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Todays music!

Discussion in 'Music & Industry' started by Botnus, May 2, 2011.

  1. Botnus

    Botnus New Member

    Now Ive been a on going music lover since i was a little kid. And as the years have progressed music has changed in a mad way. Back when we were little to be a musician you had to have talent and it took many years to develop said talent. But today it seems like all it takes to make it big is looks and being a little kid. All they have to do is use auto tune to alter your voice to the sound that they want and if you got the looks then you will make it big. Case in point Justin Bieber lol
    But as i surf the interwebs pipeline new artist are brought to my attention and to this day only one still blows my mind. Her name is Rebecca black and she has a song that is only 3 months old and its views are probably by now pushing 200 mill. Now that is crazy and the worst bit is that her voice was altered so that she would sound good.
    If you havent checked out her song "Friday" give it a listen and feel your brains melt out your skull. It just angers me to know that our youth is so easily won over by today's artist. It seems that all it takes is a pretty face (not all upcoming artist are even in the slightest bit attractive) and you can make it big with the right people backing you up
  2. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    honestly, people only edit people's voice and find little teenagers to sing their the songs only for money. it sickens me. Underground Artisits are better.
  3. Botnus

    Botnus New Member

    Ive always prefered Metal music
    Only a select few bands make it to where they can support themselves comfortably
    Most of them still struggle to make it but they do it knowing these risk because they are true musicians and love music more than air itself
  4. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    ah, so true. I used to listen to rap, but rappers like Lil' Wayne ruined it for me. Only rapper I listen to now is Eminem. And I don't pay attention to new music. I've been listening to DragonForce songs for months non-stop!
  5. Botnus

    Botnus New Member

    Dragonforce is pretty solid
    YOu should check out Botnus its a song by buckethead
    Also some all that remains is good
  6. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Friday by Rebecca Black is so terrible; My mind died for half a second hearing it on the morning announcements at school a few weeks back. Heard her new single Prom Night yet? Just as catchy let me tell you. To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of many artist these days, excluding Lady Gaga. She's the love of my life, don't hate because she's a musical genius =P

    Personally some of favourite musicians are Queen, Led Zeppelin, Mötley Crüe, Fleetwood Mac, Whitesnake, The Beatles etc. Oh wait, I have to give props to Elton John too. I don't know what exactly happened to the music industry now but I'm not a big fan :\

    But I've got to say, amongst the pile of ear bleeding, pull hair out of head artist there are a few jewels in the bucket.
    Kitty likes this.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I agree with pretty much PurpleDiamond's entire post. XD

    Nowadays, it doesn't take much to get famous. When you've got 50 million American Idol spin-offs on TV, that's a lot of people trying to break into the music business who normally would never get noticed. Likewise with the tons of people putting their stuff up on Youtube. Sometimes the musicians are real finds, but most of the time I think they are just really mediocre. Though I'm not really sure why I'm saying "musician", since so many just sing other people's songs (and with some heavy autotuning to fix their voices up). But anyhow, I don't think record companies care what the actual quality of the music is, as long as people buy CDs and crap. And I think in general people's taste in music is just declining, when you look at some of the stuff that plays on the "pop" radio stations lately (like Bieber) in comparison with the stuff our parents grew up listening to.
    I cannot wait to be blown away by this. [/sarcasm mode]
  8. Joxus

    Joxus New Member

    I like Bruno Mars. That guy is a genius! I just marvel at his unprecedented imagination and creativity. That guy has literally changed and defined the true meaning of music through his voice.
  9. Noir


    Super Junior(슈퍼주니어) - BONAMANA(미인아)
    Really awesome moves..
  10. TheDarkOne

    TheDarkOne New Member

    Linkin park- In the end

    Linkin Park isn't metal... It's Linkin Park :3
  11. Luke

    Luke Member

    I never understood why people hate editing. Its an effect, its like yelling at a guitarist for using distortion. I hear alot of metalheads talk about it when most metal(and other harsh vocalists) vocalists use something called a gain..something...or grain something... I cant remember exactly what its called, To make harsh vocals more full.
  12. Noir


    G-DRAGON - Heartbreaker.
    Awesome beginning.
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I have always been careful of which music I listening to, especially hip hop. -.- The most terrible thing that makes me mad is that they are trying to make hip hop a religion (No lie) and they call the book "The Gospel of Hip Hop". Always make sure that the lyrics I hear are clean and will not effect me negatively. Seriously, even some of the gospel music that has been going on today are starting to lose their meaning and great power from God and have started to become more secular.

    As for me, I have never like hard-core metal music. I just never liked it and I have always pushed it to the side because it is way too much for me so... yea. Dragonforce will never be for me. I wish that we listen to music that actually had meaning and where it is clean but nowadays, you have music that have started to hide any secret messages in their songs.
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    See I agree with everyone here. One of my current favorite bands is Sick Puppies and thats because they show so muc natural talent. Other than them I basically hate most of todays music. All autotuned and computed bull. Specially with all the dubstep artists saying they're so 'hardcore' when all they do is type on a keyboard and get payed.
  15. Luke

    Luke Member

    I looked this up. Im so angry now.
  16. Noir


    ... Haven't watched it yet?
  17. Luke

    Luke Member

    ಠ_ಠ ohhhhh i watched it
  18. EtherealArchitect

    EtherealArchitect New Member

    I believe that it's not music TODAY is bad, it's just certain genres. That's why I'm glad to listen to Electronic music, because you don't have to worry about all of the fuss that you get from Pop artists.

    I'm not going to say Mainstream because I would sound like some sort of hipster and a lot of Electronic artists that I listen to are considered to be mainstream in terms of their genre.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Actually, it is specific artists and the industry that they are a part of who they work with within that mess things up.

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