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Aerith & Others useful?

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by EtherealSummoner, May 9, 2011.

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  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I am not just curious about Aerith but also about the Gullwings and possibly Yen Sid. They are one of the few npc's that, to my surprise, have never been an ally, party member or has been fought as an opponent.

    Aerith: Well, we all know that she is an npc but I just feel that her role has been limited a little bit more. We all know that she is capable of fighting and I would like to see her become at least an ally or a party member. With Leon, Cloud and Yuffie, you get a chance to have them as temporary allies and to fight them as opponents. With Aerith, you just get to see her cast a cure spell on Yuffie and to download a disc to help Sora defeat the MCP. She said that she is capable of fighting but I never was able to see her do any fighting. It is like comparing her with Kairi except the fact that Kairi actually did a little bit of fighting but I am not in despair about Kairi.

    Gullwings: I don't care if they are fairies in Kingdom Hearts II, it would be nice to at least have them as a summon. They can fight the heartless, fly around, summon objects, and teleport. What else can you achieve from them?

    Yen Sid: Why did I say Yen Sid? "He's a old man who has retired?" So? I was thinking that it would be real awesome if there was a optional boss version of him when he used to fight with a keyblade. That would be neat. They did it with Eraqus with his armor and Master Xehanort with his armor. Why not do the same with Yen Sid. As for Yen Sid being an ally or a party member, meh, that is up to you.

    So what do all of you think on this topic?
  2. Raven

    Raven New Member

    Well the thing about Aerith is that she simply can't fight - well not on par with Cloud, Yuffie or Tifa at least. Even in her original game, Aerith had one of the lowest attack stats on the team, she was definitely built more for spellcasting and even more so for healing; her limit breaks even suggest so. They all provide remedy, healing, or substantial effects for combat, while everyone else in the party have limit breaks that deal damage. So in short, no I can't see Aerith actually participating in combat other than for healing as they showed in Kingdom hearts 2.

    The gullwings, however, I'm sad to see that they have almost no relevance to the story at all. It's like SE put them in there just to put them in there. They're supposedly working for Malificent for who knows what, possibly spying on Leon and the gang to gain an advantage, but they abandon her literally after one conversation with Sora for the mere bribe of "treasure". They participate in the battle against the heartless and nobodies thinking that Leon's gonna pay them in the end; he doesn't, of course, and they not only shrug off the fact that they were lied to, but they give you a shiny new keyblade. I don't see where that made sense.. There's pretty no reason for them to be there and it's sad because they could of had a slightly more useful part.
  3. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    it makes sense. They're great allies and they should be put as actual party members. I don't see why Aerith wouldn't be useful. She'd be a great support character
  4. Raven

    Raven New Member

    What would be the point to having a support only character? Enemies don't do much damage, even on proud mode, and you not only have the ability to heal with Cure, but you also have items; not to mention Donald does a sufficient enough job at backup healing.

    If the game expanded more on status effects than what Birth by Sleep did, than yeah, I'd be all for a support character like Aerith. It'd add more strategy to the game than simply timing your attacks right.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    The Gullwings are useless and irrelevant, except for providing a keyblade I can't remember if I ever even used, and I think they should keep them that way. Their incarnations in X-2 were annoying enough. Adding the fairy factor just made them even more unbearably girly and irritating. I hope to not see them again.

    As for the flower girl, I don't think Aerith has been very useful in the KH games, whether in her perceived battle skills or story-wise. I think S-E could choose to give her an expanded role and it would fit in with her characterization, but I don't think they will. I also cannot see her as a party member. She's just too much of the nice girl. She doesn't have the ass-kicking attitude here, whereas in VII, she could be tough(er) when she wanted to be. It'd be like Kairi getting a keyblade all over again for me. And there's not much use for a party member who only heals, and she's too much of a main character to be used as a summon a la Tinker Bell.

    As for Yen Sid, I can see him becoming more important later on (isn't he supposed to have something to do with KH 3D?), but I don't think he'll ever be a party member or anything like that. I don't know if I could necessarily see him as an optional boss, either, though I suppose it's possible.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Uh...Aerith is actually more built for magic. Her limit breaks, yes, but she can use offensive magic since she can use materia. How else can she upgrade Sora's cure spell after defeating Maleficent and giving him the rest of the Ansem reports? Also, it doesn't matter if she has the lowest attack. Donald is physically low but he still bashed the shadow heartless-version of Sora on the head with a stick. Even Sora ended up physically weak in Kingdom Hearts when he have to rely on his wooden sword and the Beast. Also, Aerith was known to carry the White Materia, which is supposed to summon Holy, so I can still see Aerith being able to be an ally like Leon and Cloud or maybe a party member.

    Meh. The Gullwings were used as for comedy relief through their gossiping and to be kuwaii. Still, if they were a summon, it would be funny to at least see what they can do.

    Aerith has been useful in the first game where she told Donald and Goofy all she know about the Ansem Reports and the keyblade and met Cloud during the end credits. In KH2, she helps with the defense against the heartless invasion and downloaded the deletion program to help Sora and told Cloud that he can still find his light. She might have more of an interaction in the next game with Cloud and Sephiroth but she wasn't able to since she was more direct with Yuffie, Cid and Leon and Merlin. And who cares if she is a nice girl? Queen Minnie was all sweet but she can flick her wrist and throw a pearl spell and they lowered Ariel's abilities from Kingdom Hearts to just singing. -.- I missed Ariel spinning in the water.

    As for Yen Sid, I am thinking that he will be more of the optional boss all the way.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Heh. To be comedic relief, the characters have to actually be funny. XD

    I would say more like Minnie, if she were going to be an ally. She could use similar Holy magic. But then, what's the point of using her in that way when Minnie's already been established in that role? I dunno.
  8. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Aerith, here is the facts about her and Cloud. Odds are they will not be in your party because they are part of a "side story". Unless, SE decides to throw Sora and the gang in that side story, you can forget seeing either of the two as partners, maybe summon

    Gullwings, they are useless, I can see them as a summon, but I don't really use summons so that makes them a even more useless to me

    Yen Sid, he is already important you guys just haven't noticed it yet. Yet, im correct, Yen Sid will be important to Riku and Sora, in KH3D and KH3
  9. skyblaze112

    skyblaze112 New Member

    Aerith:In my opinion, she's not built for actual fighting,maybe more for spellcasting and healing. If she ever joined Sora's party, she'd just have to be constantly protected and maybe heal Sora every once in a while...But she did give all her knowledge to Donald and Goofy, so she's still nice as a character :)

    The Gullwings:I agree with H.SummonerBWM that the Gullwings would be nice as a summon, and for all his same reasons too.

    Yen Sid:Since he taught the King, he must be quite powerful. He might be important later on, but I don't think he'll ver be a boss or be in a party with Sora. But he is very wise, you have to give him that :D
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