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  1. I think this game will fit in the timeline between Khbbs and Kh1 just my thinking
  2. Raven

    Raven New Member


    When you proposed a theory, I imagined you had a pretty decently sized paragraph supporting your theory so that you would have a good discussion going on here. This, my friend, is not a theory - it's a thought, that you decided to waste on us.
  3. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Hmm. Well they says its going to be like that.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Yeah Raven's like, back up your explanation some, explain why you believe that so we have something to discuss.

    Anyways, I personally don't think it will. Sora and Riku had no clue of the heartless, they never seen them before. If anything, I may see it as possible between KH II and KH III perhaps during the events of Coded.
  5. I'll back it up. It may take place KhBBs and KH1 because Sora and Riku were wearing those kh1 outfits. There fighting the twilight Thorn in Treaverse Town but that would mean there are nobodies!!! Destiny maybe right about it between Kh2 and Kh3 or its a back story between Kh1 and Kh 358/2
  6. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    outfits mean nothing. Coded takes place after 2 yet Sora wears his KH1 outfit in that game.
  7. Raven

    Raven New Member

    Having the game take place before Kingdom Hearts 1 makes no sense because Sora is shown clearly using the keyblade to combat the twilight thorn, and he doesn't receive the keyblade until the first game. I don't even want to know what nonsense SE would plan in the game if the game takes place before the first game.

  8. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    honestly. i've only heard 2 theories that even have a chance of maing some sense:

    1-more Data Sora, this time with Data Riku added. though i have no clue why, it would explain the outfits and why a Twilight Thorn could appear in Traverse Town, the world is artificial, square can do what they please

    2-some type of time travel or time warping. and considering the mysterious figure of BBS, this is a definate possibility but would have to be handled just right to avoid clashing with the existing storyline.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Then again, the Sora in Coded is a digital Sora (Is the real Sora in it? I haven't read the plot summary in a while).

    I notice in this picture Sora is holding his keyblade backwards. He usually has the teeth of the blade the opposite way.

    By the way, something that I thought of might (But unlikely) make some sense. People believe that KH 3D has something to do with time. Perhaps it is an alternate reality. I think a cool game would be KH1, except with the roles reversed. Imagine playing a game as Riku, and Sora is the one who gets manipulated by Maleficent.
  10. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    no the real Sora isn't but it still takes place after 2 so my point about outfits is still valid.
  11. Raven

    Raven New Member

    As cool as the idea sounds, Sora's character isn't like that at all. He's just as ambitious as Riku, maybe even more so, but he never considers taking a dark path to reach goals like Riku - Sora just doesn't roll that way!

    Now if Malecifent were to manipulate and trick the overly trusting Sora into thinking she's a good person, then I could see him working with her.
  12. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Hmm...maybe if time is involved,the Mysterious figure is actually Xemnas,but instead of power over nothingness,he gains time (or he just has all the Organizations power).So he goes back in time to try and either defeat Sora then or complete his plan earlier then before,which in the end lets him defeat Sora anyways if it is complete.That would explain why Twilight Thorn shows up:the Nobodies are moving ahead of schedule.

    Also,from what I read,Sora is a playable character,but not the main one.Maybe,if the theory above is true,Riku doesnt go to Maleficent due to interference form the nobodies,but instead ends up being a good guy,not a bad guy thinking he is good till he gets sense knocked into him.

    Or its something completly different and everyone developing the KH games are messing with us.
  13. Raven

    Raven New Member

    That could definitely be a worthwhile idea there! Maybe SE is making a game just to screw with us fans into believing for a moment that the game is relevant to the series' storyline - y'know like what they did with 358/2 days..
  14. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    well, it's confirmed it will add to the main plot like all theide games have, and the theme is trust i believe. but if this involves time travel and messes with the past then somehow everything has to be fixed and not only put back to normal but memories must be tampered with as well, which involves Namine. but if this is the past then she didn't exist yet unless its after KH1 an takes place during the time of CoM and 358. but then that would involve Org 13, the acting villains of the time, currently supported by the appearence of Nobodies, but again that whole timeframe is pretty much set in stone or Sora and can't be messed with. Riku on the other hand has around 2 or 3 months where we have only a couple clues as to what he was doing so he can be messed with without much worry but everything must be done so that it falls in with what we know as fact.

    but none of that explains what Sora is still doing there or why a Twilight Thorn is in Traverse Town so....
    ...my brain hurts...
  15. Raven

    Raven New Member

    After reading everything you wrote there... I feel the same..
  16. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    while my brain hurts even as i re-read it to make sure it makes sense; it does though.

    if it involves time travel, then for the main series to make sense memories of this would have to be erased. only Namine has power over memories.
    if she is involved then that means either even more tampering happened and she's out of place, or this happens after KH1 and during the timeframe of CoM and 358. the acting enemy of that time frame is Org13, which is supported by the Nobodies.
    however what happens during that time with Sora is set in stone, give or take a day.
    Riku on the other hand, we only have clues to go on for about a month or 2. he reached Castle Oblivion mere minutes/hours after Sora did. he also left Castle Oblivion with Mickey after Sora is put to sleep. next time we see him, him and Mickey have somehow got seperated and Riku is now working for Diz. that is the only thing we really fon't know and i'd only be willing to say that's 2 months tops after we see him at the end of CoM.

    and again, that doesn't explain Sora vs Twilight Thorn in Traverse Town so something else is still going on, or i'm entirely wrong. either way, most of my post holds up well with what is known and with what's being debated.
    and my head still hurts from it, that hasn't changed either.
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Actually, thinking now, it could be because of the events of Days. I just thought of this, so bear with me.

    Xion was created to absorb Sora's memories to prevent Sora from ever waking and giving the Organization their own keyblade that they wouldn't risk loosing. Perhaps this game (Or at least the parts like Sora fighting the Twilight Thorn) takes place in Sora's mind as Namine is trying to fix his memories. Because Xion was delaying Sora's progress, the things like Sora fighting the Twilight Thorn could be the result of Xion's influence of Sora's memories. While it necessarily does not explain it was the Twilight Thorn and not something else, it could also hint at Xion being more of a Nobody than what the Organization considered.
  18. Raven

    Raven New Member

    Thanks for clarifying what you wrote earlier. For the most part, it made a lot more sense - time travel will always be confusing, and I somewhat hope SE doesn't go there for a plot..
  19. It must be a data sora!!!!! and Riku!!!
  20. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I thinks it would be really cool if DW prediction is true.

    I believe KH3d is going to be another prequal, but I have not looked at the story summary yet.
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