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New Theory!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance' started by Kit, Oct 25, 2010.

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  1. Kit

    Kit New Member

    While I still mainly stand by my opinion that Kingdom Hearts 3D is about the continued adventures of Data Sora, I now have an entirely new theory that I came up with some time after watching the KHRE:Coded secret video.

    What if KH:3D is about Sora and Riku's Mark of Mastery Test? We could be seeing some sort of internal struggle brought about by Yen Sid during Sora and Riku's tests. This would even explain Twilight Thorn being in Traverse Town!

    Any thoughts?
  2. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I don't think so. I believe the Mark of Mastary Test will be held in KH3.
    I agree with you on your first theory though. I beleive it is data sora(as much as I would hate to be right.)
  3. Kit

    Kit New Member

    You're probably right. However, this is the same company that came up with the bass-ackwards plot of Final Fantasy VII, so who knows?
  4. xxCHANCExx

    xxCHANCExx New Member

    I don't think so. Sora and Riku still look young, so it most likely couldn't take place anytime after the beginning of KH2. Personally, I think it might take place inside Sora's mind during his slumber in Castle Oblivion. But maybe not idk lol. Good theory though.
  5. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    I actually agree with his theory, well the mark of mastery test anyway
  6. xxCHANCExx

    xxCHANCExx New Member

    It's a plausible theory, considering how little we know, but it doesn't really fit with the fact that they have their "younger" looks.
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    As always, I still think that the 3D kingdom hearts game is an alternate universe as to what could or should have happened if Riku did not fall into darkness. Isn't Riku the main protagonist of that game instead of Sora?
  8. Kit

    Kit New Member

    If their test takes place within their hearts or within their minds, it's entirely plausible for them to look younger.
  9. Gestahl

    Gestahl New Member

    That was a damn tech. demo.. Nomura confirmed himself that Sora & Riku will be in their KH2 attire. He only put them in their KH1 attire because he didn't want people to know the timeline of the game when the closed trailer was shown.
  10. Kit

    Kit New Member

    Where did you read that? I'm not saying I don't believe you, it's just that I haven't read that myself, and I'm a pretty avid researcher. If you could provide a source, I'd appreciate it very much.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    O.O If he can provide the link, that will be 18 bonus points from moi! That would be nice if he put them back in their KH2 attires. -_- Or maybe he is just saying that and only want to put them in some new clothes.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I personally believe you with this theory as well. I don't think Normura is going to have fans wait 3 years for the Mark of Mastery, plus why make the whole console game nothing but the Mark of Mastery test when in KH: BBS it took most of us 5 seconds.

    Plus the preview video we have been given, it calls it Reconnect. Kingdom Hearts 3D is not the official title but stands for it. Reconnect in English has 3 sylables(sp?). The d is still a mystery (if I was despirate I can say pronouncing Reconnect in Japanese is ping and when you turn the p upside down it makes a d).
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