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Ok Suggestions?

Discussion in 'General Final Fantasy' started by Remedy, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    ok i dont care if you laugh at me for these two things
    1.) I have never played Final Fantasy
    2.) I only have a PS2

    i need a good FF game to play on a Ps2 any suggestions? thx
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Final Fantasy X is probably the one I'd recommend. Its graphics are nice, it has a moving story, and likable characters, in general. The battle system is easy enough, and so is the leveling once you get the hang of it. There's a lot to do in the world- lots of optional bosses and things like that.

    X-2 is a sequel to X which I wouldn't highly recommend, unless you have a really burning need to find out what happens next, or are a 12 year old girl. XII is the last one made for the PS2. It has better graphics than X, but I think the story is a little less emotionally involving. It's a little more aloof, a little harder to care about the characters, I think. I liked it, but I think X would be the safer bet.

    However, I think most PS2s (mine does, anyhow) play regular old playstation games, and the one I'd probably really recommend is FFVI. The graphics will be really outdated, but the story and characters are top-notch. It would probably be harder to find a copy of this one, though. There's a collection of FF V and VI made for the playstation that you could find (FF Anthology: I got mine on Amazon, but it was a few years ago), if you aren't turned off by the age of the game.
  3. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    i have to agree with Toph of FFX.it's one of my favorite games.i love doing Blitzball.im prop at it.somehow, Yuna's my strongest character and i can kill everything in 1 hit.

    Final Fantsy 7-it's in my opinion the best Final Fantasy game ever.the story line is great,all the characters are amazing,and to top it all off,there's 3 different FF7 games (the original,crisis core& Dirge of Cerberus) and a movie of it (Advent Children.)

    FF8-it's a great game with great characters and bosses.the trick with using magic makes it a lot more fun.

    FF12-Toph has some pretty good points on this game,but i'll have to say i love the story line.it may not be classic FF game style but it's fun nonetheless.the Esper battles are fun too.

    FF13-it may be on the PS3,but it's in my opinion one of the ebst FF games out there. the battle system is a little different but u can get used to it very quickly.

    i recomend NOT to play FF11 and 14.i tried them and they were terrible.i have to say that SE shouldn't make FF games for the PC and as MMO's.not a good thing
  4. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    I think there are three FF games on PS2, X, X-2, XII

    X-2 is the sequesl to X so there is no point just buying that game on its own.

    Out of X and XII I would have to go with X like the two like ADogX123 and Toph. It has the most detailed world and its story is just a little more compelling than FF XII.

    If you want a story you can really get sucked into and sink some hours in, I would get X.

    And the character Auron just makes X too awesome to miss out on XD.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I think VII is overrated, but it is still a solid game. It's worth playing, but I don't think it is as good as VI. The graphics are mostly ugly as hell, too. They bother me worse than any of the earlier games. But I think this is the game most people think of when they think Final Fantasy, and probably every fan should at least try to play it. This was the first FF I ever played.

    VIII used to be, and still mostly is, my favorite game. But lately the story isn't holding up as well- I've noticed a lot of plot holes that never used to bother me before. The junction/magic system is also pretty irritating at times. I wouldn't recommend this as a first game.

    I notice that ADogX123 didn't mention FF IX. IX is made in the form of the older FFs, and a lot of the fans of VII and VIII don't care for it, but I've always loved it. If you come across a copy of it cheap, I'd say give it a shot.

    It has a very political storyline to it, which could be a little bit of a turn off. What I dislike about the game is the "main" character and the villain. I think they are both uninteresting. But the characters who are really the heart of the game are more likable. And I agree about the Esper battles, and mention the Hunts as well, which I really enjoyed. You can spend a lot of time with XII. I just think X is easier to get interested in and would be a better introductory game to the franchise.

    And this, too. Auron's one epic badass.
  6. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    wow thx guys this was really helpful and i didnt know advent children was based off FF
  7. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    i would've said FF9,but i actually haven't really played it yet.in fact,im playing it right now on my PSP GO since it's cheap off the PS Store.it's pretty fun so far even though i'm barely at the first village where u have to recue Vivi.i'll let you know what i think of it when i finish it.i usually work on side stories and secret bosses b4 anything else.in FF7,the Ruby and Emerald took a week to beat.did it though
  8. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    Zol said he's only got a PS2, I know you can play PS1 games on PS2 but he would have to have a PS1 memory card.
  9. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I personally prefer XII over X. The main protagonist in X irked me to no end and I felt just so. . . restricted the whole time. The Sphere grid was the worst, and at some points I couldn't progress because I didn't have the right spheres to purchase abilities. Which is exactly how I never got past Shiva's temple. Wheras in FFXII, you just needed points in order to progress, which could be obtained from any creature. Not to mention, you could develop whoever in your party to be whatever you wanted.
  10. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    imma try and get both
    i orginally bought nba 2k10, The Bigs, And Star wars battle front
    imma trade them in
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I paid like $2 for my ps1 memory card. It's worth it- in my opinion the older FFs are superior to the newer ones, as far as story and characters and stuff like that goes.

    I agree that Tidus is damn annoying, but I thought Vaan was just as bad, really. And I also agree with you about the sphere grid, but I though XII was worse because you needed license points, then you needed gil to buy the ability, then you needed to find a shop that sold that ability. But I agree you could customize characters easier in XII.
  12. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    Ok Tidus is not one of the most likable FF dudes :D (unless you mean its Yuna you don't like) I agreee with that but the other characters balance that off.

    Two questions

    -How did you feel restricted? Can you explain that a little further
    -Did you use the expert sphere grid? In which I understand that you might not have had the right spheres.

    (Slightly unrelated) - Oh yeah and Toph I remember you saying you weren't really that impressed with Kairi and Sora's relationship on a different thread. What did you think of Yuna and Tidus? On a FF forum I'm on I sometimes get the vibe that they think their relationship was really unconvincing.

    Which I think's a little sad because I thought that whole Tidus/Yuna thing (can't say because of spoilers) was pretty moving and made a great game which is why I would definitely recommend it.

    Also, Zol if you can get a PS1 memory card for $2 definitely get it and play the old ones. I didn't know you could fetch one for that price.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2011
  13. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Restricted as in it gives you the illusion of developing your characters how you want, but you cannot actually do jack into you get the right spheres, and experience to move to the place. Example: I needed to get the "-Ra" spells for Lulu, and yet I could NOT get ANY ability spheres no matter how much time I spent raiding monsters. Oh, and Blitzball.
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    The expert sphere grid is in the international version only, which isn't available to people in NA (Or maybe not even people outside of Japan. I also don't know where Requiem lives, so I'm just assuming).

    I enjoyed X. I wasn't restricted with the sphere grid at all. Of course I have a player's guide saying what monsters drop what spheres and where, so it wasn't a problem for me. I also enjoy Blitzball, and the only problem I'm having with it is getting the sigil for Wakka.
  15. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    well guys i bought FFX
    havent played it yet though soon i will
    im busy with Dragon Quest VIII
  16. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    [SPOILERS]Well, I didn't think S-E had their relationship start out strong. It seemed to me that Yuna liked him right off the bat for no real reason (unless that reason was that he was new and she was about to die). But overlooking that, I liked the bittersweet feel of their romance. [/SPOILERS]

    I found mine through Amazon a year or two ago. I had to pay shipping too, but it was a tiny amount. I can't imagine there's such a demand for them that the price has gone up too much. But regardless, it's worth it to play the ps1 games.
  17. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    So Im not alone then, FFX fans are hard to come by :D

    Let me know how it goes once you start playing it.

    I don't get this? That's a bit unfair and unusual to NA. Both FFXs that I bought (from a normal video game shop, not imported) both had the choice of expert sphere grid. I'm just baffled because it's not often England gets something in a video game that America doesn't. If anything it's usually the other way around.

    Also, you like FFX too? We're getting quite a number here, XD
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2011
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Well, at least you gave me an answer. The expert sphere grid is available only in the international version, which (Based on what you said) is available everywhere except NA. Square Enix has a habit of creating a game, giving NA an updated version of said game, and then making another updated version that NA doesn't get.

    6 instances I can think up off of the top of my head:
    1. KH FM (Available only in JP)
    2. KH2 FM+ (Available only in JP)
    3. KH BBS FM (Available only in JP)
    4. FFX International version
    5. FFX-2 International + Last Mission
    6. FFXII International Zodiac Job System

    Yeah, I like it. First FF game I beat.
  19. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    That sucks... because the expert sphere grid gives you a lot of freedom you can have Tidus knowing holy and weird stuff like that XD. But the if you mess up (like me) you'll will end up levelling for hours to try and get the right move.

    This is what I had to do because I needed haste and because i'd taken tidus so far away from the path he was meant to take things got pretty messed up.

    But knowing holy did help with that underwater boss who was vulnerable to magic XD. It took my friend ages to defeat that boss because he used standard sphere grid and none of the swimmers knew magic attacks.
  20. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    imma gonna start playing saturday

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