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KH story line

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by xxCHANCExx, Nov 1, 2010.

  1. xxCHANCExx

    xxCHANCExx New Member

    Okay idk if it's just me, but does it sort of seem like square sort of just made up bullshit to come up with another sequel? NOT saying that I don't like the story line I love it, but the first KH just seemed like the story was meant to be a stand alone almost. I mean Ansem was who everyone said he was. Then KH2 came and all of a sudden, no, you didn't beat the real bad guy that was just the bad guy who stole someones name. Almost like they just wanted to make up something to continue making games? Do you guys kinda know what I'm talking about? Ask me if you don't I'll explain further, I just don't wanna make a wall of text lol.
  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    I do understand. The biggest reason for all this is simply money. Say Square pulls out 4 more side stories, would you buy them all?
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I completely agree with you both. It's all about the money. More games= more money. And no matter what convoluted BS they come out with, they know fanboys and girls will keep buying the games and convince themselves that the story makes sense.

    I know I enjoyed the story more when Ansem was just Ansem, and not this Xehanort's Heartless business. I also enjoyed it more when I thought Sora was special for having a keyblade. Now it's like they give them out to everyone. The story is deteriorating the longer the series goes on.
  4. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    OMG I got so pissed when they started handing Keyblades out all willy nilly, like what's the point of even calling Sora "The Chosen One" anymore??? Also the story was so much easier to follow in the first game, here's the problem, here's the dude causing it, now go beat him up, the end. If Square didn't leave such an open ending in the first game, we probably wouldn't have any of the current KH games to play, which can be seen as a good thing or bad thing, personally I think it's a good thing cuz I LOVE Birth By Sleep, I could do without some of the other filler games however (i.e. 358/2 Days, Coded, etc.)
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I thought that they had already came out with the plot when they first made the game. We just didn't see it coming. Beside, you are talking about the company who have made people's favorite Final Fantasy and others. you don't know what they are going to do and since they are working with Disney, the possibilities can be up to 10.

    Yes, it may look like it is just about money but maybe they needed some more money to help push their projects so they have one idea: Make a game where the players can actually look into the secrets of the KH universe that they have been hiding. I understand this but I am looking at this more specifically.
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't believe that. They had no way of knowing if the original would even be successful and warrant a sequel, so I don't think they would have put massive effort into developing a whole series of games back in the beginning. Perhaps they may have come up with a general idea of how they thought the story should progress, but I don't think characters like Aqua, Ven, or Terra were conceived when they first pitched the idea of KH to CEO Moneybags back in 2000, or whenever.

    It is all about money. Bottom line is that S-E and Disney are for-profit companies that exist to make a buck. No doubt, they don't want to get a reputation for making shitty products, but I don't really think pleasing their fans is what it's all about. If it were, NA would get the much more epic Final Mix and FF International versions of the games. And we'd have gotten KH III instead of more spin-offs.

    The killer is freaking Kairi getting one. And I agree about KH I's story being simpler (and imo, better). It was easy to follow, but not really childish, in my eyes. Now, it just feels like they're creating random things just to make a game for us to buy (rather than following a storyline previously created), then creating even more games to fill in the plot holes or make sense of those other games. Just my opinion.

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