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How could Earth end

Discussion in 'General' started by Vor, Feb 16, 2011.

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  1. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    Just wanting to talk about this since i want to hear your opinion on how the world could end. Now for some i have thories i could pondor in my head over-night

    1- WOMD(Weapons Of Mass Destrution)- Ok this theory i have is a nucelur war. Basicly why i think that is because NUKES have a long range of fire and can spread around deadly diseases. An example of a disease or bombing whould be Hiroshimai where lots of people died of Lukemia a disease caused by atom chemicals.

    2- MS( Mass Suecide)- Ok we all know that there are reports of Sucide in our areas, some commited by students at schools. If we allow this to continue, well let' say we would all be dead by 2019 or 2020 or somewhere close in that range for some reasons i do not owe an expltion for damn it.

    3- LOR(Loss of Resources)- think about it we can lose water easily and food as well, this means hunting and other resources we hold dear. Now imagine life without all that,we would all die in a day or two because 75% of our bodies are made of water and without that well it wouldn't be pretty.

    4- OC(Outer Collsion)- this self explantory, a meator coming down and ripping open the earth crashing though it

    i hope you discuss wisely and do not SPAM please

    Discuss now:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: oh and close this if their is another thread like this

  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Given the state of humanity, I'd say that WOMD and loss of resources will be the most likely culprits unless extreme changes can come about ASAP. As it stands, human action is regarded by science as the most likely threat to humanity's existence on this planet (irony, much?). The idea of mass suicide is an interesting one, but I don't think it's very likely that six billion people are just going to up and kill themselves. The only way that's going to happen is if several VERY influential cult-like establishments rear up, and convince EVERYONE on the planet to kill themselves for the sake of some divine transcendence, or otherwise, to kill themselves to escape the tragedy of seeing the society they live in die at their own hands.
  3. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    To expand on that, they trick you and make you think that killing yourself is the right choice. Most cults use you to do their dirty work and then make you kill yourself, that's how i see cults in reality. Ah but of course Religion is sort of a cult, making you stick to something. Imagine what people would do if they found out that Religion is not the right way, crime rates would go up in fact i was reading an article about that and it seems the atheist population has least crime rate, now can anyone tell me why.
  4. I'm sticking with OC. Ragnarok ftw baby!

  5. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    that is considered SPAM right there please stop spaming

    Back on topic i now have added some new theories

    5- SN(Super Nova)- kay sun explodes and kills everything

    6-(Black hole)- pretty self explantory just a black hole that sends everything in towatds something we don't know

    Now discuss these only don't want people coming and making SPAM comments
  6. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    mmmm... roringflames... my boy... this site often has double post glitches, dont worry about it....

    Ummm... i say sun consumes planet the end YAY XD
  7. Alien Invasion!!! Aliens come, blow up the Empire State Building. Some redneck tries to blow up a button that destroys the mothership; but his last missile gets jammed. He decides to go kamikaze and crash into the button. He then misses because he is drunk. Aliens harvest our leaves then destroy the planet.
  8. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    humans. that's how -_-
  9. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I personaly im hoping for a Zombie Apocolypse!!!!! I would totaly survive! I think that would be a cool way for the earth to go!
  10. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I'd have to agree with a documentary I saw on the History Channel a while back. A black hole causing the world's end would be the most epic way for things to bite the dust. Not only does the world simply get wasted, but it gets pulled completely from its place in the universe. Everything on it would just get ripped out of its place, and shredded apart by the sheer force of gravity produced by the black hole. Probably the most intense way for the world to go out, as it IS with a bang, rather than with a whimper.

    To elaborate on your Supernova option, it's not the supernova itself that would destroy the planet, but the radiation let off by the explosion of a star. This is called a "gamma ray burst." Basically, it's an intense concentration of energy, that with s***ton of radiation behind it. If one were to hit Earth (or any planet for that matter), it woudl pretty much be burnt to a crisp. For Earth, a hit from a GRB would completely annihilate the O-Zone layer (or what's left of it), and, albeit more slowly than a black hole, leave the world to waste.
  11. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    i agree with Ventus. I got 3 Katanas and a Dagger, My friends got some guns. We're ready for Z-Day! Kill all sons a Bitches, that's my official instruction
  12. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Or we could engage in a serious discussion about the non-Hollywood inspired means of global catastrophe, you know, the ones that have been backed by either science, or simple observation.
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Supernova is impossible for us. Black hole might not be as eventful as people think. I'll explain both later down.

    This is more likely to happen than a supernova. And the reason why is simple. The sun is too small to go supernova. A star has to be approximately 1.4 times bigger than the sun.

    Aside from the obvious changing of Independence Day's ending, alien's won't likely be the cause (Unless they destroy Earth or attack us intelligently). The odds of aliens having an immune system that could protect them from the diseases here on Earth is (I consider) low. They could constantly wear some protective clothing, but I don't know if they would do that. And if they were to directly attack us (Like they do in every alien movie), then that gives us an opportunity to fight back. Now, if they were to kill us off by destroying our resources first, then we couldn't really do a counterattack and we'd die.

    It all depends how fast something is pulled into a black hole. If it is really fast, then it doesn't really matter. If it is really slow, then I don't know if we'd notice.

    Having a zombie apocalypse is a possibility. There was a Cracked article called 5 Ways a Zombie Apocalypse Will Happen (There was also one that was 7 ways it will never happen, but that's not the point). Anyways, on that list there is at least one probable (And scientific) way for zombies to happen. Nanomachines. While our technology is obviously not nearly advanced enough to happen, cyborg zombies are definitely the worst form of zombies that can exist.
  14. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Except that sounds more like humanity being extinguished by machine as opposed to your typical "zombie outbreak."
  15. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    none of the above.....that is all buttttttttt if i had to choose it should end by the sun blowing up so noone would really feel it .. or here is another one if the core of the earth exploded........
  16. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    If the sun blew up, we'd either freeze to death or be burned alive. Not very slowly for the former, I might add.
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    While it is true that the sun will eventually extinguish, it's understood that such an event will NOT happen within our life times. In fact, it's estimated that it won't happen for some millions of years now. Statistically speaking, based mostly on the world's track record, the top causes of a "planetary" destruction would be loss of resources and weapons of mass destruction. The way the world is these days, and considering the capacity human weaponry has to destroy, it's a more evident cause of humanity's demise; and of course, you look me in the eye and tell me that our resources aren't already thinning. My guess is that the world will end out of a cataclysmic struggle for what little resources remain in the coming years, if anything.
  18. xemnas9898

    xemnas9898 New Member

    the world could end in many ways but i think a giant asteroid.
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