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Would you like Kingdom Hearts more if it didn't have Disney?

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Ventus, Jan 27, 2011.

Would you like Kingdom Hearts more if it didn't have Disney?

  1. I LOVE disney. I disagree with this!!!!

    13 vote(s)
  2. Include some Disney but not a lot.....

    3 vote(s)
  3. Kingdom Hearts should evolve into something maturer.

    2 vote(s)
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  1. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    As I have been playing the recent Kingdom Hearts games, the Disney element to it has irritated me. Other than Treasure Planet and Pirates of the Caribbean, Disney is something I really dislike nowadays. It's only typical but after ruining Digimon and soon, Marvel, I'm kinda fed up with them. I wish Square would include some Final Fantasy worlds in the games rather than having it ALL Disney. There were only two FF characters in Birth By Sleep, as I remember (Zack and Moogle - neither I really like that much). Anyway, what's your opinion? I think Kingdom Hearts, as it grows a maturer fanbase should step up and take action on this completely "Disney" orientated game.
  2. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I'm a huge fan of Disney, and I couldn't even imagine Kingdom Hearts without it. There's something about living through the storylines that I watched back when I was a child that makes this series so unique and interesting. Everytime I purchase a new KH game, I always check out what Disney planets are going to be in it; and it normally makes me get even more excited to play.

    However, I would also like to see some Final Fantasy worlds in the game also. FF is an amazing series and I agree that there should be more elements of it in KH. I'd love to see some different characters too, other than just the typical ones like Zack, Cloud, Leon, Cid, ect...
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2011
    Kitty likes this.
  3. Kloudian

    Kloudian New Member

    I think what I really like about KH is that it blends the Disney and FF together seamlessly. When I'd first seen the game, I cringed a bit. How do you get Donald Duck and Sephiroth in the same game? Well, it happened and I applaud them for doing it so well.

    I really like the Disney element as well because it brings back so much nostalgia. I watched all those Disney classic movies growing up and it's fun to go back and re-explore those worlds. Add on the FF element and you have pure love.

    However, as Purple Diamond stated above, I too would like to see some additional FF characters and elements incorporated into the games.
    In all honesty, I just want to see Vincent Valentine in one of them or Reno. xD

    In short, take out the Disney element, and Kingdom Hearts is no more. It's like taking a banana out of a banana split and still calling it a banana split.
    -Fail analogy-
  4. Flowerr

    Flowerr New Member

    KH just wouldn't be KH without the disney part of it. Disney and square made the game together, with disney giving in some ideas :D so i totally think i like it now, and can't think of it any differently! :p the worlds, and even the entire storyline is reflected by the whole disney part of the story (ESPECIALLY the worlds).
  5. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    I think the game is perfectly balanced, the whole point of the game was to be a fusion of FF elements and Disney elements, not to be another Final Fantasy game which we already have a lot of. If people want something more mature they should play Final Fantasy.

    I liked that Kingdom Hearts was something different and fusing together two franchises like that created a pretty awesome series.
  6. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    if disney was gone it would ruin the whole purpose.just as long as they dont add the NEW disney crap
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I love Disney- it was what attracted me to the game in the first place. And I think the blend between Disney and FF is just about perfect. The problem I have with the FF side isn't that there aren't enough characters, but which characters are chosen *coughgetridofsephirothcough*. I wouldn't mind having an FF character or two playable, but I don't want an FF world or anything like that. And I believe that it is possible for the storylines to mature and still have the Disney. Heck, some of the Disney movies already are dark in their own ways, and the original stories that Disney based so many of the movies on are even moreso. Where the Disney ends up failing is when S-E tries to throw lighthearted crap together like the Atlantica singing catastrophe. If they just keep in mind that their original fanbase is growing up, there should be no problem.
    Napoléon likes this.
  8. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I would much rather see just a deep plot. I loved the plot that they had in KH2 with the orginization but it was somewhat torture getting through all the worlds to get to that plot! I voted for disny to be completly out of it.Ive been thinking this ever since I picked up KH2 for the first time
  9. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^ How would it be KH then?

    To me, whether I might find the Disney somewhat cringeworthy at times or not, it is a huge part of what makes Kingdom Hearts what it is. It just wouldn't be the same without the Disney, and I think the change would be for the worse.
  10. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    KH wouldnt even exsist without disney
    and disney has made a bunch of money because KH
    yea they could and should innclude more FF characters and worlds
    but really Disney is what makes these games (yes literally, but non-literally too)
  11. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I agree with all the following statements but I do think Disney should have less influence in the series as the audience grows older. It's only common sense.
  12. Kloudian

    Kloudian New Member

    But I love Sephiroth. D;

    There is another way to look at it. Most people who play KH also grew up with Disney movies, so you have that nostalgia factor in the games. If you lessen the Disney influence, it just seems to turn into, well, another FF game. It's... It's not KH anymore. I don't find the Disney factor childish at all.
  13. zeno101200

    zeno101200 New Member

    I'd like it more, but I never would have gotten into the series if it had nothing to do with Disney.
  14. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    i completely agree with Kloud.without disney,it might was well be called Final Fantasy: Kingdom Hearts
  15. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    ^ I really wouldn't have minded that:)
  16. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    yes at times disney can be annoying in game,
    but still i like the disney feel
    i mean donald and goofy?
    king mickey
    thise characters are needed
  17. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    kh would be more difficult to make it they took out disne y cuz half the story would have to change i mean cuz with out diney what worlds will sora travel it would be harder for sqare enix to make kh cuz they would desing whole new worlds and games would thake even longerrr to come out and besides kh was made as a younger version of FF for us.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2011
  18. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    Don't worry I don't think your going to be seeing a story line where Sora bursts into a cheesy song and dance because High School Musical have been overrun with heartless :p
  19. kairifreak01

    kairifreak01 New Member

    Honestly, I love Disney. Kingdom Hearts was my first video game. The game caught my eye when I was 7 or 8 because of Disney. I'm almost 15 now and I love Disney even more, part of it is because of Kingdom Hearts. If Kingdom Hearts got rid of the Disney stuff, I would cry my heart out. I honestly couldn't bear it if Kingdom Hearts quit using Disney.
  20. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    Nice one Epic Kirby! ;)
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