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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Zerieth, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    A fun debate for all those who believe in this one way or the other. I can't say I am decided so whoever sways me sways me. I believe that money buys happiness in only a few cases. Obviously movie and music stars have a lot of cash but most if not all are depressed. Still I doubt I can be happy with not driving, without a roof over my head, or misc. things in general. Post away.
  2. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Money, in and of itself, does not bring happiness. However, I believe that happiness without money is difficult. Sure, you will hear the argument that friends and family are all you need. But without money, in this day and age, you can't care for your family. How happy will you be when you can't pay to keep your family healthy. Your children are starving to death. You spouse is sick and you can't afford care. You lose your house, your car, everything for lack of money. You now have to watch your family suffer because you have no money. That would make me quite unhappy.

    I know right now, the thing that I want more than anything for my own happiness requires money. I'm in the proccess of trying to move to be near someone I love very much, and in order to do that, I need money. Quite a bit of it in fact. So the end result isn't neccessarily money making me happy. It's more what I can achieve with that money that I can't achieve without it.

    So directly, money does not make you happy, but I think you need it to be happy.
  3. Mike

    Mike Member

    In a world without money, it's possible to be happy. Thus money does not 'equal' happiness...

    But, given that we do live in a society with money, you probably wouldn't be very happy if you were always strapped for cash.

    However, if I could choose being 'well off' enough to live comfortably (ie. bills paid, food in my mouth, etc. with a little extra spending money), I would pick that over being stinking rich. Something about being that wealthy, owning a mansion etc. seems a bit impersonal to me...kind of cold.
  4. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Hey, if I were a millionare, I'd be pretty happy. But not if I were just using it for myself. I would be a charitable as I could. Even now, when I get money, I don't mind buying things for my friend or family. I love to share the love man.

    Truly, money isn't happiness. Its how you use the money that makes you happy. :)
  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    A million is not as much as you think in this day and age. Even if you tried to reign yourself in you would still be out of it in a year. 365 days is a long time. I would not mind having cash to give someone I love a roof, and a nice start to a happy relationship. Still I would not love being a millionare or being filthy stinking rich in general. I would jump off a bridge if I became famous. The alternative being fryed because I murdered all the poporatzie in front of my car. Still not swayed. :D
  6. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    I can honestly say that if I was rich, I'd be happy. As long as I wasn't being stalked by paparazzi, I can honestly say that, to me, money can buy my happiness.
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    The chances of that are slim to none. Lolz I think I would not mind having some cash. Still you have look at celebrities. They aren't happy.
  8. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    They aren't because they're constantly stalked.

    But, people such as Bill Gates are EXTREMELY rich, but nobody gives a rats ass about them because they aren't in a movie.
  9. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    In some odd, twisted way, money does bring happiness. It is natural to desire "things," and because of that, we are happy when we can get money and thus get "things."

    If things were free and money wasn't a factor, then no it would not bring happiness. It is ONLY bringing happiness when it exists. Money is a systematic way to bring happiness for short periods of times, to make people happy. You don't NEED it, but the common view point is it is needed( manditorily )to be a sufficient, living human being.

    I don't personally think money brings happiness *entirely*. I hardly use it and am just fine being able to talk to my friends and such. I don't get "things" often( I say that because "things," like said about, bring happiness )very often. In fact, I haven't gotten a new game since Christmas( which I didn't ask for ).

    In fact being rich is probably what brings the most depression. Look at celebrities, for example. Lindsay Lohan is very upset with her life, can't you tell?

  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I agree with Mike. As he explained it, money does not equal happiness. But I also believe that it is very hard to be happy without it, in our society. I'm sure there's someone out there who's completely broke but still radiantly happy, so I won't say it's impossible, but I think it's pretty close to it.
  11. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I agree. And with that I am swayed. Sorry other people. I can honestly say that money does equal happiness. But, in a society were it does not exist then it doesn't equal happiness. Still my girl fried and I are incredibly happy together, and I didn't pay a cent for her. Now I am unswayed. Maybe I will stay this way. Hmmm.
  12. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    True, you didn't buy her (though that is actually possible through mailorder :rolleyes:).

    But tell me this. Say you and your girlfriend stay together. Get married. Have kids. And now you have no money. They're going hungry. They're sick and you can't afford to take care of them. You now have to to watch the people you love suffer because you have no money.

    Not a happy scenario is it? Sure. If there was no money, than money would not bring happiness. This is true. However, in our society, money is required for just about everything. And thus that point is moot. In order to survive and be "happy" in todays world, you need money. I'm not saying that you have ot be rich to be happy. Far from it. But you have to at least have enough to be able to obtain the things you need to take care of yourself and your family. Or you won't be happy. There may be the occassional exception to the rule, but for the majority, this holds true.
  13. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    You really badly want to sway me don't you? I Agree with our incredilby stingy point. Nothing in there was mean but you managed to hit a nerve. Don't worry about it, I will explain that later if you want me to. Indeed you do need cash to get things in our rather greedy world. Without money I can't obtain anything that I can be happy with. Yes my girl friend and I are happy, were setting a meeting point for after college and I am only sophomore!, but that doesn't matter a bit when I am watching her die before we have children because we can't eat. Yes it would be a while but it would be inevitable that we would die from malnutrition. Now I am also able to tell you that money can't equal true happiness because celebrities have buckets of it and they feel pretty badly. If no one stalked them they might feel better but anyone with a lot of cash meets the press a lot of the time. It is the happiness of others that gives us happiness. Although money is needed for that now a days it can be obtained by just living off the land like back in the old days. An axe and a knife and were set. I can make hunting tools and build a home log cabin style. A fire place would solve a few problems as well. What do you think about that argument. Using money is indeed the easy way out but a lot of homeless people can live some place if they decided to try making them. However society is under the influence of the same thought. Without money I can't live. Really a bunch of bs. The olden day people like the Indians didn't have a cent but they were happy enough.
  14. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Again. I did say that there was always an exception to the rule. And I never said that money, on it's own, would bring happiness. I agree with you on the subject of the rich and famous. I personally don't want to be a multi-billionare or anything of the sort. I simply want enough to be able to provide the neccessities for my family (whenever I get one that is) and perhaps buy the odd luxury here or there.

    And I"d like to reiterate that fact that yes, before money entered our culture, people survived without it. That does not change the fact that our society has money now, and it is required for just about everything.

    Basically, my point is, that now, money itself does not make you happy. If all you have is money, and none of the other things in life, that's not happiness. It's what money can do to make sure the ones you love are taken care of. Without that, you won't be happy.

    I'd also like to point out that in certain cases, money is required to live at all. I am a type I diabetic. I require insulin. Something an old world system wouldn't have been able to give me. If I lived back in those days, I would have died at the age of 18. In order to keep on living, I need to make money to buy insulin. If I stop making money in the future, can't buy insulin, and die of hyperglicemia and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), that's a pretty big blow to my family. Especially my wife and kids if I'm married.

    There are certain pathways that I don't think can be turned back. This is one of them. If the introduction of money as a requirement for a happy life is the cost of my actually being able to live it, I accept that. I don't think money buys happiness. But I think the lack of it entirely results in unhappiness.

    And I'm not sure where I struck a nerve. I didn't intend to. Unless you have some problem with my mail order bride comment, I'm confused.
  15. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I have always been a defender. Thats my reason. I hate it when people are hurt when there was a way to stop it. I consider my self a Light Knight. Long story that. Anyhoo back on topic.
    I am sorry to hear you have Diabetes and that you require cash to survive. In a perfect world you would just get the stuff but that is not the case. I am glad to see you have taken to all of my points to an extent. I think though that if you are perfectly healthy then money is not needed. For those that need it they should just get what they need. I know the consequences but I still believe the world can be happy without a load of material things.
  16. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    We actually had that solution for the Perfect World. You know what it was called? Communism.

    Everybody works, and everybody stays equal. Unfortunately, the leaders of Communist societies tend to become corrupt.
  17. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    And that's the problem. Communism, in theory, is a beautiful thing. But communism in practice is not very much like the original idea at all. To begin with, if everyone is equal, there are no leaders. And people are greedy. Some of us more than others, but we're all guilty of it to some degree. And we tend to want more than we have. Andin case of these leaders, they're in a position to do it, and it pretty much just turns into a dictatorship. The leaders end up with everything. The people at the bottom end up with very little. And all in all, it turns into a very corrupt system where it, theoretically, should be a perfect society.
  18. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    don't ask why... but when i read the title... i ROFL'ed... it wasn't becuase i thought it wasn't true... it was just funny to me, anyway...

    money deffinently doesn't equal happiness. you can have (or buy) anything you want with money... but you can't buy everything. like (for example) you can't buy love. you can't buy it becuase it isn't a object... it isn't there to be bought. so, basically you can buy objects... but you can't buy emotions like love, comfert, and many other things...

    so, no, money doesn't buy happiness nor can you be completely happy with money
  19. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    At last this is a real debate. Instead of many people trying to sway me to one side you can now duke it out amongst two sides. I hate to say Ansem the wise but you just stepped into a shooting ring and your the target. Lolz.
    Anyways I have to agree with all sides. Ebenezer made a good point having to buy things to make the ones you love happy but Ansem also made a good point about love not being bought. Now I can be swayed to either side. If I decide to change my mind about staying like this. Lolz. It is so fun to be in the middle.
  20. Mike

    Mike Member

    There's one other obstacle for Communism to overcome:

    Studies have been performed that have shown that people work less hard when they're in a group. (Unless of course, they feel their group is incompetent)

    Their paradigm was simple: Trick factory-workers into thinking they're in a group when they weren't. Blindfold them, and have a tape-recorder play sounds of other workers. Their productivity decreased drastically...it's just something internal to peoples' brain, they take it easy when they feel like they can.

    If we were to have a world with communism...then everyone would have to try their hardest and work their hardest (Otherwise it's unfair: "Why does that lazy bum next door make the same money I do? All he does it sit around all day!"). In light of this, Communism can't work even in lieu of having a perfect leader.

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