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I've failed you again

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Cloaked Schemer, Nov 3, 2010.

  1. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Hello, fellow KH'eteers. Aye, it's me again, Cloaked Schemer, and I personally wouldn't be surprised if you guys (especially the few I've let down in the past) weren't too happy to see myself. This is probably because as most of you know, I completely abandoned my current RPs and RP roles I had had on the site over the Summer. I left with out a word or a trace.
    Even now I'm completely distraught at how I left things, but for now all I can say to you, my friends, is that I am deeply and dearly sorry. I had to leave in such haste because of high school. Exams are a bitch, as you may know already. Plus, I had to quit my job; couldn't afford to cut-back on classwork.

    Anyways, that's my story. If it makes any consolation I missed you guys. : )
    I didn't have a chance to get on at all until now, but whatever.
    I'd like to be the one to say that "I'm here to stay", but unfortunately I don't think I'll have the time until after December. So yeah, it was nice getting back on here again, and once more, my apologies to those of you whose trust I misplaced.

    Kthxbai, Cl. Schemer. ; )

    Gamertag: ZenithAndNadir
    AIM: AdrenProj (or) Adriano La Rocca
    Email: coldsketch@gmail.com (SPAM me and I'll eat you)
    Website: Athens Academy
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Don't worry about it.
  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    No hard feelings from my end. Welcome back.
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Hey Welcome back. :)
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Don't worry. I am busy with High School myself. Had made a Dissidia roleplay OOC of my own in the roleplay section that is similar to the Dissidia games.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    It's all good, we're glad to see you :)
  7. Marquis

    Marquis New Member

    ur forgiven :)
    hmmm...wait, we've never met...
  8. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Thanks everyone, I just think it was weak to wimp-out and cut like that with out any notice, it was a, well, d*** move on my part. :D
    But I'm glad you guys aren't as upset as I thought you'd be about the situation.

    And as for individual comments;
    I actually wouldn't mind checking that out being that I'm done making roleplays until I know how to finish them, lol, though as I said I won't be really free until after December when I'm done with my big movie and high school exams. Good luck with school, though.
    Well then, HAI THARR, MARQUIS!! Welcome to the forums where everything is basically Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy/Square Enix/ or Video Game/RPG related. Glad to make your acquaintance and whatnot. I'm Cloaked Schemer, and these are all my little evil minions who commented above. (j/k) ;) In actuality, I consider myself more as a little evil minion then any of these great members. You should friend them as well. :)
  9. Marquis

    Marquis New Member

    will do, tho i've met Des already (HEY!! IT IS A GOOD NICKNAME!!)

    btw, imagine Deadpool's voice from MUA when u read my posts, trust me, its funnier that way :D

    :eek: ZEXION!!!

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