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What makes a good community?

Discussion in 'General' started by Cameron, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    I've been thinking a lot lately and as I am a member of dozen of forums, I just can't help to have the feeling of that the internet communities are driving each others mad in one way or another, just to make themselves feel better. Lately, I have sensed some elitism, as well (I'm not saying that it hasn't been always there, but it has definitely grown over time). Not to say that I wouldn't do it myself, I'm an elitist and I usually pick on noobs whenever they spawn from somewhere where I can see them.

    So what makes a good community? What I'm implying is not "we all should be friends", 'cause there's always people that won't get along. Is the possibility that the elitism is thrown out from the window, or let it remain while concentrating taking out the all-day haters? What kind of staff should the community have? Strict and bad-ass, or caring and warm?

    For as I have seen it (my first forum ever was a Romance of the Three Kingdoms one, around 2005), and the elitism could be seen a mile away even on that time. Whenever there was a person who tried to fit in to the community, but had problems (horrible spelling, trying too hard, etc.) the person was bashed right away. Of course, I can't say that it wasn't deserved as I tried my best to fit in (I had horrible spelling that time, I had practiced English only for few years that time and was all hypeish fanboy; "OMG YOU KIDDING ME ^______^") as I wanted to be one of the elite ones - which of course, went to a smooth downhill pretty fast.

    Even thought that the people in the forums were quite cold and cruel (as most of them were already 18-25) towards to a 12 year old bastard like me, the staff was always caring and I spent most of my time there talking to them. Not even once I would had felt outsider when talking to them. After a few years, I apologized for my immature behavior (as I learned to spell right and act even somewhat mature), I was warmly welcomed to the "elite". I still can chat with those old friends of mine from there if I would want to, but that place holds too much bad memories that I don't want to think in my daily life. I sometimes visit, just like here, even thought that my story here is much shorter and not so dramatic.

    It's a fact that there's much members in communities that are just not so caring than the others. But when the staff consists mostly of bastards (NOTE; I'm talking of one specific forum here, a longshot away from this one), the fun staying in the community is bashed right away. I don't really like it if I try to talk to one of the staff members, and they just either ignore me right away or tell me to fuck off somewhere they can't see or hear me.

    I don't care too much of the activity of the forum, as long as the fellows are nice and almost all can live in a harmony (or a lie).

    Thoughts? This just popped into my mind when I was thinking about some matters like this.
  2. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    what makes a good community is actively engaging on topics.

    this site.

    not one of them.

    nice topic btw.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    AB Anime forum. To me, best forum I have ever been on. May not be on Kingdom Hearts a lot of times but they are always active twenty-four seven.
  4. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    not even .
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    This, exactly.

    But to go a bit more in detail, it's not just actively engaging in topics, but actively engaging in topics in all sections of the forum. Just posting often in the roleplay section (to pull an example) while the Anime/Manga section sits with a last post date of a month previous doesn't cut it.

    I think you need a good mixture of both. You need some strict moderators who won't let people walk all over them and destroy the forum, but you also need more understanding and agreeable people who members feel like they can ask for help.

    I somewhat agree, but for me, it's more that I don't care about the size of the community so much. Actually, I prefer a smaller forum to a very large and active one. But that small forum should still be active in relation to its size.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I say all of the above but don't be such a asshole as to where it would offends someone and it would start a debate that would send the site into "Chaotic mode". We can make jokes but don't make it as to where it would be too extreme. You don't talk bad about me and I won't talk bad about you. Respect me as a human being regardless of my own views and flaws and I will respect you.

    You shouldn't feel bad noz. KHP was the very first site forum that I have joined so I thought that people wouldn't mind with "Myspace" abbreviations. -_- I was so wrong. Glad to have change up too. Did not like it at all. As for staff members... I would just keep that opinion to myself. I am one myself on Animemb and I know how it feels to actually be one and to actually have responsibility. It is great but there are side backs.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    What is annoying about this is that I think just about every forum I have ever been on has had a rule about not using excessive abbreviations or any of that. If people would read the rules, there would never be a problem with being treated like a noob for this reason.
  8. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    and that right there is the reason why people don't go to other parts of the forum. They do not want to break the rules or get told off if they did something wrong.
  9. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    But again, if you read and follow the rules, there's no reason to worry about being told off, unless the staff are all a bunch of complete assholes, in which case, why are you on that forum, if it's so unenjoyable? Even in whatever little corner the member is hiding in (unless it is a spam free-for-all section) the same rules should apply there.

    I think sometimes, being anonymous makes people a little more critical than they might be in person, but I also think some people need to grow backbones. Is it seriously that big of a deal if you get told off on a forum, really? I feel sorry for people too afraid to venture out of one tiny area of a forum because they fear getting a warning.

    All I was refering to in my post, though, was the use of excessive abbreviations, and I'm sorry, call me a hard ass if you want, I don't really care, but if there is a specific rule on a forum that says "Do not use abbreviations" and you do it anyway, you deserve to be warned or infracted (don't think that's a word, but y'all know >_<). I'm not talking about a little of it here or there, but the full out, barely literate posts. Especially if it is pointed out to the member and the member continues to do it. And there's a difference between someone for whom English is clearly a second language and someone who's just lazy.
  10. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    EDIT : What does this have to do with anything?
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2010

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