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LGBT thread.

Discussion in 'General' started by Plasmos, Mar 1, 2011.

  1. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    LGBT thread

    First of all, this thread is meant to be discussed about LGBT issues. Not a place just to chat, but still to be considered as an open discussion. Talk about your problems, issues, ideas, concerns, and questions here.

    What is LGBT and what does it stand for? It is an initialism referring collectively to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, and or culture.

    The Terms

    L (esbian) - lesbian .a female homosexual, that is interested in the same sex.
    G (ay) - aside from meaning happy / a male homosexual that is interested in the same sex.
    B (isexual) - Male or Female that likes both sex; relationship wise or benefit wise.
    T (ransexual) - a person who has undergone a sex change operation; in which an individual identifies with a physical sex that is different from their biological one
    Q (ueer) - has traditionally meant odd or unusual, though modern use often pertains to LGBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex and non-normative heterosexual)

    Other Groups

    P (ansexual) - a person who participates in (or is open to) sexual activities of many kindsA (sexual) - Attracted to personalities but do not want to be in a sexual relationship.
    Agender- someone who feels they are genderless.
    Crossdresser- someone who dresses as the opposite sex, but is not transgendered.
    Drag King- Women who dress in men's clothing
    Drag Queen- Men who dress in women's clothing
    Gender Queer- someone who identifies as both male and female (not to be confused with intersexed)
    Homophobia- The insecurities of being heterosexual
    Intersexed- People born with aspects of both male and female genitalia
    S (upporter) - People that support these groups mentally, and or physically.

    PEOPLE of a specific group


    Roxel The ultimate nobody




    Desert Warrior



    I'll add the names as we discuss!
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2011
  2. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    i think this is well needed. i don't wanna insult or say the wrong things to people like i did to Roxel. it can help me know who everyone is better!
  3. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Thank you,

    Hopefully you can support these groups of people. Even if you're straight and have a story to tell or an opinion to share, please do so. Anything to help educate and support people who are curious or struggling with a specific topic relating to this.
  4. As most of you have found out and to those that haven't.. I'm gay. Yea life is a bit of a hassle sometimes but you get used to it. I can say that I don't understand girls, who really does? Anyway, males are just as good looking as women, sometimes sexier! I don't have a boyfriend yet but in real life I'm a kid with two personalities, I'm bipolar, dyslexic, and gay. Once I find a man/boy who can love me the way I am, I'll be happy. All in all I can truly say that I have earned much respect over the course of my life by being honest and admitting my sexual preferences, once you realize the truth, you get used it.
  5. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I'm straight but I have several gay, lesbian, and transgender friends and I love them all! I totally support gay marriage and equal rights for gay couples. I don't see gay people as any different than me, the way I see it, with so much hatred in the world, why try to snuff out the love between two individuals because of their sexual preference? :)
  6. Thanks man! I totally agree with you, the world is drowned in hatred and love so why stop others with different sexual preferences?
  7. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Totally agree. LGBT are just as equal and diverse just as the straight community. Relating to the song by Lady Gaga "Born this Way", most of us are born this way for a reason and for a purpose.
  8. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    everything you guys are saying is perfect. People only care about having sex with women and them having a big *trunk* and big *hooters* (no joke intended) this mainly goes for guys. they think if you dont care about that then you're gay. they say that to me a lot and i say *I'd rather be gay than a duche* don't you guys agree?
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I'm straight however some of the greatest friends I have out there are gay. They are generally nice to everybody and yet get made fun of because the choice they made. It makes them happy, and I'm glad they're happy just like I'm happy being a girl who is happy with dating a boy or whatever.

    It angers me though when I see protesters against gays and the don't ask don't tell stuff. It especially angers me other supporters or people who don't care as much also get protested against because they don't mind them.

    The Declaration of Independence says that "All men are created equal", this statement was proven true with the civil rights movement, it goes the same for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, etc. I think it's time people grow up and let people live THEIR lives and not judge them at all.
  10. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    well sign me up for the straight group.

    But seriously i have many questions for the some of the other groups, you can answer if you want, you don't have to. Okay i will respect your feeling in these and will be asked. I know what your going though i heard once a kid was called Gay because he didn't salute the American flag. Some kids at my school call me Gay just because i don't look at women on the internet, I'm 12 by the way

    1. What made you turn to what your sex is
    2. What does it feel like to be your sex
    3. Do people hate you

    I approve of GAY MARRIAGE FOREVER!!!
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2011
  11. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    It's not a specific group that is hated by all. Even a few LGBT dislike/hate straight people for unknown personal reasons. It's just the biological nature of "mother nature".[/quote]

    Not many people approve of the law passed in washington D.C for same sex marriage, although the speech that Lady Gaga gave for "don't ask don't tell" was truly amazing.

    You can view it here.

    Lady Gaga's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Speech: The Full Transcript - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV
  12. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I agree with you, I especially don't like when people just use the word "gay" as an insult or as a negative connotation. For example, "Oh we're having meatloaf for lunch today, that's GAY!" I can't stand that!!! :mad:
  13. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    well apparently i share your pain.

    Why? because all the boys at my school ask questions like "Do you like boobies" or "Do you like women". I swear they are obsessed with Women and I'm just being Mature and ignoring them and they say I'm gay. God i feel like the officials of North Middle School relatively don't give a damn about this. Why must i be Mature and say "I don't want a girl friend until I'm old enough" and they think I'm Gay.

    And that is biological, but really i wanted to see if it changed per state or country that's all
  14. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Well it's nothing serious to be stressing over ideally, although most Northern schools promote this within their schools so it's nothing new. It's just in a rational state at this time.

    And honestly, your friends believe you are gay because you are not as open as they are with discussing the females "inner-core" body parts.
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    As I was taught in my sociology class, asexual means not attracted to men or women. I suppose that could mean personalities, but I've never heard it described that way.

    As for myself, I'm straight. And honestly, I don't care if you're gay or not. I care if I'm harassed about some issue involving gay people. The way I see it, don't bother me and I won't bother you.
  16. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Well, I am a bisexual. I prefer both women and men. I don't really care what people say about it. And I feel like the LGBT community shut us out because we are label as "confuse" or as "people who want it all" but in all honestly, no. I am turn on by both male and female.

    But I lean towards men more.

    Life for me was normal. No one suspect anything and that is how I live my life. Why should I tell you? If you don't draw attention to yourself, then you won't get pick on. If you don't make yourself a target, then you will be left alone.

    P.S. I don't follow Lady Gaga, I follow more to Rihanna and Nicki Minaj.
  17. This right here touched my heart personally. And I think if you guys take the time to read this you'll agree... enjoy.

    Stay Strong;
    age; 4Teen
    birthday; june twenty-fifth.
    breathes in; indiana.
    love life; alone.
    status; trying my hardest.
    Hi, im Alexa. im a human being, who has been through more than people might expect. i guess people think they know my life, when they really only know my name, and what i look like. i might be young, but i have meaning. i've been hated, i've been loved, i've been happy, i've been sad. But, i guess that's life, nothing stays the same for to long,nothings permanent. i miss the past, and all the people who were a part of it. i miss the people who claimed to care about me, when deep down, i knew as well as them, that they didn’t. i miss the way things used to be. it’s a known fact, which i was aware of, but i didn’t want to believe it, not like how i do now, i’ve finally realized; people always leave.
  18. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    well i think my friends, are PERVERTS.

    Why? because they look up pictures of Hawaiian babes on the internet when there they're supposed to be researching biomes they were assigned. Me being Mature looked away because quite frankly i hate being un mature and ruining my rep with my teachers. I swear they never got caught either it's like a free pass to porn. Why do you think they are looking at pictures of Hawaiian babes on the internet.

    And Roxel I'm not interested in that
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Don't worry those are the immature idiots. Just tell them the truth, that one day, when I'm older, I will have a girl friend, right now I have more important things to worry about than stressing over girl drama(and don't be afraid to say that, at middle school and through some high school, girl's unless they're mature, have drama).

    You're not alone in that. I've told girls who accuse me of not being normal and I told friends when they tried setting me up on dates, I just don't want a boyfriend till I'm older because well I got matters like school and music to focus on versus dealing with high school boy's hormones.
  20. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    Finally someone i can connect something to. THANK YOU GOD

    Well let me ask a question, do these friends of yours shove pictures of Hawaiian guys in your face, they do that with babes to me and even told the truth and they still call me gay.

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