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How can you beat the Mysterious Figure?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep' started by ADogX, Dec 7, 2010.

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  1. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    He's so hard to beat!i'm using Terra at level 60 with the Chaos Ripper and no matter what command decks i use nothing works!can someone help me out?the closest i got was getting him to his 2nd last health bar
  2. gohan111101

    gohan111101 New Member

    Well, theres 3 potential issues that you're having with this fight: your Deck, your playstyle, and your patience.

    For your deck, I highly recommend the Surge setup, which is 4 fire/thunder surges(I prefer thunder) and 4 curagas. Also, I would make sure that your deck doesnt have any of the payback abilities, and make sure that you have the original abilities with the exception of Renewal Block. That means NO Counter Hammer, NO Sonic Impact and NO payback fang. You simply cannot have these because they WILL get you killed if you have them equipped.

    Make sure that you have every single ability before you continue attempts (if you don't already). They make it so much easier.

    For your playstyle, you have to make sure that you are CONSTANTLY spamming slide, like non stop. Terra has the easiest time of this boss because of the length his slide can reach, you need to take advantage of this. The way the surge strategy works, is that after certain abilities, he pauses for a short period (VERY SHORT), you then want to drop a surge on him, and as terra at your level, it should do quite a bit of damage. Resist the urge to surge him when he isnt doing one of these abilities, it will get you killed.

    Patience is probably the most important thing for this fight. You have to be able to spam slide while waiting for an opportunity, when he turns invisible, you do not attack. The best time for you to attack is when he does his X attack.

    Using this strategy, i was able to beat him in one try on my terra that was 53 at the time. However, it still requires you to learn the strategy and get comfortable with it, its not going to be easy even with all this.

    Good luck
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Personally, I would go with 3 Thunder Surges and 5 Curagas. That last Curaga helps with his beam-spam attack and is always nice to have just in case. But also, you can have Counter Hammer and Payback Fang equipped, just don't use them. What you shouldn't have is the Ice Slide or the Second Slide abilities. Those will mess you up.

    You don't need all of them. Really, all you need is every red ability, all the HP Boosts, Cure Boosts, and the Fire or Thunder Boosts, depending on which Surge you go with.

    If you do it right, you can use a Surge and then slide away immediately afterwards. It's difficult, but I've done it before.
  4. gohan111101

    gohan111101 New Member

    I personally prefer 4 surges 4 curagas, because on terra I found myself with more opportunities to do damage, and I never needed Curaga often enough to warrant a 5th. The reason I said not to have them equipped is so you do not accidentally use them, which will get you killed.

    True, you dont need every ability, but most of them are beneficial in this fight and you might as well get them all. However, you did miss quite a few abilities that do make this fight loads easier: Attack Haste, Magic Haste, Fire Screen, Reload Boost and Defender

    I'm well aware of the fact that you can use the surge-dash strategy, but its more risky, and I personally do not recommend it until you're comfortable with the fight
  5. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Thanks guys!This should really help a lot!
  6. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    the only problem with Terra is, unlikey Ventus and Aqua, Terra has a small window of time between dodges where he is vulnerable, where Ventus and Aqua can dodge non-stop with no worries.
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