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Discussion in 'General' started by Goldfish, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Deemed good luck (at least I was told), today is the tenth of October 2010. What will you be up to or what did you do for this day?
    Unintentinally I woke up at 10 AM. Afterwards I thought I'd do things in 10's for the rest of the day. I read 10 pages, got to page 28, plus 8 is 10. I sold 5 pairs of shoes at work, 2 shoes in each pair, 10 shoes in total. I wore size 10 women's jeans, another 10 related topic. etc etc.
    Despite all the "10" things I did, my luck went worse. It's still raining, my umbrella broke, a driver decided to pull off the drive in the puddle and wet the pedestrian thing on me, caught a bit of the sniffles, but I did come home in the end where its nice, comfortable and warm. Perhaps it's just being a bit optimistic but I guess that was my good luck part (coming home after having a terrible day part).

    Hope it goes or went better for everyone else. Happy 10/10/10 day everyone.
  2. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    wow, my horoscope said to take it easy as my luck would be off today no matter what i tried. would you happen to be Picses?
  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Huh. . . I was under the impression you were a male, Libertine. But I missed 10/10/10 10:10 AM. Let's see if I can hit PM.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Eh nothing special happened to me, it's like every other day, been chilling at home, possibly going out soon. A boring 10/10/10 day for me.
  5. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Slept through 10:10 as well.So far nothin happened in 10s for me today.The only thing for me is that i never knew today was supposed to be a lucky day.Still the whole day to go though!
  6. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    my 10/10/10 is going pretty well, went to see my school's musical this afternoon and it was really good, and I ran into the guy I hooked up with last weekend when I was drunk and he gave me a smile, so I guess so far its been an ok day, we'll see if it gets any better as the day continues lol
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Nothing special about today so far. Woke up, cleaned house, went grocery shopping, came back home, am now doing laundry (or am supposed to be XD). So yeah, a totally boring and typical day in the life of Toph.

    I was still asleep at 10:10 am, like most people in this thread, it seems, but perhaps something special will happen at 10:10 pm.

    I hadn't heard today was supposed to be lucky, but I suppose that's better than what people were claiming for 06/06/06.
  8. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    well now that the day is mostly over, my horoscope was right. horrible luck today. stubbed my toe, dropped and broke a glass plate, got an e-mail telling me the job i was applying for has turned me down. today just sucks for me.
  9. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    My day was the same and i did think you wear a guy Libertine. but i did wake up at ten. but other than that my day sucks. I was nearly hit by a car, feel off my skateboard and broke it in half. and my lights went off. my day sucked. plus its bout to storm.
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    That is seriously lame. They couldn't even bother picking up the phone and calling you? -_-

    Well, I guess whoever decided the day would be good luck was mistaken- so far, it seems like everyone's had either an average or a just plain sucky day.
  11. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Oh, but I am. Men's jeans don't go as low as 10 in size terms so I had to rail out some ladies ones. There's no difference, they're just jeans (unless you have the glittery ones).

    Anyway, today has gone better for me, woke up early, saw a bit of sun through the rain clouds, got everything that needs to be doing done without hassle, found some change under the bed and between the couch. So with all this cheerfulness, I cooked pancakes for breakfast, successfully.
    It's actually the 11th here now. 10/10/10 just seems to be another day. Though it does happen once every century, it nothing like your own birthday or Christmas.
    I hope something has gone good for at least someone out there (while it's still 10/10/10 for those on the other side of the world from me).
  12. Ventusu

    Ventusu New Member

    at 10:10pm...me and my family is going to push each other to the pool 10 times = D

    other than that,it's just a regular day for me..= C
  13. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    it has been a pretty normal day but I did have a good time around someone's house and ate Thanksgiving dinner a day early. Canadian Thanksgiving....
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Woke up around 9, got maybe 9 or 10 triple kills on MW2, went shopping, beat BBS AGAIN but this time unlocked secret ending, at 10:10 my mom called me in to watch the latest Survivor where the challenge included pairs of two to bring back TEN items to their mats. AWESOME
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    HEE HEE HEE!! 10/10/10 NOW CEASES TO EXIST!! My 10/10/10 was good though. It was just a normal day.
  16. iAqua

    iAqua New Member

    I totally forgot about the 10.10am mark and only remembered about it sometime later, at 12. :D I woke up at that time. Then, I decided to try for the PM mark.... And I forgot about it later on... And only remembered before I went to sleep. :D

    But oh well, the day was like any other. I didn't do anything worth mentioning. Just stayed at home. Laid around. Basically did nothing. Boring.
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Well I went to my cousin's wedding, which she is like a sister to me so it was really cool, and then the ceremony was featured on the news later that night.

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