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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin glared at Will. "I'm with...the Spades.....but only if my friends can join"Kevin said as he looked back at the factory. "One second Will...i need to go get them." Kevin ran into the factory. "Guys let's go I have somewhere we can fit in and be normal...well like other people like us....."Kevin said quickly.
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will was behind the kid the whole way, drawing the three jackets from the backpack and discarding the bag. He tossed a jacket to each of them. "Hello, my name is Will and we don't have much time, he said, letting the claws on his left hand melt before allowing a large sword of ice to form. "As you can see I have powers as well, but there are others with abilities like ours that are dead set on ending the human race. And they are probably on their way right now to recruit you." He growled, switching the sword to his right hand and allowing a flame whip to form in his left.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "You know very well that I am after our pawn and that Morphian person. Who else would you want me to go after? Besides, I am the only one capable to be on Spades term." Lagaleeca turned his back around. "Why choose me when you can just pick the other roaches? You need to have some better leadership qualities." Lagaleeca then closed his eyes. "I must keep all of us sheltered...in our own little world."

    Marcus was allowed to leave from the Spade building with permission to go outside. "I can finally get away from them! YES! Now I can try to get back home and will never get caught up with all of this violence." Marcus started to run real quick so that he can hurry on back home and try to live a normal life. "I'm sorry. I cannot live like this. Not now." Marcus made a left corner and then saw two members across the street.

    "Gosh. They must be that determined." Marcus put on his eyeglasses to get rid of any suspicions and walked regularly. By the time he was away from the members, he started to go right back to his running speed. "HEY! STOP HIM!" "Not now!" Marcus stopped and laid his hands on the ground. He started to shoot slippery water across the ground to make the Spade members who were chasing him to slip. "There."
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era nodded and looked at the jacket. It wasn't completely her style but she shrugged.

    "I've been asked before to join you guys. I'm definately in." Era stated and looked over at the two other boys. She listened to Will and nodded.

    "If the Defiant are on their way here now, we should probably get out of here then." Era stated.
  5. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "That certainly was a delicious meal" a young man said to himself as he walked down the street. "Maybe we shouldn't have burned the place down" the same young man responded. "Oh well, nothing we can do about it now" He said cheerfully. Kage was now walking through a park of some sorts. It was a nice day outside, the sun was shining the birds were singing, "Gah, bloody birds." Kage said pulling out a knife, "Maybe I should silence them" he said laughing to himself. "No, no, they mean no harm" He said putting the knife away. Kage noticed a family of three, a father, mother and daughter looking at him strangely and somewhat frightened. "Hello" Kage said with a smile and a nod in there direction. "They looked somewhat distressed" Kage said still smiling. His smile then turned to in to and evil grin and his hand went for the knife he had put in his belt just at the front top of his right leg. "Let's give them something to be distressed about" He began laughing. "Not right now" He said taking his hand of the knife, "I'm to full" "*sigh* Your no fun today." Kage's train of thought suddenly left him. He saw a young girl sitting on a park bench by herself. Something about her intrigued him, both of him. "Hello" Kage smiled brightly. "Hey" he said again with a cheeky grin on his face.
  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Phoebe was tired. She had spent most of the night flying around the city because she hadn't been able to sleep. Since she ran away from home she managed to find out how to conceil her wings but not her hair and skin which were still white. Her wings could fold in and if she wore a heavy enough jacket, no one would even notice. But that didn't solve her problem. She was still deformed. Still a monster. She wanted her life to go back to normal. She wanted to go home. But that couldn't happen. Not until she wasn't a danger to her family anymore and when she couldn't control the flames that poped up every time she got nervous or stressed, she was not safe to be around her family. She sighed and sat down on a bench at the park she hung around most often. She leaned against it and closed her eyes, trying not to notice the ache this position brought to her folded up wings. Thats when she heard a voice that interrupted her thoughts. She opened her eyes and saw the boy walking toward her. It was a bit unusual to her that he said hello to her twice but there was something about him that made it make sense... did she really feel two different personalities in him?
    "Hello." she said to him with a tired smile.
  7. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "How are you this fine afternoon?" Kage asked. "Yes, Yes how are you?. You look tired. Want to go". "Hey, none of that, be polite." Kage interrupted himself. "Ah, well, excuse me. How are you this fine bright sunny day?" He asked putting his hand across his waist and bowing to the girl. "Sarcastic git" Kage said in a sort of whisper. "Please excuse us" He said with a smile. "May I ask your name?"
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Phoebe smiled a bit. She didn't know who this boy was... but she had a feeling that he was, like her, different. She wondered if it had anything to do with the blast. Had he been at the same party? She didn't recognise him. Either way, if he was also affected by the blast maybe he could help her or at least know some hint as to a cure. Besides, she hadn't spoken to another living person in weeks. EIther way, she decided to at least walk with him. (she is unaware of the spades and defiance still)
    "My name is Phoebe. Nice to meet you." she said politely "And your name?" she asked.
    "We are Kage." he said with an odd smile.
    'we?' Phoebe thought to herself. That answered her question, there were two personalities in there just like she felt. Or did she mishear that?
    "Well, Miss Phoebe." Kage was saying, interrupting her thoughts. "Are you too tired to take a walk with me?"
    Now that was odd. When he said 'Well Miss Phoebe...' he seemed different than when he finished the sentance. Was it just her imagination, or did he get... darker...?
    Phoebe considered saying no, but something about him facinated her. Besides, maybe she could get him to say something about the blast that could be helpful to her... if she was careful. "Sure." she said kindly.
  9. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darius had just awoken from his sleep and had sensed the presence of a strong power nearby, Darius couldn't pin point it directly but he knew it was nearby so he decided to go find it. Darius got up and threw on his Spade Jacket and walked to the exit of the underground. When Darius had left the underground he was in the park and Darius began searching for the strong power source. Darius saw a girl and guy sitting on the bench talking he couldn't hear what they were talking about but he knew one of those two were the power source he felt. Darius began reading there mind to find out they were talking about.
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan followed the group and heard the boy ask of where they stood on this battlefield. Jordan looked at Kevin and said, "You act as if it's possible to go back to being normal. For all we know we could be like this forever." Jordan turned to the boy called Will and asked, "And what if we said we were sided with those 'Defiant's'?" Jordan showed off his power a bit by snapping his fingers in an almost threatining way and a small flame appeared on his thumb."
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    As Tom walked through the city, he paid attention to things he saw. He saw some cars driving by. Kids playing in the street. A police officer directing traffic. At some point, he passed by the park. He saw some guy and girl talking to each other. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed another individual a ways off. This person seemed to be staring intently at the girl. "Is he a secret admirer or something?" Tom thought to himself as he continued walking. He felt something weird in his head, like there was some presence near it. Nothing physical, just there.
  12. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Excellent" Kage said with his bright smile again. Phoebe stood up and Kage linked his arm with hers. She was a little taken aback by how forward he was being, but decided not to say anything about it. "So" Kage began as they started walking up the pathway. "Which side are you fighting for?" He asked her still his good natured self. Phoebe gave him a questioning look but didn't say anything. "Well, you have powers don't you?. I can tell, there's something special about you. Phoebe suddenly had a look of horror on her face and she tried to pull free of Kage's arm. "Calm down" Kage said holding her arm so she couldn't get away. "We're the same" Phoebe suddenly stopped struggling. "The same?" she asked puzzled. "Well, not exactly the same. I'm pretty sure our powers would be different from one another's." Phoebe had hundreds of questions running through her head. She was about to ask them but Kage continued speaking. "I suppose I should tell you about the current war. There are two sides to this war. A bunch of ninny's known as 'The Spade', and then there's us. The Defiance." He seemed to get darker when he said the last bit. "The Spade are the supposed do gooders who see it right to defend the humans and do what is right and all that malarkey. While the Defiance believes it better to get rid of humans all together and live in a world were only... I suppose mutants live." He said. Kage then turned and looked at the two men who had been staring at himself and Phoebe. "I can tell you now, that there is one of each in this very park" He said as he began to lead her to the exit of the park.
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    The chimera growled at Lagaleeca for overstepping his boundaries. Cydnie petted the chimera in order to calm him down. "Is it my fault that only the pathetic ones join the Defiance? Is it my fault that somehow someone like you is actually in our elite? If you find I have such POOR leadership skills the dorr is right there, feel free to be with the Clubs or Spades, whatever they're called," she said to him with and emotionless tone. She slunk down in her throne like seat in a lazy position and said, "This boy is a very strong person and I have heard he is also powerful in his newfound powers. We could use him to gain more ground in this overtaking of the city." She took a sip of her red wine that sat next to her and gave a small grin as she added, "I also have a small crush on him, but that's besides the point." She giggled a bit and waited for his response.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Jordan!" Era exclaimed looking at him. Era shook her head.

    "First off I'd think if we were Defiance we'd be smarter trying to sneak in the territory of the Spades, not that we are defiance, I personally don't want to go around killing people." Era stated. She looked back at Will.

    "I have a few questions, but I guess they can wait. I'm definately in, I believe Kevin is. Jordan, you comming?" Era asked him.
  15. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darius followed them as they left the park. Darius began making illusions to slow them down then he opened up a portal and showed up in front of them. " Hello Phobe and Kage...I'm Zero of Spades...I'm pretty sure you don't like me Kage but I have to take Phoebe with me." Darius said. Darius looked at Kage with a serious look on his face. For Darius knew he was going to have to fight Kage for her. Darius taunted telling Kage to come on and fight him.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2011
  16. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan snarled and looked at her with a face of slight hate. 'If she wasn't Pheobe's sister, I'd probably snap,' Jordan thought. He snapped his finger again, extinguishing the small flame and replied to Era, "If it were up to me I'd walk away." He looked at Kevin and asked, "What're you doing? Might as well follow you since, you know." Jordan scoffed at the end, already knowing Kevin DIDN'T know.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2011
  17. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin looked at Jordan weirdly then followed Will back to the Spades Underground Base. " So Will is there some type of initiation to be in the spade or do we just join?" Kevin said in a curious vioce. Kevin looked at Era. " I'm pretty sure we'll find her Era ok" He said as he stuck his hand out hoping she would grab his hand.
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era looked at him surprised on how he knew her question. She nodded.

    "It's my whole family, Pheobe I'm really worried about." Era stated. She felt Kevin's hand and grabbed it. Everytime she'd grab his hand, they hug, they kiss she definately felt better about a situation. She looked around the halls her dufflebag on her side and her coat hanging in her free arm.
  19. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin looked at Jordan following behind them and said " I'm with the Spade Jordan to answer your question". Kevin looked at Era and saw a worried look on her face. " Era, Phoebe is alright I'm sure of it she strong and smart she would just go off with anyone." Kevin said trying to make Era feel better. Kevin looked at the walls and saw scratches, symbols and lots of other things on the wall talking about the Defiance and Spades. Kevin saw a one thing that caught his eye it was the Spade symbol versus the Defiance sign. Kevin began to think about the whole war thing and how the humans were involved in it all.
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "I guess I can check up on him and force him against his will to be with us. Besides, this would finally bring Marcus back to our side. We need him if we are to keep our plans in motion. That and anyone else we would want to target." Lagaleeca then started to grin at the chimera and threw a small spark at it. "And keep that dirty being quiet. Never seen something that is supposed to be a myth so ugly before."

    Lagaleeca started to chuckle as he used Devil's Hands to teleport out of the room. "Cydnie. You better have a good explanation for this. I am more worry about the two of you." Lagaleeca started to change his appearance and started to smile. He took out a cellphone and started to text. "This is Reno of the Spades. I will be back from my issues soon."

    Marcus kept on running until he ended up by the fence. There, he saw Will and a few other kids of his age. "Oh no. Not him! If he catches me, he'll send me back! Wait a minute. Isn't that..." Marcus started to remember seeing Kevin at the party but then decided to pretend that he don't even know. "I need to tiptoe very quietly." Marcus started to tiptoe his way as he continued his escape...

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