• Square Elite
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Discussion in 'Archive' started by They_Call_Me_Mello, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. They_Call_Me_Mello

    They_Call_Me_Mello New Member

    alrighty then
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Hey, welcome to the site, I'm Destiny nice to meet you. Check out the rules and I hope to see you around.

    And yes Kingdom Hearts is EPIC
  3. They_Call_Me_Mello

    They_Call_Me_Mello New Member

    Hahaha I know right XP and awesome signature :)
  4. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    "They call me yellow mellow, quite rightly!~"
    Get it, you're awesome. Don't get it, well we can learn =]
    Hello and welcome.
    See you around.
  5. They_Call_Me_Mello

    They_Call_Me_Mello New Member

    I love that song XD it's awesome and thanks yous
  6. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    Hi! Nice to meet you!
    Nice name!
    Mine is Denki Wolf... but then I guess you could have looked above my avi to find that out.
    Anywho, I hope to see you around having fun!
    And if you need to know anything about Pokemon, you know who to come to.
    Pkmn is right under KH in awesomeness. XD
  7. She doesn't seem like a spammer. Alright welcome a board on Kingdom Hearts Cruise nothing but kingdom hearts ,expect for that dumb ass final fantasy thing.-_-

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