Oh no! Sweet nuts! I must get out of here!" Foma started to tip toe his way in the alley...
  5. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will recognzed the girl and boy from earilier as he charged forward, starting to swing the daggertail. As it started to speed up he flicked his arm, making it wrap around a creature's throat. He yanked it forward as his anger rose with the pain growing in his arm. The voice in his head chuckled. "These are the creatures that will bring me out... just let them anger you and then let it go, let your hatred overflow from your attacks... let me free..." It cooed.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Twila could only stand back watching how fast he fought. He looked so angry. She shook it away and turned to the other two.

    "Run and go get to somewhere safe." Twila told them. She grabbed her staff again and joined alongside Will. She swung at the creatures and looked back at him. He looked so angry and in his eye she could see something troubling him.

    She quickly dodged an attack. They seemed endless. She had to keep fighting though.
  7. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    The white lion cub took down a creature and stood to the side of Twila, trying to urge her that the enemies were endless and that they would have to outrun them. Gryphon managed to defeat a creature as well when the confident voice boomed in his head, this time very loudly and angrily "You're completely useless, just leave this to me." Gryphon paused for a moment before passing out in his mind, but he could feel another presence take over. Gryphon stood by Twila and said in a confident voice, "I was wrong to get you involved, the enemy is seemingly infinite. We have to escape."
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Twila looked at him. She swung at another creature and looked back at Gryphon.

    "We need to at least loose them." Twila told him. She wanted to find the source of these dark creatures though. She looked over at Will.

    "Will, come on!" She yelled over to him.

    'He's not going to listen.' The voice similar to Twila's spoke again, but it wasn't the same one from before, this one was a bit more arrogant.

    'Who are you?' Twila thought again in her mind.

    'More like who are we?" The voice boomed again.

    'Dark! Quit torturing the poor girl!' The voice from before ,the sweeter voice spoke.

    'What's going on?' Twila asked them.

    'We'll explain tonight, in your dreams, until then Twila, get the others there and yourself out of there.' The sweet voice told her.

    "Come on!" Twila called to them all.
  9. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will felt his past start coming out in each strike, his sorrow overflowing him. As he took down the creatures quickly and efficiently he heard the voice in his head chuckle. "Dig a little deeper and you shall have released me..." It cooed. Will felt his left arm hurt from the daggertail yet he new it wasn't natural. "Go! I'll hold these things off!" Will barked as his left arm started to glow along where the daggertail was imbedded. "Yes! I am free!" The voice shouted.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Will!" Twila yelled at him feeling a sense of darkness from him.

    "Will we need to go, come on!" She yelled at him again. She looked at the others, "hurry and run ahead we'll catch up."

    Twila could feel power bubbling inside of her two clashing powers, light and dark. She couldn't explain it, and there was no time to figure it out she had to get Will to come along and them to hurry off.
  11. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will turned to her as a black color started to come about his skin from his wound. "Twilia, run!" He barked, his voice lower. Yet another voice came from his own throat. A smooth, persuasive voice. The one who had been talking to Will. As will fell to his knees and the transformation was complete Will stood. Glowing tattoos covering his now black body. "You may call me the dark prince m'lady. And I suggest you listen to your friend William and flee so I can finish this." He said, turning and spinning the daggertail quickly while twirling the sword as well.
    OOC:for appearance of dark prince it's the opposite of Will in the appearance on the SU.
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Foma kept on running; he was out of the city and was in the woods as the voidlynx were getting closer. All of a sudden, arrows were flying out of nowhere. "HEY! Are you ok sire?" Foma looked around and saw the same wounded lieutenant from earlier. "What? Why are you here?" He started to walk closer to him until he stood by his side. "Do not worry about me. I will make sure that you can escape. This is to repay you and for my fellow teammates who went on to the next life." Foma started to look straight into his face and saw that he really wanted to fight. "I... I hope that you will make it. STAY ALIVE!!"

    Foma turned back around and started to dash west. The lieutenant took out his bow and started to make his aim precise. Still, the same lady in robes were in the air flying; She was determined to catch someone.
  13. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    Marisa was still fighting, when she noticed some other people with Gryphon. She quickly defeated the enemy and made a dash toward them. "What's going on?" she asked. She wanted to keep everyone safe. Before She could get an answer, another enemy tried to get them. She quickly got it though, and then waited for an answer.
  14. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Gryphon (the other one) turned to her, speaking in a lower, more brooding tone, "We have to run. These monsters are endless, so we must make towards the city of Elden," upon finishing his sentence, the white lion cub darted down the road that led to Elden. After getting about fifty feet away, it turned around and roared, urging them to come on.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Twila looked back at Will, complete new appearence. It wasn't even Will anymore. She looked back at Gryphon and the other girl and nodded. She glanced back at Will but took off after the white lion. She looked back at Will one last time.

    "What are these creatures anyways?" Twila asked.
  16. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    "I don't know" said Marisa. "Nor do I really care. As long as everyone is safe, I'm fine with killing them". She also was running toward the white lion cub. Then she remembered that the other girl was looking at something. She looked back and caught a glimpse of someone. She immediately stopped in her tracks and went back for him.
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will, or what was Will, saw the girl running back and he chuckled. "Foolish girl, Now I shall show you why I am unleashed." He growled, sticking his blade4 forward, fire eryupting from it and absorbing the voidlynx with ease. As the girl reached him he smiled. "I suggest we hurry now, m'lady, towards the city and source of this hell..." He said, sprinting towards Gryphon and Twilia to catch up.
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "NOOOOOOOOO!!!" Foma jumped out of nowhere as a dark sphere was headed towards him; a powerful explosion had shook the ground with great intensity. The sorceress slowly touched the ground and started to walk towards him but Foma stood right back up and was trying to get away. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!!" He looked around and saw a couple of people (Twila, Will, Gryphon and Marisa) and started to run towards them. His pendant started to glow once again, connecting with Will's power.

    "This is the will of all voidlynx; To have all of the human race enslaved under one rule. THE POWER IS NOW MINE!!" The woman started to jump up and glide towards Foma and threw some sharp magical bolts and it was heading towards Foma. Foma turned around and was stunned at how fast the attack was coming that he was afraid that he won't survive.
  19. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    The confident sounding Gryphon looked at Twila as they were running, "Your enemies. That's all you need to know," When the two reached where the white lion cub was, Gryphon looked at it, due to his small size, he did not quite have to kneel down, "Lead the way," he said. Making a nodding motion the white lion cub looked towards the horizon. just at the tip of it, the gates of Elden could be seen, and the white lion cub ran off. Gryphon followed shortly thereafter, "Keep up!" he shouted to Twila.
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will reached Twilia, smiling. "I suggest we keep going so that the child does not have a higher body count than us from this battle..." He growled, voice purring like a lion, not sounding at all like Will as he dashed forward after the young boy and the lion, into nthe gates of hell.
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