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The New Organization

Discussion in 'Archive' started by The Chilly Academic, Dec 28, 2007.

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  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    JaxX sighed, deciding she had been there long enough. She stood up, not bothering to straighten her coat, and walked to the door. She walked down the stairway and into the Proof Of Remembrance. Looking at the names, "The Savage Nymph... The Gambler Of Fate...... Flames..." The last one struck her the strongest. She knew the story behind all of them, But Axel, Roxas, and Dymiex seemed differend from the other nobodies at the time. Though they had no hearts, all of them felt emotions regardless, Dymiex fear and nerves. Axel felt guilt and determanation. And Roxas and Namine' actually felt love...
    That fact made JaxX suspicious about the complexity of a heart... or lack thereof. She sighed, Her brain started to hirt from trying to figure out what she was trying to put across. She opened a path and walked through it. Entering her room.
  2. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    Hunter appears through a dark portal and steps out. He is standing right where Jaxx was a second ago.
    "Huh so Xemnas got this close"
    Hunter smiles and shakes his head. He looks around but no one is in sight.
    "Guess everyone is inside"
    He walks down the steps into Castle Oblivion
    He chuckles to himself. "Makes me wonder if we can do it.........."
  3. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Now in her room Lexa stopped writing and looked at the large dark space where a glowing yellow heart used to be. Then looked down at her papers. She had to write reports on Xemnas's group of Nobodys.
  4. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Alph got to his room and put his weapons down."Man.... Why did I have to get the big ones,"he said to himself. Then he layed down on his bed and put his hand over his heart. He got it when his Other fused with him, but he's still himself."*sigh* Theo....."
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    JaxX realized that she should probably start sending people on missions so she opened A path to right in front of Hunter. She smiled a little "Are you buisy?" she asked him a little sarcasticly. Her silvery eyes straight on his.
  6. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    Hunter stops walking as a portal opens right in front of him and Jaxx steps out.
    "Are you a little busy?" she asked him a little sarcastically.
    Hunter just chuckles.
    "oh im never too busy for you" Hunter says with a wink
  7. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Why is the Organization so freakin' boring. Now I know why those so-called traitors left. There is nothing to do!"Alph said to himself. He looked at a spiky red haired and a blonde boy's picture.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2008
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    JaxX smiled a little bit, "Good, then you'll have no reason not to find out where the Keyblade Berer is..." She said with a raised eyebrow. Then, without waiting for a responce she opened a path and steped through it to Lexa's room. She walked up behind Lexa and tapped her sholder.
  9. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    Hunter just smiles as Jaxx disappears into a portal.
    "Cant seem to win with her" He grins and starts to walk down the hall
    "Find the Key Bearer? Not exactly a walk in the park"
    "Hmmmmm where should i start..............yeah im going to start there"
    Hunter disappears into a dark portal.
  10. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Freakin' mother of Theo! This has got to be the most boring team I have ever been into!" Alph yelled to himself."That's it! Next time I see JaxX, I will say,'I quit!'" And he got out of his room and looked for JaxX.
    >He's not gonna really quit.<
  11. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Someone was yelling down the hall. Lexa rolled her eyes and walked to her door and looked out and saw Alph. "Oi! Alph, keep it down ok? I have work to do." she said. Then Lexa noticed what he was looking at. She walked over and looked at the pictures of Axel and Roxas. "Why did I have to end up looking like him..." She mumbled looking at the redheaded picture.
  12. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Come on Lexa,"complained Alph."You should know how boring this is. We all have paperwork. Well, except me. I just finish cause I make time go slower. And after that.... boring-ness gets to me. I don't even know why we have it."
  13. Axel

    Axel New Member

    "I'll have to agree with you there." Lexa sighed now looking at Roxas's photo. "Sometimes i think..is all of this worth getting our hearts. I mean, we'll still be Nobodys no matter what..right?" She now had her hand on the wall. Thinking about all of this worried her.
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    After listening to Alph complain for a moment longer, JaxX opened a path that opened a fiew yards away from him. "Then I would expect that the two of you would have no problem with an actual assignment?" She said with the hint of a smile.
    Before they could answer, she responded to Lexa. "Dont worry yourself too much about that... It will only make your head hurt."
  15. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    Hunter walks out of a portal and steps out right behind JaxX
    "Really think these guys can handle an assignment?" Hunter whispers to to JaxX making her jump.
    Hunter just smiles and winks in a flirting way.
  16. Axel

    Axel New Member

    "Whatever.." mumbled Lexa looking away from both of the friends photos before walking down the hallway. Why do I look like him so much... this question ways always going threw her mind. Her hair was mostly red. She even acted like him.
    Now outside she looked at night sky. Rain began to pore from above and Lexa put up her hood and began to walk down the city of The World that Never Was.
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    To avoid letting him know that he startled her, JaxX didn't look at Hunter, but knew that he probably saw her jump anyway. "I'm sure that they can handle an assignment just fine..." She said a little testily.
  18. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Thank you!"yelled Alph with glee. It took a while for him to understand what JaxX said. He jumped around his room. And without knowing, he activated his speed magic to himself, so he seemed like a rikocheting missile that's going berserk. He finally stopped and sat on his bed."So what's the mission?"he asked.
  19. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    JaxX laughed a little at Alph, but pulled together her composure quickly. "I need you to do some acting for me..." She started.
  20. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Acting!?"asked Alph incredulously."Are you serious!? I'll take it. At least it's better than nothing."
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