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Most annoying boss fight

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy VII' started by Sephiroth X Slasher, Feb 12, 2008.

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  1. Mine was with Sephiroth..he was an S.O.B.
  2. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    None of the bosses really gave me too much grief. If I have to pick one, I'll pick Hojo. He was probably the hardest one for me. All the status effects some of his forms caused sucked. I hate status fights.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Are you kidding? He was easy as hell, just like every FF final boss VI-XII. It was just torture sitting through that long-ass, crappily animated supernova attack.

    I'll say Ruby Weapon. His defense stats are so high it takes forever to kill him without resorting to KotR, which is how I prefer to do it. And he can drain MP, which is lame. How can I use final attack+phoenix without mp? Hmph.
  4. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Meh the cheap road with him has nothing to do with KotR, It has to do with exploiting his weakness to stop. If you do that, you can use all the weak attacks you want. He still can't hurt you.

    I forgot about the weapons. Emerald was such a pain in the ass for me. Then again, I never knew about the fact that that one attack of his does damage based on your equipped materia.

    I'll go ahead and put Ultima Weapon down for most anonying in this case though. He wasn't hard to fight, but you had to chase him around all over the place, and that was truly annoying.
  5. Nikylee

    Nikylee New Member

    Ruby i killed quite easy.
    just kill party members before you enter the battle.
    omnislash ftw KotR done.
    Emerald weapond was the one that caused a few problems for me.
    The one that really did cause a problem and im ashamed to say so was the one in the safe in the mansion that you have to beat to get the key for vincents room.
    Low level and quite a powerful boss at the time isnt a good cmbination ^^
  6. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    I beat him quite easily. Just use magic on him at the beginning so that he picks his spellcasting side for the second half. The spells aren't as dangerous as his physical attacks if he picks that side. And he then becomes vulnerable to physical attacks, so all you have to do is pummel him the rest of the way down.

    The most annoying enemy in the game is the Malboro, XD. OK, so he isn't a boss. But the quickest I've ever died in any fight in the entire game was my first fight against a Malboro. Damn you bad breath, >_<.
  7. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    My most annoying boss was emerald weapon. I beat all of the others easily, but that stupid emerald was HARD. and as far as malboro's go, yeah that why i try and keep ribbons on all of my party members.
  8. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    The only time I ever encounter Malboros is at a point where there's just no way you're gonna get the ribbons. The only way I was ever able to get them is to morph the Master Tonberry in the Northern Crater. By that time, there really is no reason to go back to where the Malboro's are. Not even sure if you're able to. That was the first visit to the crater, wasn't it? When you were climbing up. I've heard there was a RIbbon in the Temple of Ancients, but I've never been able to find it.
  9. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    really? i got 3 ribbons and I never remember morphing anything because i was bad at morphing. Another annoying enemy to fight was the frogs who would keep turning you into frogs. Not hard, just annoying.
  10. kingly death

    kingly death New Member

    since the admin been mailing load of crappy mails sayin they want me to log on well mine hardest boss fight has to be The Weapons especially RUBY!
    that son of a gun took me 2 hours to kill
  11. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    I think that's an automated thing set up by our previous owner. I can see how it would be anoying. I think I can shut it off. Sorry about that.

    And yeah, Ruby is obnoxiously long. Even doing it the foolproof way I did it, I was fighting him for a couple of hours.
  12. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    That attack is called Aire Tam Storm.

    Aire Tam = Mat eria

    It's kinda obvious how the damage is done there once you think about it.

    The key to that one is summoning Choco/Mog or using Cloud's cross slash limit break (the second level one limit, can't remember the name), to cast stop on it. If you don't stop it, it'll rip off one of its halves and become a helluva lot harder. It either casts really strong magic or causes a whole lotta hurt with its punches. So your kinda screwed if you don't freeze 'em.
  13. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Meh, I just forced his magical side to take over. It's a lot easier than the physical side was. He always reacts to the attacks you use on him. If you beat him physically he'll switch to his pysical side to become more resistant to physical attacks. If you hit him with spells, he'll do the opposite. Start out with magic, and when he switches, just go beat the crap out of him. The spells he casts really aren't that bad, but the physical attacks are brutal.

    Your strategy fails for me cause I almost never use summons and by that point, Cloud isn't still using the level of Limits that Cross Slash is on. Although, ironically, that's the exact same thing I do to Ruby Weapon. Stop him so he can't do anything.
  14. LINK1733

    LINK1733 New Member

  15. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    The Weapons. They where hard as hell. They were harder than the final boss!
  16. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    In FF, there's always enemies much harder than the final boss. And you usually get something amazing for beating them. Unfortunately, the easiest of the Weapons is where you get the Ultima Weapon.
  17. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Cross Slash is only the second limit break Cloud gets. As long as you use Braver 8 times, you get it. I never had any problem receiving it before fighting Schizo. And the Choco/Mog materia is the first one you get. I rarely use summons, but knowing it can cause Stop makes it damn useful in that one particular battle.
  18. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Oh I have it by that point. But you can only use limits of the level you're on, and I'm always using the next level up at least.

    As for Choco/Mog, I never knew it caused stop. I always got it, but I never paid it that much attention honestly.

    Either way, I still found him to be an easy boss. He never gave me any trouble.
  19. lokisenna

    lokisenna New Member

    yeah...it was emerald weapon because I never bothered to get the underwater materia so that there wouldn't be a time limit
    accursed time limit..

    basically I had all final limit breaks ready then mimed them, then mastered pheonix on yuffie linked with final attack
    and final attack linked with KOTR
    I also had that w-summon so I could kotr twice then mime it

    same strategy with ruby cept I started out with two teammates dead, then attacked with cloud(omnislash+mime) until he died, he had the pheonix+final attack this time reviving everyone and from there it just gets repetative...
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Never beat Ruby or Emerald. The most annoying boss to me would probably be Hojo or the final battle of Cloud vs. Sephiroth. Hojo because you kill him, and something else takes his place, and that happens for a few times. The final battle because it wasn't an actual fight, I mean once you use omnislash, the game is over, Big dissapointment.

    Btw, I got the chocobo in disk 2.

    I saw a really cheap way to kill Emerald Weapon. You equip 8 mimic materia and link them to 8 counter materia, all to Cloud. Use omnislash and then Cloud will continually counter with omnislash until Emerald is dead.
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