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Hello! ^_^

Discussion in 'Archive' started by HelloxKirstie, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. HelloxKirstie

    HelloxKirstie New Member


    My name is Kirstie...

    Uhmm well that's pretty obvious from my username.... Anyways, I'm new here and I've had some experience on other fan-based forums before. I absolutely ADORE Kingdom Hearts. My favorite so far is Kingdom Hearts 2 because I'm a Roxas fan <3

    Sora is another one of my favorites. How could he not be??

    Anyways, (I'll say that a lot because I get off track sometimes) I love Kingdom Hearts and I'm a huge roleplayer. I have my own character set up and I'm ready to test her out. Soo if anyone's interested, let me know!

    What else?? Oh, well I love bands like Owl City, Paramore, Alpha Rev, Big Time Rush, Linkin Park, Neon Trees, The Ready Set, and so on. I work at a Jamba Juice and I absolutely LOVE it there because it's fun, awesome, and has great music. (My co-workers are really cool.)

    I'm pretty easy going and nice, I give everyone a shot at friendship, and I don't take kindly to being stabbed in the back, made fun of, or being called names. I'm also ENGAGED and in love with a boy named Tyler <3 He's my everything. We've been together almost two years and it is the most serious and longest relationship I've ever had, by far.

    Any questions/feedback?? Don't be shy :)
  2. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    Hi ya welcome and all that crap, please Im begging you read the rules
  3. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    welll i can see ur not lol....but yea here it goes......................Read the rules and have fun and if u have any questions..............(Dont go too Roxel the ultimate nobody) go to the admins....Duh..........wellll uuhhhhh soooo ummmmmmm see yaa round :)
  4. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Welcome to the site
    have fun and...
    Folloe the rewls...
  5. HelloxKirstie

    HelloxKirstie New Member

    Thanks guys :)

    Yes, I'll be sure to follow the rules. I'm reading them now <3
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Welcome to the forums. Don't get scared off by noobs, but stick around and have a nice time here.
  7. .:PunkLove:.

    .:PunkLove:. New Member

    Hey!! Welcome to the FORUMS!!! ^_^ FOLLOW THE RULES!!!!! And have FUN!!! XD
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Throw in Kairi and Aqua as one of your favorites and I shall hit the roof. XD I am High SummonerBWM and I am the only summoner of this site (And most likely the whole internet). Please to meet you. *Hides Kirstie under a cloth* ROAR AND FURY, LEAVE HER INNOCENCE ALONE!
  9. HelloxKirstie

    HelloxKirstie New Member

    Thanks! ^_^
    I will

    Haha well thank you very much, I'm pleased to meet you. *bows* *giggles*
    Hit the roof in a bad way or a good way?? ^_^

    I will!! Thank you!
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD Good way! OH! heh heh. Please don't double post/triple post. It is one of the rules. Just wanted to let you know.
  11. HelloxKirstie

    HelloxKirstie New Member

    I was just trying to reply to everyone lolz
    I'll go back and edit my posts and put the responses into one.
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD You can just click on the multi quote button and then on the last member, you can click the quote button. that would be better and more organized.
  13. HelloxKirstie

    HelloxKirstie New Member

    I just figured it out lolz xD
    Too bad I can't delete my old posts o_O'
  14. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    hi there. welcome to the site and have fun!
  15. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Hey Kirstie, welcome to the forums.
    Congratulations on your engagement to Tyler.
    I hope you two have a prosperous life with one another :)

    Anywho, have fun and make some friends.
    This forum is a great community.
  16. HelloxKirstie

    HelloxKirstie New Member

    Thank you! I'm having fun so far :)

    Awhh thank you very much! I hope we do have such a prosperous life ^_^

    I will, I'm making friends already while I'm working on creating a roleplay.
    Cheers to you too :)
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Welcome to KHPlanet House. Don't track mud on the new carpet. We paid good money for it.
  18. HelloxKirstie

    HelloxKirstie New Member

    Lolz okay, I'll be sure to take my shoes off. Thanks for the warning :)

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